
Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred Ten. All That Glitters

"What do you mean by them all?" Odin roared at Thor. His son knelt in deference to his position, and now was dealing with his father's rage.

A war had started in the nine realms and the long and bloody campaign had finally reached its conclusion. After 10 long years Odin, weary from battle, had come home to the worst news he could imagine.

"Father, you told me, the Klyntar are a scourge on the Nine Realms, one to be contained, so I took care of the problem, once and for all." Thor had stood and looked over to Loki, who nodded as they faced their father. Thor was stood in his battle armour, having been summoned by Odin as soon as he heard the report. His messy blonde locks hung down his ruggedly handsome face and the silver armour, tied together with a long red cloak, still had stains of battle and blood on them.

"To destroy an entire planet is unacceptable. We rule, we do not commit genocide, not for any reason. They were contained, they were allowed to live.'' Odin shook his head. "You cannot simply destroy an entire race because they have a checkered past."

It was Loki that stepped forwards, "Forgive me father but we found this," and Loki conjured an illusion. A scene played out, and as Odin watched, he saw as Thor, the Warriors Three, Lady Sif, and Loki fought their way to the Klyntar capital, and they watched as a rocket launched itself out through the atmosphere. Unlike Thor, Loki's green battle armour was impeccable and its long coat, with golden trim, hung as if he had walked from the salon, even his long black hair hung down in flowing locks around his slender face.

"We discovered they had been planning to escape from their planet Father. That's why we attacked, not out of arrogance but fear. Fear they would once more ravage the galaxy and bring war to us all."

"Still, one escaped and yet you destroyed the planet. My sons, you did the wrong thing for the right reason, you should have come home and allowed the forces of Asgard to find and punish the Klyntar, not crush and destroy their planet."

In truth it was an accident that set the planet's core aflame, the Klyntar had set up several geothermal reactors, pulling out the warm energy of the planet's core. In his enthusiasm for battle, Thor had smashed several to pieces, setting off a chain reaction that sent the planet into meltdown.

Thor shrugged, "I don't see the issue father, one Klyntar cannot spawn an army, and with their planet gone it's over, nobody liked them anyway, gross slimy gloopy things," and Thor shuddered at the thought of having one bonded to him.

"Nobody liked them," Odin yelled at Thor, "is not an excuse for genocide."

"Father," Loki began but Odin yelled.

"Silence. My sons, you did wrong, you destroyed a planet, destroyed a race, no matter the reason, no matter the justification I cannot allow this to go unpunished." Lightning crackled around Odin.

"For your crimes, until you learn to use judgement and not violence. Until you learn patience and tolerance I strip you of your power, of your hammer," and as the energy crackled around Thor, he was lifted up and Mjolnir flew to Odin. "Whoever finds this hammer, if they are worthy, then they may wield the power of Thor." and the hammer shot off towards the rainbow bridge.

Heimdal slid his keysword into the mechanism, and as the hammer flew towards him, a gate opened and the hammer vanished, somewhere into the nine realms. He watched it as it grew smaller and smaller in the distance and a small smile crept over his face, it was headed to Midgard, and he knew Thor would have fun there.

"And you Loki, do not think I don't recognise your hand in this, your brother is one for fighting but he was led," the wave redirected to Loki, lifted from his feet. "To teach you humility and honesty, to teach you friendship and sincerity I take from you your power, and turn you to a form to learn restraint."

As the energy encapsulated Loki, he yelled and began to glow, his features shifted, going back to the pale white of his frost giant form and then he shifted once more, his shape shrinking and becoming curvier, large pert breasts adorned his new form, still with thick luscious hair and a scowl on his, no, now her face.

"You are both banished to Midgard. Once you have sought out the last Klynter and righted the wrong you have committed, once you are worthy of your power, then, you shall receive it back."

Thor looked over at Loki and raised an eyebrow. He had a small smirk on his face as his brother became his sister, reminding him slightly of Lady Sif. Loki, on the other hand, was not amused in the slightest, she still had some of her power, illusion magic was still at her command but this new form was uncomfortable, and her new large breasts strained against her now tighter tunic.

"Now leave. Heimdal is expecting you and I banish you from Asgard until your quest is complete." As Thor and Loki left the throne room, Odin slumped back down.

Queen Freya lay her hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure Odin? You have put off the Odinsleep for too long and now, to remove their power drains you even more. Asgard will be undefended while you sleep."

"If I fail once more my love then Asgard will need both to defend itself. Thor is too brash and headstrong, Loki too dishonest and duplicitous. They heed to learn to work together, not as enemies but allies. Asgard needs them, we need them. But changing Loki? Don't think I didn't feel your hand in that, would you care to tell me why, a woman of all things?"

Queen Freya sighed, "Loki is in need of a lesson my dear, there have been, reports. A small reminder that the fairer sex is not to be trifled with." Odin laughed as she continued, "I shall prepare the chamber for you at once, leave the defence of Asgard to me, Lady Sif shall accompany me, the Warriors Three shall lead our forces to keep peace in the realms while you slumber."

"We should give them punishment as well, not once did any of them stop Thor, even Lady Sif, who I held in higher regard took part in the battle. We cannot allow Thor's brashness to infect and create chaos within our ranks."

"I shall ensure they learn their lessons well, but remember dear, Lady Sif and Thor are almost engaged, and the Warriors Three hold loyalty to Asgard, not the crown. They must have good reason to have followed Thor, even if it was just to watch over him." and but Odin raised his hand,

"I shall leave their fate to you, my dear."

Odin patted his wife's hand again before standing, surveying the gaudy golden throne room. He shook his head, if only he had more time, if only he could delay the Odinsleep another year then Asgard might still survive. He shook his head and with an unsteadiness shown only to the Queen, he descended the stairs and headed to the sleep chamber.

As Odin reached the chamber its glass dome slid open and Freya helped him inside. He could feel the energy of the chamber already beginning to heal his wounds. "Are you sure you won't tell him?" she asked and he shook his head.

"Right now, he would get himself killed. He will find what he needs on Midgard, and should be back before you know it" and he smiled as he patted his wife's hand. "As shall I." and as he lay down,

"And if you are not?" Freya asked with a worried look on her face.

"Then I leave the realm in the capable hands of the most intelligent and beautiful woman in existence." as the dome began to close Odin felt himself being drawn into sleep once more, and soon as the lid closed and the pressure seal hissed he was deep within the odinsleep.

Freaky ran her hand over the glass dome, "you are such a silver-tongued old fool" and as she leant over she gently kissed the glass. "Come back to me soon my love," and waving and she sealed the royal sleep chamber, only to be opened on either her order or by Odin himself.

Thor and Loki walked along the rainbow bridge, "so, sister, I like the look, maybe you should stay that way once we return, you might make some new friends, In fact, I'm sure Fandral will love to see you like this."

While he would never admit it, Loki did make a fetching woman. Her high cheekbones and long raven black hair suited him more as a her than as he originally was. He shrugged though, no matter who Loki was, he would always love him, as either a brother, a sister, or whatever he wanted.

Loki shook her head, "Do that brother and I'll turn you into a frog, I swear by Odin's beard, a damn frog." Thor laughed and slapped Loki on the shoulder, sending her flying,

"Oops, guess that form isn't as durable as the last one." Thor smiled and said, "don't worry, I'll get help," and laughed at his own joke, while Loki straightened herself up,

"not funny Thor, not funny."

"Oh come on, my jokes are always funny."

To you maybe, but not to anyone else, Loki lamented.

The pair continued to argue and bicker as they made their way to the golden-domed rainbow bridge portal room. "Greeting Heimdal, I believe my father has sent word. We are to depart for Midgard at once."

"Of course Prince Thor, although, may I suggest something, a bit less dramatic. Capes and armour are a bit out of fashion on Earth as it calls itself these days and Loki, horned helmets are very conspicuous."

"Ah, of course, then what do you suggest my old friend?"

Waving his sword over Thor, he transformed his clothing into a pair of simple blue jeans and buttoned-up plaid shirt and a denim jacket, while Loki was made over with a floral patterned summer dress and simple heels.

Looking down she shook her head, "oh no, not like this," and closing her eyes she tapped into the small remaining power of her magic. Her clothing changed and became a black business suit, with a black shirt and black tie, and black flats finished off the ensemble. "I am not some doll for you to dress up Heimdal, I am still the Prince of Asgard."

Heimdal nodded, "Of course my Princess, but now, your portal awaits. I have taken the liberty of setting you down in a place called New York. You should find the Klyntar somewhere there, although I cannot aid you further, you may also find your hammer nearby Thor."

"Thank you old friend. Come now Loki, adventure beckons," and laughing, he leapt into the portal while Loki, shaking her head followed after him.

As the pair arrived a crowd parted around them, the bright flash of light and the etching of energy into a travellers rune on the pavement drawing attention to the pair. Phones flashed and pictures were snapped before they could even get their bearings.

"Ha, see sister, they love us here," Thor shouted and clapped Loki on the back. "Look, an eatery" and Thor strode off towards the diner.

In a sanctum, a bearded man stared into the ether, seeing the pair arrive. As he cast an eye over the tall raven-haired woman, he only sensed faint magical energies from her. He shook his head, "no need for me to interfere this time," and went back to reading his book.

When gods walk

And shadows stalk

Chaos will rise

To Orders demise

Stephen hated prophecies more than anything, and shaking his head, and closing the book, he began to prepare.

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