
Arc Twelve. Chapter Three Hundred Thirty-Two. Unwelcome Guests

With his birthday out of the way, T'Challa's little 'I'm your big brother so I'm allowed to bully you' attitude firmly sunk after two matches. Peter was starting to get down to work once more.

Peter's plans for the school had begun in earnest. With permission from the US government, the building had already been cleared, cleaned, and repainted.

Tony had taken one look at the classrooms and laughed, calling in his own staff, and soon a more technologically advanced layout was being discussed, with Tony picking up the paycheck. Everything would have Stark in big silver letters, but for the students to have the best equipment in, not just the US but, the world Peter didn't care.

Unfortunately, to rebuild the wiring and power sources of the school, to make space for the massive server rooms the equipment would need and to ensure that nobody was able to simply walk off with several million dollars worth of equipment, the security systems needed upgrading as well. Thankfully, having a team of Red Room agents and a team of Sheild agents all paranoid and all willing to help was the perfect solution if several times Peter had to remind them that no, it would be young students and that non-lethal countermeasures would be standard.

It was Peter's responsibility to ensure that the entire thing ran smoothly, Charles was busy recruiting more teaching staff, and was not just reaching out to the Augment community but to Enhanced as well.

Yelena, bored of sitting in the warehouse, was offered a training position, Bruce and Betty, both accomplished scientits in their field, were offered to help gamma students.

Liv and Ivan, could take time from Ocktech and provide technical support for the new faculty, and Tony in his usual bluster even offered but Charles politely declined. While Tony was brilliant, and there was no doubt about it, he tended to go off on tangents, often pausing as his brain jumped tracks and thought of something completely unrelated, or at least to anyone else.

What surprised Peter though was Susan Storm was offered and accepted a position as well. Reed and the Fantastic Four as they had been calling themselves, often patrolled New York, and while not on missions she felt that Reed's obsession with fixing the reality damage done by Doom was top priority left little time for anything else.

That included Sue. The media had been praising them as the perfect American couple, something that was taking a small jab at Peter's own press of his polyamorous relationships. The religious and the conservative banged their little fists as Perter ignored them, wasn't up to him that rising prices, falling wages and a whole lot of social problems meant couples couldn't afford things and that small communal groups were becoming more popular, he was just in the spotlight because of Wakanda and Shuri.

The truth was though, as Sue had begun to speak to Gwen was that Reed was obsessed with the Reality Stone. Once he knew of its existence, he began to work on not just fixing the damage, but replicating its power, and he already had several extra-dimensional portal machines. Peter wondered if he and Stark might have to go have a small word with him, that messing with reality wasn't something you did, or at least not with Reed's track record.

She wanted to do something more than watch Ben and Reed fight, as tensions frayed over failed experiment after failed experiment, and after finishing her thesis, on the exposure of the x-gene to various radiation types and its effects, she had moved to teach. Gwen was singing her praises and the newly appointed school board agreed.

Over the year the school was coming together happily, it would take several years before every checkbox was ticked and permit was signed, but it would be worth it. News of the school was already hitting the headlines, and while JJ and his usual rant continued the majority of it was good, and apparently, there was already a waiting list.

Even with the school taking up most of his time, life in the warehouse moved on as well. Cindy still lived in the second warehouse, but Eddie had moved out, He had finally moved in with Betty, under the insistence from Peter that she remain out of the loop.

Hank had rented a small apartment, but Hope was now living with them as well. She had raised an eyebrow at the main warehouse, but after being warned, and given an explanation, had simply shrugged and stayed in the second set of homes.

Of course, that meant Scott, Sam and the rest of the New Avengers turned up eventually, and while it was tense at first, Peter just let them all get drunk, fight it out, without powers, and everyone was friends again.

Ivan and Melina had taken to living together, while Alexsi was finally taken to a minimum-security facility. Peter had removed the Red Room formula, and while weakened, they had used his frailty to get a reduction on his sentence. He would be in prison for a year, and then under house arrest for another, with a tracker fitted. It was fine that he would be housebound in the guest warehouse.

Yelena had opted to stay in the main house, with Nakai following suit. Neither cared about the rules, and Peter knew they were both happy being single, even if the others did make passes at them more than once. Her fling with Ororo hadn't lasted, as both women were far too busy. Nakia training the AIM security guards and Ororo helped to teach classes on Avalon. Even with the portals, neither woman wanted to give up their career, and so they parted on amicable terms.

AIM was still making waves, Pepper and her new boyfriend celebrating a successful partnership in business and their private lives, and they often stopped by to use the private bathhouse. Matt was especially grateful after Peter designed a set of small formfitting hearing aids to help dampen the noise, even from his own body.

It was almost time to send out official letters for the school, but before a new term started, Peter had one last stop to make. An invitation for Asgardian and off-world children who wished to study Earth's customs and history in a place where their alien status wouldn't be an issue.

As Peter stood at the gates to the Asgardian embassy, a stern golden armoured clad warrior looked at his pass and shook his head,

"The embassy is closed. Asgard and its surrounding territories are preparing for a celebration. Earth and its people will be welcomed into the Asgardian Empire."

"Asgardian Empire?" Peter asked confused.

"Commander Thor will be arriving shortly, Please wait." The guard said monotonally and stood back at attention.

Peter waited and eventually a differently armour Thor walked down to the guard post. He had changed over the years, his long unruly hair was now short, and the beard was trimmed almost like starks, but still a dirty blonde colour, but what Peter noticed the most,

"No hammer?" he asked

Thor laughed, "My father says that I am Thor, God of Lightning, not Thor, God of Hammers, and made me leave it on Asgard. But that's not important. Peter, The fleet from Asgard will be escorting the Xandarian ambassador. If all goes well, then Earth and that silly moon base shall be part of something glorious." Thor said, his voice booming,

"Yeah, and if Earth says no?" Peter already knew that Wakanda wouldn't agree to outside interference, and he hardly expected Doom to roll over.

"It has already been agreed with your Earth's government, but be warned, Peter. Asgard shall hold no tolerance for petty squabbles or arguments. We both know that Earth's mightiest heroes are no match for the will or power of Asgard."

"But-" Peter began but Thor interrupted him,

"You have been warned, Peter. Make no mistake, this is happening. Now, I have preparations to make, and duties to attend to." Thor turned and left, and one of the guards stood in front of Peter scowling until he got the message. He wasn't welcome.

Confused, Peter left and wanted to wait until he could speak to Carol. They knew the Xandarians were coming eventually, but talk of an Asgardian empire seemed a little off-key, considering Carol had often talked of their peacekeeping missions.

As he headed back into the warehouse, he already had his phone out, looking up he saw MJ and Felicia sitting at the breakfast table and he headed over, "right, we need a plan." he started as the pair looked at him confused. "I was at the Asgardian embassy, and it felt wrong."

"So, plan for what? Cracking skulls?" Felicia asked with a small grin,

"No, not yet, but, food, water, emergency stuff. Something's off. I can feel it."

"Think it's the Xandarians?" MJ asked. She had been keeping up with the latest news, something the others often ignored as JJ seemed to be more and more anti-hero most days.

Peter poured himself a coffee and added three sugars to it, "I dont know, it just feels off." He sat and huffed. He really wished he had the Mind Stone right about now, but with Arcee and the others needing it to create a fully functional Cybertronian society, it was in much better hands than him using it to snoop into an embassy, plus, maybe it was rude or an act of war or something he thought to himself.

"Fine, so what, shopping?" Felicia sked

Peter took a deep breath, "yup, maybe hit a few different places, make it look like it's not too obvious."

"Wanda. Why hit different places, when we can hit different cities or countries. I think Gwen finally got her sling thing as well." Felicia said, pouring herself more coffee as well. "She really didn't like the hat though Pete."

Peter laughed, He had found a witch's costume online and surprised the pair during one of their nights together. A sexy witch threesome was definitely off the cards once they had finished laughing, and he was dumped outside Gwen's home, while he shrugged and went to find Laura and Liv sharing a bath together. He knew it was fake tears though, as it was stained and in the wash the next day, Wanda and Gwen enjoying themselves without him.

"Says the one who bought her a broom," he replied.

Felicia shrugged, "It was one of those toy ones that vibrated. They pulled them from the market so quick they are a collector's item now. Gwen didn't mind."

A toy company had created a child's toy, a broom that had 'real flying action' mimicking the film series it was based on. Adults quickly discovered that the motor was quite powerful and that really, it was not something for any child to be sticking between their legs. It was withdrawn almost immediately, but Felicia had managed to get one, and he knew exactly what it was being used for.

MJ rolled her eyes, "Anyway, sexcapades aside. What about next door?"

"Yeah, everyone on deck for this one. See what Fury and Charles have to say as well."

Charles had been busy finalising the new ARCA laws and had been back on Earth several times now. Avalon was complete, and the ACD were installed in key locations. Jean was officially living in the warehouse but had a place on Avalon as well, and a private portal generator in her house.

"Think it's that bad?" Felicia asked, worried

"It's just, like the feeling right before a storm. Something bad is going to happen."

"Great," Felicia complained, "We got what? Eight months this time. Same old shit. Going for a swim. Join me?"

Both Peter and MJ nodded, before looking at each other and laughing,

Felicia shrugged, both were good too. "Might as well relax before everything goes to shit then."

The trio headed to the bathhouse. If Peter's feeling was correct, then Felicia might be right.

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