
2: Heaven's Door

Chapter 2: What am I supposed to do now?

Location: Konohagakure - Naruto's apartment

Naruto quickly looked down at his hands as soon as he felt the changes that occurred in his body. "What in the world," he muttered staring at his now ghostly white hands, the gold ends of his sleeves drew in his attention instinctively.

He was not only baffled by the new outfit he was wearing but also a little pleased. He always admired men who could pull off the trench coat look effortlessly, the prime example of this would be Sherlock Holmes, he looked in simple words phenomenal in a trench coat.

'It's not a trench coat but the overcoat is also beautiful in its own way,' Naruto thought as he walked over to the bathroom mirror to have a better look at his new appearance.

Once he stood in front of the mirror he was a little taken aback by his ghostly like appearance, his skin was pale like paper, and his previous blond hair was now white as snow. But, what drew in his attention the most was his now emerald green eyes and the golden lines that decorated his face.

Removing his gaze from his face, he started observing his outfit in general, 'the white and gold combination is quite beautiful,' he thought.

After a few more minutes of checking himself out, he left the bathroom and walked back to his bed. 'let's try out my new abilities,' he thought while picking up his extra pillow that was still on the bed.

Gently touching the surface of the pillow with his right hand he softly muttered, "Book Transmutation." Suddenly pages started unfurling from where he touched the pillow like book pages blowing in the wind.

most of the pages were blank with the exception of a couple. Naruto grabbed the pages gently and started to read the contents written inside.

None of the information written was of any importance, it only detailed the date it was made, when it was sold, the price, who bought it, and age.

"I see, so this is how the ability works," Naruto softly spoke as he continued reading. After a couple of more seconds, he was finally done reading and turned the page to the blank side.

'How do I edit the information written? Do I have to think about the information I wish to add or erase and it would automatically be done or do I have to manually do it myself with a writing utensil?' he wondered while unconsciously taking a thinking pose, his hand placed on his chin and his eyes closed.

As he was in deep thought he failed to notice the white and gold fountain pen materializing in front of him. Opening his eyes he was a little taken aback by the floating pen but soon figured out what it was for, "haha, I guess my question has been answered," he said while chuckling lightly.

Grasping the pen with his left hand he looked down at the blank page and started thinking about what to add. After a minute or so of thinking the perfect idea popped up in his head. Placing the pen tip on the page he started writing.

"forever clean, soft, and perfect size & temperature," the paper read. Putting the pen down by his side Naruto couldn't help but smile to himself. He watched as the pillow grew in size by a couple of inches and the little stains disappeared into thin air. The previously hot surface of the pillow was now perfectly cool.

"Now how does it feel I wonder," said Naruto as he touched the pillow. As soon as his fingers connected with it they sank into the pillow like a hot knife to butter. It felt so soft that just touching it seemed to relax the body.

Putting the pillow down a little reluctantly he did the same to his bed. The bed grew in size, the stains disappeared, its softness soared to an even higher level than the pillow, and finally, the temperature of the hot bed cooled down.

Suddenly before Naruto could even enjoy the heavenly bed, a wave of fatigue washed over him as his legs grew weak and his vision blurred. His hair reverted back to its original blond color and his Heaven's Door outfit & pen dissipated into thin air.

His body fell on top of the bed, motionless.

-few hours later-

"agh," softly goarned Naruto as he slowly opened his eyes, pushing his bangs to the side with his left hand he got up from the bed. He walked over to the sink to grab a cup of water to quench his thirst. He was not only thirsty as hell but also hungry as he hasn't eaten anything since last night.

grabbing a glass cup from the counter he poured cold water inside before drinking in one go. 'Why did I pass out so suddenly? Now that I think about it why did I transform? That's not how a stand works,' he thought while getting a second glass of water.

The confusion he felt grew more and more the longer he thought about what happened today. What was he supposed to do in this world? Why was he given these powers? He wondered to himself, he wasn't sure about what he wanted to do now that he was left in this world without an explanation, you would think he would've met a ROB or the like but that never clearly happened.

'The only thing I can do is to try and survive in this world while growing stronger. I'm not even the original Naruto so I highly doubt that I have plot armor to help me,' he thought as a determined look flashed trough his eyes.

-To Be Continued...


Should I let Naruto grow out his hair? if so he would look like this in his teens:

ofc it would be in a man bun most of the time.

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