
~Self Learning~

~Two Days Later~

'It's been twenty days since we left the sect. We spent about eighteen days in this place,' Huno said, replying to Lee Wei. 'It's almost three weeks we should head out,' Lee Wei said.

'We are already heading out. We'll be at the border soon, according to Luna,' Huno said.

'What did I do?' Luna said.

'You did nothing, senior brother asked when we'll be out of here,' Huno replied. 'Okay,'.

'Are you tired?' Huno asked. 'No, I'm good,' Luna replied.

'We are passing the border,' Luna said and Huno turned to look. 'Nice, when you find a city land,' Huno said. 'We'll use the city to know where we are,' he added, bringing out a map.

Luna kept flying until three days later before she landed. There was a city not too far away. Huno took her in and brought Lee Wei out with her. The two went to the city together, leaving Huno alone in the forest.

Huno sat down and circulated his Qi energy in his body. He circulated it around his body six times, trying to get a better understanding of his cultivation realm. In the cold region, he tried to perceive the cold energy around and get a better understanding, but the continuous leaking of Qi energy didn't allow him to. He couldn't fully concentrate, so he gave up.

Huno was about to circulate his energy for the seventh time when something occurred to him.

'What if... But if I do, my realm may drop,' Huno thought.

'Junior sister, what happens if all the Qi energy stored in the core and body is used up to the last? Is there any damage done?' Huno asked.

'No, when the Qi in the body is exhausted there is no damage, the cultivator just becomes tired. Sometimes, the cultivator becomes so tired that they can't move a finger,' Xue Li said.

'Okay thank you, after being exhausted, does it take time to refill?' Huno asked.

'No, unlike absorbing energy to increase realm, absorbing energy to refill doesn't take long, because there is no obstruction in the opening. A cultivator can be up and going after a few hours. It varies,' Xue Li replied.

'Thank you,' Huno said. 'Welcome, senior brother,' Xue Li replied.

'Alright let's try it,' Huno said to himself and emptied the Qi energy out of his body. The energy flowed out continuously until there was no more and Huno finally understood what Xue Li meant.

His whole body felt extremely tired. Since he started cultivating there was never a day he became tired, even when he didn't sleep.

'So what happens if one's energy finishes during a fight wouldn't that mean death? I should never prolong a fight for too long,' he thought to himself.

Huno breathed in and out heavily and released the two energies from that space. They intertwine with one another and flowed from his left arm around his body. After flowing around twice, Huno directed the energies to his core. He first took the energies around his body so his body could get familiar with it to avoid the rejection from his body. He didn't know if doing this had any positive effect or not, but he just did it. There was no harm in his body getting familiar with the energies.

When the energies got to his core, something unexpected happened. The intertwined energies he couldn't separate divided into two as they entered the core. As the two energies filled different opening's Huno's inner core vibrated severally reacting to the new energies. After a while, the core stopped vibrating and accepted the energies at a fast speed. Huno didn't need to direct the energies, the core-spun and filled itself with the energies. Huno's sixty openings got filled with both energies, each filling thirty openings. His core continued to spin. If one could see it, it would look like two fishes, one black and one white, swimming in circles chasing the tail of the other.

Huno got a pleasant feeling as the core-spun, he was trying to enjoy the feeling when the opening that was blocked in the cold region opened. The two energies flowed in, filling it equally. After a while they flowed out, emptying the opening. Huno was shocked. He tried to fill the opening, but every time he did, the energy flowed out again and again. He got tired and stopped, then enjoyed the feeling. After a while, Huno got another opening and as if the two energies had discussed with each other, one energy filled the new opening while the other filled the old. Huno didn't understand what was going on. He checked his body for any abnormalities, only to find the two energies in his body divided into two. One filling the right part of his body and the other filling the left.

He didn't know when or why the energies separated, but he wanted to try it out. He breathed heavily and then formed an energy skin all over his body. When he opened his eyes, the left part of his body was black and the right was white. Huno smiled happily, raising his left hand over his right having both his palms facing the other. In the space in between, there was a low fluctuation of energies. Soon the low fluctuation increased and became visible. White and black energies spun in between his palm. Huno was using the energies to replicate what his core looked like. The two energies formed a small black and white ball that spun slowly at first, but then became extremely fast.

Huno raised his head, faced a tree, and sent the spinning ball to it. The ball flew fast into the tree trunk and came out through the other side and kept going. Huno felt a connection with the ball and as it flew away, the connection became weaker. He tried recalling the ball, but immediately the ball speed increased as it flew in reverse towards him. When the ball got close Huno tried to stop it but he was slow, the ball penetrate his chest before it stopped.

'Ahhh!' Huno growled as blood came out of his mouth. He slowly retrieved the ball from his body and stared at it. The black and white color was no longer divided into two different areas, but it was mixed like a zebras stripe. Huno cleaned the blood that was on the ball, which was about the size of a small bead, and controlled it, slowly getting used to it.

After a while, Huno repeated the process of his palm. This time, he didn't send the ball away and just kept spinning it. He raised both palms to the air, after which he retracted his hand and left the ball in the air, spinning. As he controlled the other ball and spun it too, he began making a third. He kept making until he had about fifteen of them. All spinning quickly in front of him. He sent a ball into a tree. This time, the ball moved slowly while it spun at an incredible speed. Soon the ball penetrate the tree trunk and when Huno estimated it was at the center, he raised his left hand and clutch the air. As soon as his fist closed up, the ball exploded violently. It didn't end there. A significant amount of black and white spread through the tree, invading it. On the outer part of the tree, several parts froze while several other parts looked dead. It was as if those parts were being eaten up. Huno tried it again and the same thing happened. He was shocked by the enormous amount of energy contained in the small-looking bead.

'So the white energy is an ice-related energy, then what about the black what energy is it?' Huno thought quietly. 'Well, for now I don't know, wait what if it is possible to do a domain like Luna with both energies? I should have asked her how she did it. What if I just try extending both energies to the environment around me like with the energy shield? Let's try it,' Huno thought.

He closed his eyes and circulated both energies in the left-hand region of his body. A while later he spread the energies to his surrounding. It was difficult. He felt his whole body go numb as he stopped.

'It didn't work, a domain! How?' Huno asked quietly while scratching his head. 'A domain,' he muttered. 'Maybe I'm doing it wrong, wanting it to be big. The literal meaning of domain is an area or territory. It can be of any size. What if I focus on making a foot around me my domain?' he whispered. 'If I do it that way, it would take time to increase, but I should be able to learn it. But why do I feel something is missing?' he asked himself.

Huno closed his eyes and spread his energy around him in all directions by a foot but he still couldn't accomplish what he hoped for.

'I was right. If it's just an area, I should just be able to do it right?' Huno said. 'Something is missing,'.

'Ah!!!!!' Huno screamed, holding his head. 'Do I really have to trouble Luna to teach me? Will I become dependent on her for everything?' Huno questioned. 'No, I can't let that happen, I don't want to be protected by someone else for the rest of my life, I should do the protecting,' Huno said and got angry. As if reacting to his state the two of the remaining thirteen balls burst. Shocked and dragged back to reality by the bursting sound, Huno raised his head and looked at the balls.

'What if...?' he muttered and smiled. He thought, and immediately six of the balls formed a circle ten feet around him. He closed his eyes and connected the six balls. Each of the balls released energy in two directions, connecting with the energy from the balls in that direction. After which, each of the balls sent energy towards him. When the energy reached and connected to him, Huno got a feeling he could not explain. He continued. Each of the balls released two energy lines toward two balls that were far from them. The energies all got connected and if you looked down from up, you'll see the shape of a hexagon having two triangles, one placed on the other and each facing the opposite direction.

The six balls slowly went down until they were just a foot above the ground. Huno opened his eyes and looked around, then closed his eyes again. Soon each of those energy lines connecting Huno and the balls widened and spread out to the space within the area encircled by the balls. As time went by, all the spaces were covered and the area between Huno and the balls was a black and white-colored zone.

Huno opened his eyes, smiling as he looked around. With a thought, countless black and white-colored balls rose. Huno could imagine the scene of him fighting with others within this zone. Huno moved and with him, in the center, the black and white hexagon moved too. When a tree was within the hexagon, Huno stopped moving and sent countless balls into the tree. From all directions, the balls went in and came out none stop. Wherever a ball passes, the part dries up and freezes and in a few moments; the tree collapsed. Huno went to another tree, this time all the balls went in and exploded. The tree turned to pieces immediately. He was happy when he realized the exploded energy was quickly absorbed into the hexagon. He went over to the next tree, this time countless ropes came out and tied the tree while he rushed over and blew it severally with both hands. Each blow from each hand released a different energy into the tree. Whenever his blow landed, the tree trunk gets smashed and energy invades the tree trunk. After the sixth blow, the tree collapsed and Huno rushed to another. This time, he wrapped himself in the black and white energy of the zone. The energy wrapped his entire body; it was as if he was wearing black and white ninja clothing. Soon a figure appeared beside looking exactly like him. Another figure rose beside him and there was no difference in looks between the three of them. Four more figures came up one after another and when Huno tried to form another, the zone vibrated and wanted to collapse. Huno stopped immediately and instead tried to form something else. Six robes appeared and tied the tree. He looked at the figures and immediately they flew towards the tree, attacking it with punches. The power of their punch was weaker than Huno's punch by a sub-rank, but each released the combination of both energies into the tree in one go.

After the tree collapsed, Huno sat down tired, he splits the figures into two groups of three before allowing them to fight. The zone was a good thing, but it was stressful to maintain and control. The annoying thing about the six figures was he needed to control them to fight, which was difficult. He couldn't give several commands at once, which was frustrating.

He dissolved the figures and thought for a while before moving to another tree. He breathed heavily and closed his eyes, feeling the location of the tree through the hexagon zone. As soon as his eyes opened, like a volcanic eruption, black and white energy rose where the tree stood covering the whole tree. When the energies returned, the tree was gone. Huno walked over to where the tree was and looked over to find out that even the roots were gone. Before he could comprehend what he did, he heard a dissipating sound. The zone slowly collapsed when he looked, he saw that one of the six balls was gone. He wanted to replace it with another, but he felt an enormous amount of pain in his body. When he examined his body and found the two energies had intertwined with each other, aggressively causing pain from within. He tried to direct the energies back to his left hand but immediately he did. Huno fell to his knees before falling to the ground and fainting.

You! Yes you! You are so awesome and special.

I want to thank you for all your support it has gone a long way.

You have helped this book to have its current success. I want to say thank you.

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