
Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred Twelve. Not So Marvelous

Gwen raised an eyebrow at the new woman as she came home from spending the day with Felicia. As long as she was quiet and didn't interrupt she could hang out in the office with Felicia, they had even taken the risk and had sex a few times there. After the stress of the past few days, partially her own fault and mainly Liv's they had taken that route today, and while Liv and Felicia picked up an order of food, she had headed back to the warehouse to see if Peter was okay.

She was used to Peter seemingly picking up strays but the women's attire left a lot to be desired, it was a slick military uniform, red, gold and dark blue. Non-standard for Shield though, so just who was this woman?

"So?" Gwen asked as she sat down in her chair, "another?" and she nodded to Carol.

"Uh, this is Gwen," and motioning between them, "Carol, my new boss, and bodyguard," Peter handed her a cup.

"Booty guard huh? So is she guarding it out here, or in the bedroom too?" and she winked at Peter, who sighed and shook his head.

"Um, what? Really?" Carol was annoyed, what the hell was wrong with this woman?

"Calm down blondie bear, it's not like Petes a bad catch you know, plus, if you're a bit open, Fel and I are willing to add another." Gwen shrugged and sipped her coffee, much better than the horrible stuff the crooks drank.

"What that actual fuck is your problem?" Carol had enough, what the hell kind of group lived here?

"What's up her butt, Pete? You didn't say before you," and she made a circle with two fingers, sliding two from her other hand through them whistling.

Carol began to glow, "you've got five seconds to explain that shit before I start cracking heads."

"Holy shit Pete, she glows. That's not fair, how come we don't glow?"

Peter had stepped between the pair, "No, Gwen wait. She uh not a host, not like us."

Carol stared at Peter, "Us?"

"Oh uh, yeah, um. There are four of us, not just me, and uh, I guess I'm not the alien you're looking for, or at least not anymore. No wait, five, yeah, forgot Flash, so yeah."

"What the hell?" Carol yelled as Gwen yelled, "Alien?" at the same time.

"Right, storytime." And Peter began to explain to Carol what was going on with the housemates, as well as letting her explain to Gwen about the origin of the symbiotes.

Once they had finished, Carol slumped back in her chair. "I can't believe you have four women," and she shook her head. Earth had changed since she'd left, changed a lot. It didn't bother her, while some alien cultures adhered to strict monogamy it was not a universal truth. Some species had three genders, some were just one, or used a non-gendered method of reproduction. Carol was lost in her thoughts about how one man could even satisfy four different women when Gwen brought her back to reality.

"So, you think someone will try to kill Pete?" Gwen was huddled over her cup, a serious look on her face. If the Asgardians were as big a threat as Carol said, then not just Pete but all five of them were in danger.

"Who wants to kill Pete?" Liv and Felicia walked into the warehouse, ladened with shopping bags and fast-food containers. "Pete, another blonde?'' Felicia laughed, "Gwen's mine, you can't have her," she winked at the newcomer.

"Seriously? Do you all just screw all day?'' Carol was flabbergasted, it seemed even some of the more open species would be sat here red-faced listening to this group.

"Not all day, some of us work, but let's be frank here. If you're going to piss and moan about something, and you pick that, then leave. Just don't bother. Pete, text Fury and tell him the same. Our lives aren't for you to judge you stuck up bitch, so shut the fuck up or leave, your choice."

While it was Gwen that spoke. Felicia put down all the bags she was carrying and stood over Carol.

"Hey, Woah Woah, calm down Felicia, and you too Carol. Gwen's right, this is our home, our lives, there's enough hate and shit in the world without bringing it in here." Pete tried to diffuse the situation, he hadn't even told them she would be living here for the foreseeable future.

"Shit, that's not what I meant, damn. I mean, four women, four fucking women, and you're all okay with that? Shit.'' Carol couldn't get a date on a good day, and here was some kid with four smart, funny, and stupidly attractive girlfriends. Even one of them was older, so it couldn't be put down to stupid infatuation. Carol shook her head.

"Jealous?" Liv asked, "it's fine dear, Peter has attributes we all find appealing, but he is right though. We are happy and your presence is a disruption. Even if there is a threat to dear Peter, I'm sure the four of us can deal with it, right?" and the other nodded.

"They are right you know. Sure, you're strong and glowy but we're not pushovers. You think you could take the five of us? I bet even you get tired." Peter put another cup in front of her.

Carol shook her head, this had all gone wrong, she was supposed to be helping him, not fighting and pissing off his girlfriends. She took the cup.

"No, Thor and Loki are on a different scale," Carol shook her head, " I'm not," she took a breath, "I've not been on Earth for years, 10 at least so this. I was just shocked is all I mean, four women, god damn boy. Is that your power?"

"I think you broke her dear, why don't you get a room ready for her while we have a girl talk okay," Liv rubbed a hand on Peter's shoulder and at 'girl talk' he bolted into his place, knowing exactly what five women together could mean.

"First, Olivia Octavious, and yes, I'm a host as well as being enhanced. Everyone is here and we all and I mean ALL love him, so, you have five minutes."

Carol once more explained while the four looked on with various levels of concern etched on their faces.

"Well, that's a lot to take in, but Gwen was right you know, Peter might have been exposed to a symbiote, but he isn't a host, we've already checked his cells. We are, but he isn't. His symbiote is with another man, but we suspect that Shield knows that yes?"

Carol had to shrug, "I kinda flew off before my briefing finished," she admitted and Gwen laughed,

"Oh, I'm sure Fury loved that. Flash Thompson, you might want to check up on that."

"Fine, so I screwed up but that doesn't change Thor and Loki being on Earth. That doesn't change that Peter, you four, and Flash are in danger if Thor is here to finish the job."

Liv sighed, "You're quite right dear, take my place and I'll talk to Peter. Gwen, Felicia, we may need to make some plans for defending this place," and looking around. "Get the goblin armour and we'll see if we can fix it up and get Peter to assimilate it, that should boost his power considerably, and Ms Danvers. Please try to be more understanding with Peter. He's a fragile boy. He might be a little difficult sometimes but he's lost so much. Having said that, feel free to indulge, it's been what 10 years you said. Peter was happy to give me a good seeing to, your pretty cute and I'm sure he won't take much to get into bed."

Carol hid behind her cup and pulled her legs up. Oh shiiiit, she thought to herself, wondering if she could get Fury to transfer her, or if Mars had a habitat yet.

The only one to be left out of the conversation was MJ. She had left for her last shift and was busy dealing with her own drama. MJ was already in a bad mood. She had come home last night from her second last shift to find everyone either crying or shouting.

Peter had done something dumb, as had Liv, and Felicia was upset and so was Gwen. MJ was tired, hungry, and only had one shift left. The only reason she hadn't just packed her job in the second she got the movie was so she didn't leave the rest of the staff short and overworked. She yelled at them, dumped all her chores onto Liv, took all her night privileges, and then went to bed. In the morning Peter had proven he wasn't as hurt as everyone thought and with a huge smile on her face, MJ had headed to work.

Now she watched as the strangest couple were arguing in the diner, and of course, they were sat at one of her tables.

"Of course I don't have money, why would I have Midgard currency brother?" Loki had a hand on her forehead, as Thor finished another plate of steak and eggs.

"Well, you've got that glowy magic thing, can't you just make some?" Thor said, as he licked the plate and belched.

Loki sighed but her attention was taken by the strange moving picture device hanging from the wall.

"Brother look," she pointed. The screen had Venom fighting Spider-man and Agent Webb, and even Thor recognised the Klyntars powers when he saw them.

"Good good," Thor said laughing. "See, they're not dead," and he clapped a hand on Loki's back. "Now, let's find them and pursue father and the snot monsters to forgive us, then we can go home and you can I dunno, get a manicure or something." Loki shook her head, if it was going to be that easy then father wouldn't have sent them here.

"Your hammer?" Loki asked, as she spied the money being exchanged and under the booth made some appear, draining what little magic she had left. This was the last of it, whatever Odin had done had left them both mortal and vulnerable, even if Thor still acted like he was a Prince.

"Yes yes, the hammer too," Thor said, laughing and threw his cup down to the floor, "Serving Wench, another!" he yelled.

Oh fuck this guy, MJ thought as she spied the huge blonde beefcake of a man, his girlfriend looked pained as he smashed his coffee cup on the floor. "Hey asshole you'll pay for that,'' MJ yelled as she stormed over to their table. It was her last shift at the diner, the movie meant taking time off and with it being three months the boss said no, but with her royalty checks from the advert starting to come in and a nice payment from the movie, she was going to quit anyway, she just didn't need this shit on her last day.

"Sorry sorry," the raven-haired beauty said, lifting her hands in surrender, "Uh here," and handing over the money she had MJ felt it beneath her fingers. It wasn't quite right, it was money, she could see that but it felt wrong to her. "Hey Carl, got the pen?" and he nodded and threw over a small handheld wand, flicking the switch she shone it over the notes and right enough, they failed to glow under its light. "Hey, call the cops, it's fake,'' MJ shouted. Thankfully the diner had a no interference policy, cops were called but if these two were long gone then that was their problem.

"Brother, I think we should leave, I think she saw through my illusion," Loki leant in a whispered in Thor's ear,

"nonsense sister, no one can see through that right? Especially not some. Oh hello," Thor said, grinning as he saw MJ. "I'm a god you know," and he raised an eyebrow at her and giving her his best smile.

MJ just rolled her eyes, "creep," and while Muse and her considered smashing a tray over his head she thought better of it, if the police arrived she didn't want a scene.

Loki reached out a hand and took MJ's arm, "I'm sorry for my. Brother?" she paused, it was her turn to realise something was off. "Thor," Loki motioned her head to MJ, "it's her, the, you know, thing."

"Really? Her?" Thor peered at her, "Nah, don't see it."

Loki rolled her eyes at him. "Miss, there's been a misunderstanding, please, if we can explain," and Loki pulled her down, even if her magic was sealed she was still stronger than a mortal. "We know who and what you are, we won't hurt you but we need to talk, somewhere more private," and MJ paled. Her phone was in the break room and there was no way she could expose her identity here. Losing her job would be the least of her problems.

"Carl, cancel the cops, just some foreign tourists trying to pay with weird money. Cover me while I go to the bank and get it fixed yeah?" and the line chef nodded. They weren't busy and it was quiet enough that she could take her break. Quickly grabbing her phone MJ looked anxious as she led the pair to a side alley.

Tapping on it. "Pete, help" was all she sent.

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