
~Why Was I Born?~

'Don't leave me,' Luna said softly. 'Please,' she cried out softly, but got no response.

Huno felt something was wrong. It was as if the energy locked up wanted to break free. 'I hate you, I hate you all, everyone of you I hate you!!!' Luna screamed and for the first time Huno felt an emotion grew in him. He had never felt an emotion before or he had never taken note. But when he felt one, he didn't like it. The emotion he felt told him the one locked up was dangerous and he need to stay away. This emotion was fear. He was actually afraid and what caused him that fear was his own prisoner.

Before he had time to wonder what to do, the inside of his body was cold and this coldness grew at a fast pace. Soon he realized the coldness came from his prisoner. She was getting stronger, and it was fast.

'I hate you,' his prisoner yelled, and then there was a swishing sound. A part of his body got struck and his entire body shook. It was at this moment Huno knew if he did nothing she'll break out. Immediately, he started drawing and absorbing power from her as fast as he could.

If she broke a part of his body, what would happen?

That was a question he didn't want to answer.

He didn't have an answer, but there was an instinctive feeling that told him that will not be good. He kept absorbing while his prisoner kept striking.

This circle continued for a long until his prisoner got tired and was drained of her new strength. 'I hate you,' she said and made a weird sound. She kept grasping at intervals and then screamed some time and sniffed at other times. 'What was she doing?' he thought. He watched her for a while and then ignored her and continued absorbing.

Time passed and Luna was sobbing and muttering, 'I hate you,'. Huno made sure he drew and absorbed her strength until he couldn't feel anything from her. He wasn't ready to let what happened before repeat itself.

It's been a long while since he finished absorbing her strength. Something seems to be wrong with Luna.

'I hate you, whoever you are I hate you, you, you put me here I hate you I will never forget that,' Luna said severally. Huno was confused but was curious about what was happening to her. He decided to get closer but when he got close, he felt an energy emitting from her. He got afraid again and began to absorb.

'Is she regaining her powers?' Huno was confused, but he started absorbing anyway. But he was giving an enormous shock the moment he started. He could not absorb this energy, but the energy was not an actual energy but the manifestation of her emotion. Her hate was made tangible around her. Huno who didn't understand why he could not absorb it.

Urging the power he had absorbed to counter it, but found another problem he hadn't noticed. The two energies in him were rioting against each other. This shocked him and for the first time, he made a sound subconsciously. 'Who is there?' Luna asked. 'Is someone there?'.

Huno wanted to reply, but he felt it wasn't right, he was her jailer, it won't be right meeting her. He kept quiet and focused on containing the two fighting energies.


The rioting energies became more fierce and Luna forgot more things. She didn't remember why she was locked up in the dark; she didn't remember who locked her up and why. Soon she forgot she was locked up and thought she was born here, but there was a longing feeling to leave. Time went by and from time to time she heard sounds, every time she thought someone came and so she always asked, 'who is there?'.

Unknowing the sounds came from Huno, who was struggling to keep this place (his body) from breaking. He found out the two energies were fighting because the black energy was trying to devour the cold energy, but could not because the cold energy came from the same source and devouring it was almost equivalent to devouring itself. But the black energy didn't stop trying for a second while the cold energy reacted and collided with it. Though the cold energy was weaker than the black energy, it could not be defeated, so they collided, shaking the very foundation of this place. Huno estimated this place will be destroyed if this collision continues any longer. He knew that separating the two energies will stop this, but he didn't know how to do that. He was born to absorb energy from his prisoner and he had done nothing else, so he could not do it even though he had a solution.

Time passed, Huno wanted to give up but he just couldn't. He tried to, but every time he went back to work. He had only one purpose: lock this person up in him by taking her power and he couldn't do otherwise, even if he wanted to. Huno was so angry, whoever created him was crazy and wicked.

Huno heard a sound. At hearing this but Luna heard it too and asked, 'is anyone there?'. No reply came, so she asked again and still got no reply. 'I guess not. I must've been hearing things again,' she said.

But to her surprise someone replied, 'yes there's someone here, where are you? Can you show yourself?'

'I don't know where I am. It's quite dark here. I can't see anything,' Luna said.

Huno lost his interest and forced by his default command he ignored the both of them and faced the important thing he had to do. He kept ignoring them. They were saying things he didn't quite understand, but then after a while he felt something. It was as if something touched him, but he didn't know where. He tried to find out where he was touched and have a look. When he did, a bright light came into his view, which was blurred. Slowly his blurred view became clearer and clearer and he found out that the dark place where he had been all his life was the inside of his body. There was a creature standing in front of him and touching his body.

He was more shocked that the outside of his body was flat. He didn't understand why when his inside was so big. While he was shocked, he found a faint energy coming from the creature, an entirely different energy he has never seen. He was extremely curious. The energy was so faint, as if it wasn't there. Instinctively, he absorbed. He pulled and pulled at the energy until it came to him. Along with the energy came a red liquid, the tiny energy came from it and because it was so thin in the red liquid, he couldn't separate it, so he took both. The energy was okay, but it was too thin that he couldn't still get to feel it, so he got more. The creature realized and tried to pull away. How could Huno allow it? Huno held him in place and absorbed as fast as he could. The creature was yelling and screaming things Huno didn't understand. Huno ignored and kept absorbing.

When he had absorbed to a point, he felt his whole body shake. He stopped absorbing to understand what happened to his body. The liquid that he didn't absorb flowed back into the creature's body. He discovered he had a faint connection with the creature and he was obeying a command from the creature. What was the command he didn't know about his body instinctively obeyed and moved. His body entered the creature's body, and it didn't take long before he was fully in.

He didn't know what to do or what happened. A while later, another command came. The creature ordered him to open. This was against his purpose, but he still obeyed. He opened his body and the light outside came in.

Huno felt different. He felt divided from this place and yet felt connected. And he had a new form that looked like the creature and his supposed body was now an entity of its own that had a connection to him. His body was still trying hard to obey the first command, but wasn't easy because of the continuous collision occurring on its foundation. It was nearly impossible. Soon Huno received another command which was to let the prisoner out. What? How could he do that? He wanted to go against the command but couldn't. The prisoner went out and following behind were the two energies. Huno couldn't let them out and his old body agreed with him. Immediately, he blocked the energies and, with the help of his old body, he could keep them in.

He breathed heavily and fell down. He didn't understand what was going on. What was he going to do next? Follow the old command or the new one. Laying on the ground, Huno started receiving informations from the creature, the creature's life and experience, everything flooded his mind. 'Huno? What does this mean? Am I now Huno too?' he asked himself. He stared at the sky and puffed.

'Why was I born? To obey an unknown person's command? Be a slave? Definitely not. No way even Mia won't encourage that,' he said. 'Wait Mia, haha I guess I have really become him haha I mean me, this is going to be fun. I've always wondered how fun having a twin is.'

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