
~Self Proclaimed~

“What are you shy about? You are over two hundred years old,” Me Si’s voice sounded.

“Do you have to say that all the time?” Me Yey asked.

“Hehe, but to be honest junior brother is cute while he sleep,”

“Yeah, I still wonder why his aura is still fluctuating. Is his cultivation unstable?”

“This isn’t the fluctuation of an unstable aura, more like he want to break through,”

“That’s the thing, how come?”

“Maybe it’s because of his cultivation method. You said it’s different from ours,”

“Oh you guys are here. I know Me Si is naughty but I didn’t think you would join her Me Yey,” Ming Fal’s voice sounded from the door.

“Master it’s not what you think. I’m just cleaning his body up, see,” Me Yey said.

She raised the white napkin and small the bucket of water. “Oh so why are you too on the bed like that,” Ming Fal asked.

“Junior sister, did you notice? Hehe,” Me Si asked.

“What?” Me Yey asked.

“Master is jealous,” Me Si said and hugged Huno tightly.

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