
Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred Nineteen. Goodbye For Now

After spending the afternoon having sex, while Peter occasionally joined Liv and Felicia to give her a break, Carol finally got her pancakes. She sat and watched him cook, while she made doe eyes at Peter. She admitted to herself that he was handsome, and with the memories that Huntress gave her of him and the warehouse he was actually a good person. In her line of work, the difference between a villain and a hero was the intent.

People like Odin, Thor, and the other Asgardians were seen as heroes but she couldn't count the number of armies or races they had crushed to prove the dominance of their species. Working with the Nova Corps her job sometimes involved killing and she had no problems with that. There were some people in the galaxy that deserved it, some even twice for the things she had seen, so to her, he was a hero, my hero, she thought and giggled at the thought.

She knew it was an emotional high from being bonded, they had all warned her that the initial rush was to ensure compatibility but she didn't care, for the first time in over 10 years she was happy, fed, and the sex had been mind-blowingly good. Good enough that she was considering asking for a transfer back to Earth to monitor the symbiote situation. If that was done from Peter's bedroom, then that was just a burden she was willing to bear.

He knew Huntress was reinforcing her feelings, amplifying them but if there was a nicer guy, one willing to wait for her, well, not just her, she hadn't found him. Although, as he flipped and made pancakes, laughed and joked with Liv and Felicia she wondered just how many women would come back too. Peter had a magnetic personality, you liked him, he was smart, a bit dorky, but funny and, unless you were scumbag, didn't have a malicious bone in his body.

Peter smiled as he put the plate down in front of Carol and she gave him one back, leaving forwards he kissed her on the cheek and she bit her lip and stared at the plate, Liv and Felicia shook their heads and pushed over the syrup and butter for her, while Peter made eggs. They recognised that look, it was the freshly fucked look that only Peter gave them and they were all feeling it.

MJ and Gwen made a sombre appearance and Peter put coffee, eggs and pancakes down in front of the pair as they sat, stoically.

Gwen was staring at her plate of eggs and pancakes as Peter walked back over "shit, It was bad Pete, really bad, a lot of people were infected," she sighed and began to eat, swallowing her bite. "Most are being left to die," she said as she took another bite, "they just can't cope with the amount. It was over a thousand people Pete, how could you?" she said as the tears dripped onto her plate, "how could you?" and her shoulders shook as she broke.

Peter shook his head, "they were already dead Gwen. All of you, ask them, ask them what they do to hosts they aren't compatible with, and then, look at me."

We eat them

We kill them

We cull the weak

We destroy them

Were the four answers they got back, and as they looked at Peter. He took a breath and with as much seriousness he could muster, he answered.

"I let them go, the people and the fragments. You saw Ravage when we took her from you Gwen, in pain and suffering. Harry killed those people, I just let them go," and Gwen nodded but it was still hard to understand, death on that scale was never easy to understand.

She was right though, the one thing he couldn't bring himself to do was to kill them. Commanding the slugs to eat their hosts would have been a simple thing, but he couldn't, even leaving them to just die was weighing on his mind but that would have broken him. Killing to protect his family was one thing, taking so many innocent lives was a completely different matter. He would leave that to the families and the authorities.

The rest of the breakfast was eaten in silence until Gwen headed into her home to grab some of the sugar-free syrup that she normally ate. "Hey, why does my home smell like sex?" Gwen didn't mind but still, they might have tidied up and not left her bed in a mess.

Peter shrugged as she came back out, "I only messed up mine" but it was Felicia and Liv who looked guilty, "uh, Peter's bed was taken so we, um, borrowed yours," Felicia said guilty, knowing full well what they had done.

Gwen sighed, "clean it up please, but why was Peter's bed filled if you were in mine?"

"Carol," Peter said, "and you might as well tell her."

"Carol? Ha! You owe me 20 bucks Liv," who tutted and handed the note over. "What, we all know you well enough Pete, I had 20 bucks you'd pussy out but cave at the last minute so ha, in your face." She said as she waved the twenty at Liv and Felicia.

"Really? You guys bet on that?" and Gwen shrugged,

"Pete, we don't care, really. I mean since Poison was cured I've slept with everyone as many times as time allows. It's not like you're the only bed hopper here. Shit I mean, we could try out for the sex Olympics on how awesome we all are."

Peter frowned but thought about it and nodded, "yeah, fair enough"

Gwen continued, "and as long as nobody breaks the no outsiders rule, it's fine, enhanced or not we don't know if you are completely immune to every disease Mr Parker, so while we can agree on some people, stow it in your pants Mr."

"Wait, why am I getting told off for sleeping with Carol, when you lot all bet on it and they messed up your bed?" Peter complained.

"Woman's prerogative, just cause you're the only cock on the block doesn't mean you get to have a big head," Liv said this time but everyone, Carol included nodded

"It's not like I plan these things," he whispered into his coffee.

"We know dear, that's why you're being told. You're not the only one with enhanced hearing remember," and Peter stuck his tongue out at her.

"Okay, but before we go, uh, Huntress, I don't think you should go with Carol, I think you should take Ravage." and Carol frowned

Why? was all she said.

"You're not a Klyntar, you're a whatever I am," and the symbiote spilled out over Carol, forming a separate head at her shoulder

But we wish to see the stars, we wish to visit the universe, and Peter sighed.

"And you can, I'm not stopping you from leaving, but not as the ambassador to the Klyntar. If anyone finds out it could start a war we can't win. You're one of us, not one of them." and the symbiote blew a raspberry at Peter and the group looked at Carol,

"What? I felt bad as they can't talk, so I've been teaching her how to make noises. She, uh, just likes that one the most." and while Liv and Gwen tried not to laugh, Felicia looked unamused that Carol was already teaching Huntress bad habits.

We still wish to go,

"And ask Thor or Loki to host you then," and she blew another raspberry,

We will stay, but you must promise us that we can visit the stars one day, and Peter nodded.

"Visit outer space? oh hell yeah, but uh, once we know the Asgardians won't vaporise us on sight okay?" and Huntress huffed and swarmed from Carol, and Ravage swept from Felicia and over her, Carol shuddered and Felicia stuck out a hand which Huntress grabbed onto,

"You know, for someone who likes to fight, you seemed to be taking an awful lot of dick yesterday," and Carol laughed as the symbiote slid back into Felicia's body.

"Ravage feels different. Oh shit, yeah, Huntress was all about you five but Ravage, shit, Osborn was fucking insane," and Carol shuddered again, the memories of being torn apart and experimented on bringing back some of the more unpleasant Kree memories.

"But now, we need to head to central park to meet Thor and Loki. If anyone wants to say goodbye to Carol before she leaves, now's the time to do it." And the four women looked at one another.

While Carol had been a help during the invasion, only Peter and MJ had spent any time with her and as they shrugged Peter took her by the hand and smiled "intergalactic booty call huh?" and as Carol laughed he swept her around and dipping her into a kiss, letting the sweet taste of the pancakes into his mouth,

Gwen tutted, "never kissed me like that" but Felicia batted her arm.

The trio of women opted to stay at the warehouse while Peter and Carol suited up and Carol flew them out. Fury had been told she was leaving and after the debriefing Carol had sat though she didn't feel the need to endure the man anymore, preferring to stay in the warm embrace of Peter, even if she was only carrying him as they flew.

As the pair landed in the park, Thor threw up his arms, smiling brightly. "Friend Carol and the Venom, so glad to see you," he boomed and Peter shook his head.

Loki batted his arm, "it's secret brother, don't go shouting out things like that in public," and Thor looked dejected.

"Sorry Venom, I mean Peter." and Loki shook his head,

"Did you persuade the Klyntar that we meant no harm Peter?" and he nodded,

"You need to make sure the Earth remains protected though. Carol told me there are species with a grudge and some might come here."

Thor nodded, "once we inform my father that the Klyntar are safe and happy on Earth he will extend a warm hand to make sure they stay that way, but uh, we might need some promises you stay on Earth."

Peter shook Thor's hand, "not a problem, Earth doesn't have a great space program anyway, and I'll keep them in line. I promise no symbiote will leave earth, well other than Carol here."

Loki raised an eyebrow, "You mean?" and Carol nodded.

"We need a Klyntar voice in the stars, and with me as host, few will try anything, so she's safe,"

"Good, good," Thor said looking slightly worried, taking a step away from Carol. "Good" and Peter laughed to himself. Thor grabbed the webbed and manacled Goblin, The group had just stuck him on the roof and sedated him, making sure he was well secured before ignoring him.

Peter wished he took a symbiote containment cell from Life Foundation but it was too late after the fact. Webbing, magic, plus a very healthy dose of threats seemed to have worked, and Thor simply picked him up and slung him over his shoulder as they waited.

Peter and Carol kissed one last time and Peter handed her the backpack, filled mainly with food and, more importantly to Carol, coffee.

"Take care," Peter said as they kissed and hugged, "and come home soon."

As Thor called to Heimdal to open a rainbow bridge Carol had one last thought as they vanished into the void,

"home, I like that."

Back at the warehouse, the mood was quiet once more. Peter stared into space until Liv came over. "Dear, there is one thing I would like though. While at first, I was a bit hesitant. I um, would like another symbiote. Could you?" and Peter frowned

"Honestly, I have no idea," but taking Liv in his arms he felt the urge and kissed her, the sticky sweet rose in his mouth and Liv grasped his head with her hands, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, unlike Gwen the symbiote offspring quickly spread over her, it was black like him but the white spider was iridescent and small lines of light played over the shiny material.

"Oh yes, oh god yes, We are Octave and we love you my precious. And this time, we will not wait to be satisfied." and a newly birthed and hungry symbiote pounced, dragging Peter to the floor, straddling and kissing him all over.

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