
Arc Eight. Chapter Two Hundred Twenty-Two. Ex-Pose-Eh?

Gwen was giddy with anticipation as she read over the documents signed by Peter. While FuturePharm was now shut down, and Maya had acquired most of the licences in the divorce Killian was left with their offices in New York.

While not a manufacturing plant, that was outsourced and somewhere in the Midwest, the main focus of the plant was research and testing. As she poured over each and everything, Peter could already see that she wanted to strip the place clean, move everything to the Parker Inc building and poach all the staff. If there was any staff left to poach. Most would have already sought out new employment, and sadly more would refuse to work for a fledgling company.

Peter though, was more interested in what she had to say about Reed and as he found out, Sue.

"Sue was great. Reed's, uh, odd," she explained over lunch. Peter had taken both her and Liv out to discuss the new building, and as she ate her deli sandwich, he had asked. "Yeah, Sue was also as good as me, liked her BioMed but Reed, yeah I only met him twice kinda quiet," and as she looked Peter up and down, "actually, kinda like you. Maybe a bit naive, a bit awkward but mention something he's interested in, and he won't shut up." and as Liv grinned, Peter pursed his lips, and Gwen covered her mouth with the back of her hand, "aww, poor Petey, being picked on."

"Yeah, yeah, but do I call them? I mean, I looked him up, and uh, he blows up a lot of labs and has been banned from most colleges and universities. Sue's dad though, that raised a huge red flag," and turning his phone around he passed it to Liv, who wiped her hands clean and took it,

"Dimensional teleportation? You think he might have been working for Oscorp testing the Space Stone?" and he nodded,

"Unless there's another way to break the dimensional barrier, and while there is, you don't want to do it that way." Liv raised an eyebrow and Peter took some condensation from the side of his soda and drew a pentagram on the table before wiping it away. When Wanda admitted that magic was real, and a group of sorcerers lived in New York, Peter had been tapping into the Mind Stones repository of knowledge to learn more.

"Really? They exist?" and he nodded, "Well, you learn something new every day. As for Franklin Storm, why not just ask him. I mean, If Reed and Sue can't find employment and we offer them positions at Parker Inc, then a face to face would be the logical choice. The only thing, do we wait until before or after the Expo." and Peter shrugged,

"If we do it now, Hammer might be a sore point. If we wait and he leaves, then it's not AIM it's just us. So it's damned if we do kinda thing." Peter took a bite of his sandwich and thought about it while he chewed, Taking a drink of soda, "ask anyway, Gwen, I know you dropped out but you and Sue were friends right? Not just in the same classes." and she nodded,

"Oh yeah, Sue's a riot, totally don't see what she finds attractive about Reed though, I mean, scrawny, science nerd who won't shut up abou-" and Peter leant over and kissed her, making her pause, "cheater," and he laughed as he stole one of her fries and ate it, "Hey, you didn't want." and she grabbed the basket and pulled it closer, "fries are off-limits. Get your own if you're hungry," and she narrowed her eyes and scowled jokingly at him as she picked at them.

"I agree, a face to face should be first. Reed does seem a little unreliable, and while she was teasing, We were all a little like that to begin with. I will make arrangements, oh and Peter dear, I have something for you as well. The final fitting of your new harness." and as Liv slid over a tablet, Peter excitedly took it and began to swipe through the schematics and renders.

"Manufactured?" and Liv bobbed her head from side to side,

"Yes and no." and Peter furrowed his brow. "Yes that one is made, but we didn't make enough Vibranium to complete it, so it's about 75% finished. Once Shuri delivers the extra she promised, then we can finish it, but not until after the Expo."

"Wait, you used a tonne already?" and she nodded, taking one of her fries and dipping it in ketchup.

"Once you process it you get roughly ten per cent, so we got about 100 kilograms from the ore, the rest we can use for other manufacturing but I wanted the harness to be perfect" and Peter smiled and patted the back of her hand. "I know, it's just for demonstration, but I wanted to show you off."

"Wanted to show up Hammer," Gwen muttered but Liv shrugged,

"Why not both?" Liv secretly added in Stark as well. Her own armour design was coming along perfectly and she didn't want to admit to Peter that's where the Vibranium had gone. The harness wouldn't use 100 kilos of metal, barely a quarter of it, but in manufacturing a suit of armour, named after Natasha, she had made it virtually indestructible. Well, the parts she could manufacture. It was still missing its arms and legs but everything else was complete. For now, the slag metal, taken from the refining process, was being used.

It was a strange mix of vibranium and other metals, and they hardened almost immediately after cooling, becoming unworkable. It was strong, tough, and it only lacked the energy-absorbing properties. If she had to make smaller suits, for anyone else she would use it, but for Peter and what would eventually be his team, she wanted them to be in the best she could make.

"That's great, but yeah. If that's the plan then we wait to meet Reed and Sue. I don't want a pissy Hammer getting on their bad side, and," he paused as he looked over Reed's academic record.

The Baxter Building had a website, with the Storm Foundation listed. Reed was a certifiable genius and even being the same age as Peter his degree count was almost as impressive as Livs. It was only his reckless and negligent attitude in the lab that he was black listed by most of the major corporations. Even Stark must have figured he was a menace if he was still a free agent. "In fact, Gwen, get in touch with Sue, we do have free tickets to the Expo right?" and Liv nodded, "maybe invite them, see if they'll bite after our demonstration." and Gwen took out her phone and after sending a few texts nodded,

"Done and done. Reed and Sue will be there, but uh, Sue wants her brother to come, and maybe one more. Reed's friend, Ben always tags along, I dunno, it's like the dysfunctional four with those guys." and Peter raised an eyebrow, and Gwen sighed as her shoulders slumped, "Sues brother, Johnny, is kinda like Flash. Thinks he's god's gift, and isn't afraid to say it, or," and she showed Peter her phone.

While the first messages were congenial greetings and polite conversation, once the Expo was mentioned and tickets the tone changed.

Johnny must have stolen her phone and been asking Gwen if 'that hot classmate of hers, the one with the huge boobs would be there?' and while he was annoyed, he had to laugh. If he spoke like that to Felicia in person, she'd probably break his nose.

Peter smirked and shrugged, "If he's that much of an ass I can always take him somewhere high," and while Liv grinned and shook her head, Gwen snorted.

"No," she jokingly said, "Johnny's harmless, if they say no, he takes that as no, he's just a bit much sometimes." and Peter shrugged and nodded.

With that out the way, and the lab matter in progress, Lunch was a peaceful and sedate affair, and as Peter followed the pair back to the Parker building, testing of the harness began.

As the days rolled in, the harness was fitted, upgraded and finally ready for the stark Expo. Set at the start of the warmer months, July was a good time to hold the outdoor festival, and after the drama of the previous years, Peter was glad to be doing something, other than fighting.

Wanda had been quiet after her lessons with Dr Strange, and it was more secret training than an unwillingness to share. Each of them had secrets, and no one minded, as long as she was safe and happy.

Felicia was unable to take the day off, Natasha just mumbled about science nerds and went back to bed and Laura had classes that day, and after a stern look from Ororo, had mumbled about being responsible, and not cutting class.

Even if it was just the three of them, Liv, Gwen, and Peter were all excited to see the huge cross that had gathered. Peter, however, was less glad to see Stark, swaggering around, with a harangued looking Pepper following him,

"So, finally got something worth showing this time, or did you make a soda volcano with mommy?" he said with a smirk. Peter sighed, he had hoped that after everything was settled that Tony might calm down, and be willing to let bygones be bygones, so nope, still an ass.

"Sorry Tony, the only eruption here is-" but as Gwen dug him in the ribs he smiled, "Tony, there are more important things today." and Tony snorted,

"Yeah, your pet science team should get a good laugh. Oh, you should rewrite that down." Tony turned to a woman, tall, with long black hair, who was following him around.

"Hi, Betty Brant, Daily Bugle. We're covering the Expo today, are you one of Tony's interns?" and Tony snorted.

"Peter is the coffee boy," and he grinned, "yeah, a large cappuccino, and you want anything?" he turned to Betty

"Oh, uh, yeah, a grande americano, extra whip, thanks," and without giving Peter another glance she turned and began to take more notes.

"Yes dear, that would be lovely. Can you, please?" and Liv gave Peter a look, as the look he was giving Tony was one that would not end well.

"Miss Brant, you know, there are several fascinating stories about Tony you really should hear, about patent acquisition, oh and I believe there is one about frau-" but Liv stepped forwards,

Why don't you get us some coffee dear, and calm down a little bit, please?

"Miss Octavious," she interrupted Peter, and Betty stopped and wrote down her name,

"Olivia Octavious? The inventor of the Goblin armour and the arcstar reactor?" and Liv nodded,

"The very same, and that was my partner, the owner of Parker Industries. I am afraid you aren't making a very good impression dear," and as Betty stuck out her hand to shake Livs, she took it and forcefully pulled her close, "and I do so hate people who look down on others."

As Betty took a step back and shook her hand, a worried look came over her face, "uh Mr Stark, so how do you feel about the upcoming Parker Industries show, especially as Miss Octavious is called by some as the female Tony Stark,"

Tony snorted in derision, "There will always be just one Tony Stark. While Olivia is brilliant, nothing of note was produced at Oscorp while she worked there, and ultimately the Goblin armour, the drones, and the formula all produced by her failed. So female Tony Stark? I think that's an insult to both those titles." and even Pepper covered her face with a hand and shook her head.

"Coffee Mr Stark," and Peter handed both Betty and Tony a cup of coffee, Tony setting his down, while Betty raised her to her lips. Tony shook her head,

"Pete here's a joker, it might not be safe to drink." and she frowned and looked at her cup,

"Aww, I only put scotch in yours, Tony. Isn't that your thing? Day drinking to keep the shakes at bay. I was tempted to poison it, you know, because you're a rat bastard, but that would be an insult to both those titles."

As the pair glared at each other, Gwen, Pepper and Liv all shared a knowing look. It was Betty that broke the silence,

"So, I can see there is a rivalry between the pair of you, want to comment, Tony? Is Peter a contender to the crown of Tony Stark? He is younger, and with a booth at the Expo already, maybe there is a story you want to share?" and she looked expectantly at him, but both Peter and Tony just looked at her and said,


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