
Imprisonment [1]

One of the demons slowly nodded. "That's why we brought her here. We didn't know what to do."

There was silence in the room. Not just for a second. But for a minute. Nobody dared to say something as Corsar looked at Trewy. However, Trewy looked back all the time. She didn't look afraid. Her former injury was also completely healed by now and the color was back on her face. And then, Corsar did the same thing as the two demons before. Pass on the responsibility to someone else. But before...

"So, little dryad. What are you even doing here? Did someone send you?" He asked.

What should she do? Tell him that she is here on her own would be dangerous. They might just kill her. But... if she lies, it could end up even worse. She had no choice but to take the risk.

"My sisters send me here. There were rumors about the island and I offered them to find out more." Trewy lied.

"Rumors?" Corsar asked. Certainly, he wasn't a man... or a demon of many words.

"That nobody comes back alive." She said. Fortunately, she was able to talk in a calm voice. Or her lie might be discovered.

Corsar started laughing. His laugh roared through the entire hall. "That's certainly true. But... You want to tell me, that they send a little dryad to an island nobody has returned from?"

Trewy flinched, and the first time since they arrived here they lost eye contact. That was just... too obvious. She had to work on her lying skills.

And she got rewarded by another bursting laughter. "Little dryad-"

"My name is Trewy." Trewy interrupted him. And Corsar got angry, obviously not used to get interrupted by anyone.

"Do you have a death wish, little dryad?" He angrily shouted out, penetrating Trewy with his blood red eyes. His aura leaked out and pressured her.

Trewy immediately realized that she made a mistake. She was in danger. And one more wrong move and she might die here. So she lowered her head and shook it without saying another word.

"Good..." Corsar calmed down as he leaned back on his throne. "So tell me, who is your friend?" For the first time since they arrived, Nemu got attention.

"He is my... travel companion." She answered honestly, well aware that another lie would probably be her end.

"He can talk." One of the demons who brought them there said.

"Oh..." Corsar smiled amused. He was definitely an impulsive person as his mood changed almost immediately. "A slime, no, a red slime, that can talk. Very interesting. So, little slime, tell me. Why would a dryad have a red slime as a... travel companion."

Nemu was less intimidated by Corsars outburst. He couldn't tell everything. But would they even believe them? They just wanted to go on adventures together? He definitely shouldnt mention Tempest.

"I... asked to join her when she... said she will go to the island." Nemu said. They wouldn't believe him anyways if he would tell them that it was actually his idea. Something he was regretting by now. When they were in the spider web, it was dangerous for them, but the situation here... it was far more dangerous.

"Oh... A brave slime." Corsar laughed again. "Well, sadly I don't have much use for you. The dryad... I can't kill her now. I'll wait until my master comes back from his demon lord gathering. However, you're just a waste. Ki..."

It didn't end up well for Trewy, but Nemu had no choice. So he interrupted Corsar. "A demon lord? Like Rimuru?"

The demons behind him were already approaching him. They and everyone else in the room already knew what Corsar had to say. But now, Corsar raised his hand. "Rimuru? Who should that be?"

"A demon lord." Nemu simply answered. He didn't know what else to say and just hoped that they had heard his name. If they were talking about a demon lord gathing. Maybe they meant the Octagram. Nemu tried to put as many pieces together as possible. "He is part of the Octagram."

"A demon lord from the Octagram you say..." 'Please work' was the only thing Nemu could think about right now. But... Corsar started laughing. "Demon Lord Rimuru and the Octagram. Are you making up stories, little slime? Kill him. But outside. I don't want slime in my castle."

'Damn it!' Nemu thought. It didn't work out... Nemu was desperate. What should he do now? Trewy was staring at him. Also unable to do anything. Should he attack them? He might have a chance but demons should have fighting abilities and he... doesn't have any... 'What should I do? What should I do!'

One of the demons had already grabbed him. His body was sturdy but he was still a slime and they were light.

'Please!' He thought. One last desperate try. 'Guide, please help me!'

[Mention Milim.]

"Milim is also part of the Octagram." And immediately... the room froze.

It was quiet before, most of the demons here were afraid of Corsar, but now, their body was even more stiffened. Even Corsar didn't move. The demon who had grabbed Nemu was also frozen in place. Slowly turning his gaze towards Corsar. Waiting for further orders.

Milim, one of the strongest and oldest among all other demon lords, known as the "Destroyer", a demon lord with the threat level of Catastrophe. Even in the demon world she was famous for fighting the strongest of all demons. A calamity in the body of a little girl.

"You know... Milim?" Corsar whispered, if it wasn't about the echoing acoustic in the room Nemu wouldn't even have heard it.

"Yes, she is a... friend." Nemu answered. Normally, Corsar would have laughed. But even the name Milim sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't just ignore it. After all, now his life was on the line. Milim was known to be a strange person. But still, friends with a slime? Unlikely. However, if they even know each other, or she remembers him, it could be the end for all of them. And... if the rumors were even slightly true. Not a fast ending.

"Throw them into the prison!" Corsar screamed. "Let Clayman handle this!"

Nemu felt like a huge weight was falling from his slimy non-existing shoulders. That was close. Way too close.

Before, they were wary of Trewy, now he is threatened with even more respect, or should he say less disrespect?, than her. One of the demons was walking in front of them. Leading the way. Without saying a word. It took them ten minutes. The castle was huge but judging by all the stairs they took downwards, there was even more under the castle. Everything looked the same. Cracked stone, no decorations at all. Why do they even try so hard to make it look impressive, if it's just... boring on the inside.

Steps... and more steps. For humanoids it wasn't a problem. But the slime body wasn't made for steps. Their natural enemy. It was annoying for him. He could only jump and he had to plan every single jump to not fall down on the stairs. Something he definitely had to add to his list! Get a humanoid body! Talking about his list. He should make a chapter about that again... Well, after they leave the demon castle, he will make another list chapter, Nemu decided.

And then they finally reached their destination. Nemu already had a plan, but for now, it's time to calm down a little again. The situation before... it was still in every cell of his slime body. They were now in a prison. If the halls before were looking old and boring, here it was even worse. Cells with old rusty metal bars, water mixed with what looked like mold and moss and Nemu was sure that the stench was horrible. Fortunately, he couldn't smell it. There was one open cell door and the demon with them ordered them to go in it. They followed the order. Bad time for more trouble.

After they were in the cell, the iron bars behind them closed with a crunch that only old metal can produce. A very unpleasant sound, even without ears. The demon immediately left the prison part of the castle and they were alone. Nemu wasn't sure if they were supposed to stay here. But his reveal from before scared them. He understood that. Milim was nice, they played games and had fun. But there was absolutely no doubt that Milim, if she got angry, wouldn't show any mercy.

Guide saved him again. The second time today. Without him, Nemus' journey would have been over by now. He was sure about that. A mysterious island, protected by dangerous monsters and demons on it? Not cool! Yep, that's what he learned today.

'It's time to...' Nemu got interrupted in his thoughts by Trewy.

"We aren't alone." She said.

As Trewy said it, Nemu also noticed it. There was someone in the cell near them. No, actually there were three people. They were sitting in a dark corner but with Nemus' magical senses he could clearly see them. They had wings. Demons? No, the aura is different. 'Guide?'

[They are harpies.]

Harpies? Hmm, Nemu had read about them but there weren't any pictures. A race that lived in the mountains north of the Jura Forest. They lived hidden and had barely any contact with other races. A race of winged majins and they are often referred to as the rulers of the sky. Also, all of them are female.

Nemu looked at them. They looked young. Barely 10 years old.

"Hi, I'm Trewy." Trewy introduced herself. Nemu would have done the same, but they shouldn't know that he has a name for now.

But the harpies didn't answer. They pressed themselves in a corner on the cold stone cell. There wasn't even a bed or other furniture. And they looked like they were here for a while now. Nemu had pity for them. Whatever happened to them, they had a hard time. Also, they looked like they were almost starving.

"Hmm, can't you talk?" Trewy asked after a long pause.

Finally, one of the harpies stood up. "We... can... talk. Why are you here?"

"Well, we found this island and wanted to know what's going on here. But there were a lot of demons. And now, we are here." Trewy said and shrugged. "Do you have names?"

The harpy shook her head.

"You look like you're starving. Do you want something to eat?" Nemu jumped forward and asked.

All of them made big eyes like they were shocked. Well, they were shocked. However, this time Nemu wasn't sure if it's because of him being a talking red slime or the thought of potential food. Rimuru had prepared something for them. He wanted to bring Tempest food to the hidden tribes. Rimuru prepared them as a welcome gift and to make them curious about Tempest. Most of his food were cakes and other fancy food you don't get outside of Tempest. But he also had rather normal food like bread, cheese and fruits with him. Unfortunately, he couldn't take any meat with him because the Absorption food didn't work on it. He tested this before.

"You... have food?" All the harpies looked at Nemu. Confused because it seemed like he had nothing with him.

"Yes." Nemu confirmed. Now he looked at Trewy. He tried to confirm that Trewy wouldn't make any comments. Well, she promised that she won't make any jokes about his Absorption Skill, but Nemu didn't believe her. Well knowing what Nemu wanted from her, she nodded. Now wasn't the right time.

And so, Nemu took everything he had from his dimensional space. Besides the fancy food. It doesn't seem approative in this situation. Anyways, the normal food he had with him was more than enough to feed an entire tribe for a few days. The harpies looked at each other, obviously confused about what just happened but as they saw the food they immediately started eating. They actually were about to starve. Didn't the demons know that most humanoid beings have to eat? Trewy nodded in approval. Nemu really wanted to know why they were here, but he didn't want to interrupt them. Also, he had something to do…

'Rimuru?' Slime communication was just unrivaled. As long as they were in the Jura Forest they were able to communicate with each other. Nemu really wanted to find out the range outside of the forest but he planned to go there anyways soon, so he will find out.

'Hey, Nemu!' Rimuru immediately answered, for him it was like talking with Raphael. 'How are you doing?'

'Well, actually I'm in trouble.' Nemu said, there was no reason to take it slow.

'Tell me.' Emotions were also transmitted and Rimuru was concerned immediately.

'We... found a demon castle. And there are several demons in it and they put us in a cell.' Nemu summarized.

'Is Trewy still with you?' Rimuru asked.

'Yes, she is with me. And there are also three harpies in here. They are young and were almost starving, but I gave them food.' Nemu explained.

'Harpies? Really? Tell me what the demons said.'

'I don't know why the harpies are here yet. When we arrived on the mysterious island we had talked about before, two demons captured us and brought us into the castle. They didn't know what to do with Trewy because she is a dryad but they almost killed me until after I mentioned Milim. Then they decided to put me in a prison. They were talking about a demon lord gathering and that they are currently waiting for their leader.' Nemu explained and immediately felt an emotion that couldn't be anything else by anger. Does he know something?

'Have you heard any names?' Rimuru asked.

'Yes, the strongest demon here is Corsar and the person they are waiting for is...' They only mentioned his name once after Corsar got angry, maybe they weren't even supposed to say his name. 'Greyman?' Nemu couldn't quite remember.


'Ah, yes! Clayman!' Yep, what Nemu felt now was definitely anger. Even hate. That Clayman guy must have really pissed him off and it took Nemu by surprise. Almost bone chilling. Or slime chilling?

'Nemu, I'll immediately send you someone. Dont worry too much and tell the harpies that they don't have to worry either. Okay?'

'Okay. Thanks.'

Do you want the Harpies story in flashback or conversation? I am not sure yet.

Lancel0tscreators' thoughts
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