
Arc Eight. Chapter Two Hundred Twenty. Trial Period

Once the warehouse had calmed down and Peter had been spared from any real punishment, Shuri had been invited along to witness the bonding of Wanda to her very own symbiote. Liv had started her research, and while Wanda had been subjected to a myriad of physical tests to make sure she was healthy, Liv also included several psychological ones as well.

Her goal was to make sure that while everyone complained the symbiotes were harmless, that they weren't influencing their behaviour in subtle but significant ways. After several reassurances that the test would be made confidential and one hundred percent private, Wanda obliged.

Once that was all done, Shuri had returned and the group was standing in one of the new Parker Inc labs. Gwen and Shuri would monitor while Peter provided Wanda a symbiote of her own.

"I understand that I am being allowed to watch as Wanda becomes a host to a symbiote?" and Wanda nodded,

Gwen stepped forwards, "but, you have to understand, this will be intense, and if you're squeamish or don't like the idea, then say now, as once it starts, well," and she smirked.

"I am going to assume she will not hurt anyone, nor will she become a monster, yes?" and Gwen nodded, "then there is no reason to back out," and as she looked over at Peter with a small hint of embarrassment, "we have already seen what he does with you all, Talon was most descriptive in her sharing."

Gwen, "oh yeah, we forgot about that. But you know, memories are one thing but having it sticking in your face is another. So yeah, not the same, not even close."

"Talon was calm during her time, but we know that you all had sex with Peter, we are not ashamed to see that, and it appears Miss Maximov is not either," Shuri said, crossing her arms. "I am not a child, even though I am apparently the youngest."

It turned out that while Wanda was twenty-two, her birthday was several months before Shuri's, making her older. Gwen had teased her mercilessly about being the baby of the group and Shuri, unused to being treated as such, was still stinging from the treatment.

"Aww, it's okay, we've got a blankie and a bottle for after, if you get tired, Princess," and as Shuri scowled, Gwen laughed. Even being royalty wouldn't shield her, and Gwen took great delight in having a new target.

Wanda cleared her throat, "While I appreciate the deflection, can we please begin. While Shuri might be happy, I for one am still preparing myself just in case I do anything embarrassing."

Peter smiled and ran a hand over her shoulder, "it's okay, Gwen is here to make sure that even if you do, nobody says a word. We all know this can be rough, and while it seems a second bonding is easier, it's different when you get your own."

Wanda frowned, "Yes, but none of the rest had a guest, and none of the rest had several cameras pointed at them. It is still embarrassing." and as Peter opened his mouth, "But not enough for me to say no, so don't even think it, or start whatever nonsense you were about to say." and Peter snapped his mouth shut, grinned and nodded.

"Then undress and come here." and he held out a hand.

Wanda slipped off the bathrobe she was wearing, as they already knew a new symbiote tended to eat whatever clothing the host was wearing. Gwen moved over to a laptop and checked all the cameras they had set up were running and nodded to Peter. Shuri stepped beside her and watched. Her gaze flicking between the camera screens and the actual couple.

Through the thermal camera, they could see the normal temperature readings from Wanda, with several cold and hot spots over her body but Peter was glowing. There was no cold area on him at all and every part of him was radiating the same temperature, slightly above normal.

Gwen checked each one in turn, not just thermal, but radiation detectors, and high-resolution cameras, capturing the bonding from every angle.

Gwen nudged Shuri who looked over and saw the camera pointed at Peter's groin and as she hid her face, Gwen let out a small giggle.

"Okay, all cameras are recording, you can begin," Gwen said. "Bonding test One. Subject Wanda Maximov, Host Peter Parker."

Wanda took his hand and as his symbskin covered them both, they connected once more. Peter smiled as Wanda accepted his gift and as his skin retracted she was covered in the pale grey symbiote, smooth like Venom with no markings over its skin.

"We are Hexen," it cried and as the grey skin rippled, it was covered in various runes which glowed in intense bright scarlet light.

Peter took a step back, "uh, that's new," and as Gwen watched both the camera and Hexen, the symbiote screeched and the light flashed, filling the room with red.

Wanda's powers picked up anything and everything, Peter found himself floating and he let his armour out and reached out to touch Wanda's mind.

"No, no. We are whole. We are free," she screeched and grasped her head, several lights popped and showered the room with small pieces of glass, "we are free," and Venom found himself spinning around the room,

"You, you did this, let us out. Let us have what we desired but not what we wanted, you." and she pushed him and the red capsule enveloping him slammed him against the wall.

"We will not be slating our lust, no we will be taking out revenge!" she shouted and Venom found himself once more lifted and slammed into the ground,

"Why? Why us? Why them? Why so many? why so few?" She giggled as she lifted and slammed him down, "We wish to know, we wish to learn all your secrets." and she lifted him and swung him up into the air and let him fall.

Hexen stalked forwards and as a huge clawed hand was about to grab Venom she stopped and sniffed, "We smell you, Gwen, what? Do you wish to save him, after all he has done to us?"

Gwen was holding a cinnamon roll, "Yup."

Hexen laughed and grabbed Venom by the neck, "After he treats us like toys, treats you like whores, to use and ignore, to feel and discard. Why? Why? Why? why?"

Gwen shrugged, "I personally like it. I mean, after a hard day, who wants to wait an hour while you have a bath and get a bunch of dead flowers that wilt, it's all just stuff. I want a beer and have him pound me till I can't walk. Romance is too long and boring. Ask them all, ask everyone one of us, if he does that, and you know they'll tell you're full of shit. You're just pissed he won't just love you." and as she threw the cinnamon roll at Hexen she let Poison coat her and she sprang over the desk, grabbing her by the throat and slamming her into the ground,

"And if you think we will let you hurt him or take him from us, then you are mistaken."

Venom sat on the floor, with Shuri next to him as the pair tussled and screamed at each other, neither really trying hard to hurt and Peter was sure they were actually just going to end up screwing.

Shuri was hiding slightly behind him, holding onto one of his arms "is it always like this?" and he shrugged,

"The symbiotes bring up deep fears, desires and issues you have. MJ was afraid of losing me to Gwen, Gwen wanted to let me know how much she loved me, Felicia was afraid that she was betraying herself by loving me, and yeah a bunch of other stuff, you really should ask them about." and as Hexen was pinned, Poison ran her tongue over her cheek and shoulder, "see, Gwen likes a bit of rough, and the fight isn't really serious."

As Shuri looked around the smashed and destroyed lab she laughed nervously, "this is not serious?" and Peter shrugged,

"Considering Hexen and Poison are strong enough to tear the building down, not really. I mean, as they gain more power, as I gain more power, each symbiote will be stronger, even yours." and Peter closed his eyes and took a breath. "I can smell that floral scent on you, it's a formula right. I thought it was just perfume at first but now you're this close, I can tell. Wakanda has a super-soldier serum right?"

Shuri looked down. "I, I cannot talk about it." and Peter laughed and slid his legs up to his chest, resting his arms on them,

"You don't have to. Gwen and I can tell who's Enhanced or not, and you are. Brother too I bet. Dora get a similar drug but I'm guessing you leave the really good stuff for the royal family." and Shuri stared at the floor, saying nothing.

"Right, secret until we're married right?" and she gave a small nod. "No matter, we know, and you know we know. What matters is making sure it does affect the symbiotes. Maybe the reason your ancestor had so much trouble was the formula is a poison to symbiotes. Maybe it tried one of his guards and it drove the symbiote mad with pain."

Shuri frowned, "No, I do not think so," and Peter shrugged,

"But we have to make sure. I know we won't be getting a sample of the formula, but honestly, we don't need one." and as Shuri moved back Peter turned and faced her,

"We know that Wakanda will make me jump through a whole bunch of stupid hoop's, legally, physically, and mentally to prove I'm good enough for you, but here's the truth Shuri. You've got your own, and what you're watching is one of them. If we give you a symbiote and it goes crazy, maybe because of the serum you used, we will make sure it doesn't escape," and as Peter looked over his shoulder and Poison, who currently had a screeching Hexen in an armbar, even though they were both floating, "and we make sure it doesn't hurt anyone."

"Are you angry?" and Peter frowned,

"At you not mentioning a formula, no, why would I be? You think you know all our secrets. I mean, Gwen and Wanda stopped fighting and started kissing and you didn't even look once, so how much of a threat can you be?" and as Shuri's eyebrows creased and she was about to admonish him she noticed that he was right, Not Hexen and Poison, but Gwen and Wanda were lying with each other's arms, moaning softly as they indulged.

"Wanda was worried that she wouldn't be loved, abandonment issues. All you need to worry about is what'll happen when it's your turn." and as Peter stood her helped her to her feet, "and that you can expect both of those things to happen. Symbiotes are violent and emotional creatures, and you will have to fight to remain in control or it will overwhelm you." as Shuri nodded, peering over his arm to watch he laughed,

"Enough you two, save it for home, and save it for after you clean up the mess you made."

Shuri looked over one last time as the pair continued, even after Peters telling off, "Is this common?" and Peter shrugged,

"The two women?" and she smiled and nodded,

"Are you Bi? Because nobody cares. We are a family. If you want to sleep with someone, you need their permission, not mine." and Shuri continued to stare over at the pair, and their actions. "Well, you need permission if it's outside the family, we kinda do that by committee now," and Peter rubbed the back of his head.

Shuri laughed. "Let me guess, they made you stand in the corner for my proposal?" and as Peter nodded she laughed once more and ran a hand over his thigh, "Then I will ask before, I do not wish to upset my new sister-wives."

Gwen kissed Wanda one last time before rolling over and getting to her feet. Making suitable clothing she saw the mess that Wanda had made of her lab and sighed, grabbing a dustpan and brush from one of the supply closets.

As Wanda lay panting, a small smile crept over her face,

We love you Wanda, Hexen spoke

We love you too, but the pair stared as a rune appeared and began to write itself in the air in front of her, looking around she pointed, "Can you see that?" and Peter, Gwen, and Shuri all shook their heads.

"No, why?" Peter asked but Wanda shook her head

"I think it might be the-" but she paused as the rune fully materialised,

I was considerate enough to leave you be, but now your powers are fully awakened I cannot leave such a threat unattended. Miss Wanda Maximov, could you please come to 117A Bleecker Street for training.

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