
Arc Five. Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Seven. An Unlikely War

"Woah Woah Woah," Peter said, stepping in front of Natasha. "Liv, I get you're mad but she's my boss, I mean, sure beat the shit outta her but no arms okay?"

"Wait, what?" Natasha said, "uh, you know you're supposed to support me here. She's not a part of this and she should stay out of it."

Peter turned and looked at her, "Right, first thing, they know. They were mad at me for being stupid enough to sleep with you, but they're really pissed at you for doing it, and second, we all and I mean all have enhanced senses, Liv included. I mean, I can smell how wet you are from here, so no, she's mad at your attempts to seduce me, again, and I'm not going to get in her way. I'm her uh, lover? Partner, yeah partner and that means if she's mad at you, then that's your problem and you need to deal with it."

"I guess you're not completely oblivious then Peter," Liv said with a grin and wink, "and yes, he is right. A honey trap has two participants, and Peter got his punishment. Yours was supposed to be Huntress but as Felicia is busy, I'm afraid you have to deal with me."

Peter muttered, "oh shit," under his breath and then coughed. "Uh, yeah, seven days right? Uh, don't fucking break my table and try not to hurt each other too badly," and Peter bolted for his home. Liv was a gentle loving soul, until you pissed her off and then she was the make a fucking nuclear bomb and blow up the city type, and Peter wasn't going to get in the middle of that fight.

"Really? I do my job, and you get pissy over it. We needed intel on a potential hostile, it was the best way given his history." Natasha shrugged and sat down at the table

"Oh we know dear, but it still needs to be dealt with. You broke a rule and ignorance of that rule is not a defence, so either you get your ass off that chair and fight, or I pull you off it and try not to get too much blood on Peter's favourite table."

Natasha frowned, "it's just a table," and Liv shook her head,

"his aunt bought it for him, so, no, it's not just a table. And that shows you'll never be one of us. So here's the deal, you win, Peter is free to do whatever, I win and you keep your hands to yourself."

Natasha snorted, "No offence doctor but uh, you helped fix me, you know what I'm capable of, and still, you? Really, you?"

Liv stood and stretched, letting Octave flow over her, and as she grew larger the new harness she and Peter had spent the last 4 months building from the remains of the last one, sprang forth and extended from her symbskin armour. Ultron had taken the remains of the original but Liv had insisted on building a new one. The other had too many bad memories for her to want to be near it let alone wear it again.

"I think you'll find I'm quite superior dear." The Superior Ock said, quite smug with her reveal.

Natasha raised an eyebrow at her, "planned this huh? Okay, I get it, so I'm not girlfriend material but really, was all this necessary for him?" and as she went to lean forwards to grab a cup, an arm from the harness caught her in the stomach and sent her flying.

"How dare you!" Octave shouted. "How dare you come here and expect us to bow and kiss your arse. How dare you question the one person who gave us everything and has asked nothing in return," and as Natasha tried to flip backwards to right herself and get on the offence, Octave grabbed her by the ankle and threw her across the warehouse, away from the breakfast area.

"How dare you come here expecting to be treated with respect and dignity when you treat us like we don't matter. Where was Shield when Peter's parents died? Where was Shield when his uncle died? Where was Shield when Miss Hardy was shot? When Gwen was almost killed? How fucking dare you come here and act like you matter, the only reason we're helping you is because of Peter."

As Natasha drew her gun and fired stunner rounds at Octave, she batted them to one side with two arms while the other two carried her across the floor.

"And how stupid are you to fire a weapon in the warehouse," and with one arm grabbed the pistol from Natasha's hands and crushed it. "Fight properly, as someone once said to me 'better suited to take a dick than a punch' and you my dear, don't even look like you do that very well." and Octave let the arms retract back under her coat. "I don't need those for you. If you're the best that Fury has no wonder three students and an old woman took out Osborn while you all sat around stroking yourselves."

Nat could take the ribbing, she knew the anger management drills but that, the last barb stung. Shield watched helplessly as the energy dome came down and then came in to clear up the mess. Natasha watched as they took the Lost and put them in whatever space they had to die. No one could manage to care for over two thousand people, it was too much and the system crumbled under the strain. Natasha watched helplessly as hundreds died from dehydration alone, mindless husks that the law said they couldn't mercifully let go. No, they had to try, had to make sure they did everything before they died, alone and hurting.

Natasha scrambled and launched herself at Octave catching the smaller woman by the shoulders and knocking her down, Nat drove a fist towards Octaves face but she moved and brought a hand up to catch her waist, Bucking her hips she lifted Nat and threw her rolling out from under her and springing to her feet.

"Stings doesn't it, to have to sit and do nothing while the ones you care about die around you, get hurt around you," and Octave was sent flying with a kick to her side. Nat was right, Liv was nowhere near the level of training she was, and in a one on one fight Liv would lose, regardless of strength differences. Peter watched as Natasha ran circles around the symbiote enhanced Liv, even Octave would prove useless against a far better trained attacker.

Even with the training Felicia and Peter had given her she was outclassed and as Natasha wove and weaved around the smaller woman, striking her in vulnerable and sensitive spots, Octave slowly began to fumble more and more. Peter stood and watched as the angry but cold Natasha slowly took apart her defences and then went for a nerve strike, one that would render Liv unconscious if it struck.

Peter shot out a ball of web that impacted Nat's wrist and deflected it at the last moment. "You win Nat, no need for more," but Natasha huffed and raised her fist again. "Enough!" Peter yelled and Nat felt her insides twist as she fought to obey the mental command he had shouted at her.

"Liv, you too, that was pointless and stupid. Just to make her take a step back and relax a little." Peter came over and helped Octave to her feet, taking her head in his hands and checking her for a concussion. Octave slipped back and became the tidy knitted sweater, jeans, and lab coat that Liv prefered.

"Maybe to you dear, but I will never stop fighting for you," Liv said, defiantly

"Huh? No, not that, you should have used your harness, since when do we fight fair?" Peter said, and motioning, her top lifted and he checked her sides for bruises.

"Sorry Nat, but you lost too. You lost your temper and, to be honest, if this was a real fight, Liv'd rip your arms and legs off before you could have moved. She's probably as strong as me, physically at least," and Peter ran a hand over Livs side.

"Hey, cold hands," she said, flinching and moving away.

Natasha's eyes came back into focus, "how, no, but how?" and she shook her head "I felt rage, anger, and hunger, all bearing down on me, like a wave of pressure."

"Yeah, told you I have powers you guys don't know about, maybe think about that before coming on too strong," Peter said, standing after giving Liv a thorough check-up. "Come here, let's see if anything's broken," but Nat shook her head.

"I'm fine" and she sat back down in the chair she had chosen next to the breakfast table.

"Yeah sure, Dr Nat. House rules, no matter the spar, no matter the outcome, everyone gets checked out for injuries. Liv hits a lot harder than you think."

"Just want to see me naked again huh?" she said winking and Peter grinned.

"I have a pictographic memory, I can remember everything, so no need, but sure, Liv won't mind and if you like girls I'm sure she can tend to one end while I do the other," and at that Liv winked at Nat who surprisingly looked embarrassed and stared at the floor.

"That's, that's not necessary. But uh I did win, so where are you taking me?" Nat said the bright smile back on her ace.

"Liv let you win, so Sokovia I guess, but you're paying," and Nat stuck a tongue out at him.

"Fine Fine," and Nat stripped out of the tight bodysuit she was wearing, "see!" she said and Peter pointed to a large bruise forming on her side.

"Liv, get the cream, and as punishment, you can make sure Nat here is taken care of, I've got to pack." and Peter took one last look at the voluptuous figure of Nat, with the bodysuit unzipped and around her waist and walked off into his house.

"So, want to tell me what that was about? Cause 'he's so dreamy' doesn't cut it." Nat asked as she lifted an arm to let Liv smear a nice smelling cream over her.

"Cellular regenerator, based on Peter's unique biology," Liv wasn't about to mention it was based on his sperm as it put a few people off "and, I want to join. I highly doubt Peter will be anything more than an off-book contractor and I want to join him. I wasn't joking when I said he needed help, and I want to." Liv turned Nat around and stared her in the eye.

"He'll try something stupid, on his own and end up hurt, and I want to make sure he doesn't. The others agreed to stay stateside, they've got their own business now and I'm left making my mind up, so I did. Clear it with whoever but once he's back I want to take part in whatever assignments you've cooked up for him."

Nat sighed, zipping her suit back up, "and if you agree, I lead. You two learn to follow orders, training, weapons and close quarters, full-power test and we need two more. I have two in mind but first off. If this happens, no fucking on mission. I don't care if you have a gang bang in Times Square afterwards but when we're working, no, not even a quickie. I wasn't joking when I said to Peter I'm not fucking around. This will be serious stuff and I'm not getting killed cause you two are screwing when you should be watching my back. You also avoided my question, so that's the cost. Answer or it's a no."

Liv sat and pondered for a moment, idly spinning the tin of cream in her hand.

"I agree, but I want the advanced training for support specialists. It'd be stupid to waste my time with all that training just to have me shoot people. I do happen to be one of the most intelligent people on the planet dear." Liv sighed and leaned back as Nat pulled on and then zipped up her suit,

"As for your answer, he loves us unconditionally. No questions, no reprisals. I almost destroyed the city and rather than punish me he held me and let me cry away my pain. So Peter cares, and yes, he might have killed a few people but he has a sense, not just for avoiding danger but a real sense if someone is worth saving. A sense that I'm suspecting is the real reason you're here. You've had your punishment Agent Romanov, and if Peter agrees then so do we all." and Liv gave her a pointed look which Natasha smiled and nodded at. "If he agrees."

Natasha's mouth curled in a small smile, she was sure she could get him to agree, after all, it was going to be a long flight.

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