
Arc Four. Chapter One Hundred Three. Feeling Superior

Liv could feel it, feel her pain. As the radiation began to interact with the formula, even Peters healing blood couldn't keep up with the exposure, but as the pain wracked her body Liv was helpless to stop it. Rather than bond and enhance it just burned, and Liv knew it was killing her, killing them both.

Liv screamed in agony as she felt Ravage being ripped apart, unable to keep healing the damage done.

Sorry, my love, I was wrong.

Gwen and Peter watched as Liv screamed and strained against the restraints of the bed. Thrashing and pulling on them, Gwen moved closer and buried her face into Peter's chest while he watched. Bloody tears began to leak from Livs eyes and he knew something had gone wrong, he could feel her, not just here through her symbiote. It was dying, the effort to keep Liv healed was too much for it and now they were dying.

The blood wasn't enough, the radiation had done what Gwen said it would, hurt Liv and trying to heal her, killed Ravage but Peter wasn't going to let that happen. Venom slipped out and grabbing a beaker Peter began to fill it with what looked like web fluid. Gwen stared, "what the hell?" as he forced Livs mouth open and poured it down her throat, seeing the beaker wasn't fast enough he simply held his wrist over her open mouth and she suckled on him like a newborn. "She needs a direct infusion."

"What the hell Pete?" Gwen shouted but he shook his head, "no, no" she yelled as she saw his skin flake and lighten. Whatever Pete was doing was hurting him as well. "Please no."

Peter had fallen to one knee. While he couldn't make specific chemicals as well as Gwen there was one thing he could produce on mass, symbiote stem cells. While it was funny and a bit creepy he knew the girls enjoyed going down on him so much as their symbiotes fed from his semen, this was no different, just a more direct source. "It's fine, just a transfusion," he said weakly.

Peter's skin was almost alabaster white as Liv lifted his arm from her mouth. and as he let go of her. he collapsed on the floor, the symbskin sloughing off and pooling around him in a faint puddle before dissolving into dust.

Gwen rushed over and lifted him, "move you stupid bitch," she yelled at Liv, who rushed and just ripped the straps from the bed, her new enhanced strength far greater than before.

Gwen glared at her, "if he dies, I'll fucking kill you," she spat at Liv and lifted the unconscious Peter onto the slightly buckled bed. "Help, get a glucose bag and then get the fuck out my lab."

Liv was about to speak when she shook her head,

no, leave the gwen to her grief.

She silently handed a yellow bag to Gwen, who deftly hooked it into Peter's arm, and as Liv headed to the door she heard Gwen weeping.

The peter is fine, that would not kill him but the gwen needs this.

Liv nodded, she hadn't grieved after her father died and then she almost died. Poison hated feeling anything negative, and even after becoming whole again, still hated pain. Gwen needed something to let all that out on, and while Liv would have prefered something a lot less horrific, it was as good as anything. She just hoped that Gwen would forgive her once she had calmed down.

"Well, come on dear, let's see exactly what we can do now eh?" And moving up into the walkways above, Liv began to stretch and change. She needed some time as well, time to figure out how to make this up to both Gwen and Peter. She had been impatient, arrogant to think she knew all there was to know about the formula and its effects, and she had been wrong. Now it was Peter who had paid for it. Ravage covered her, and with a sense of newfound power Liv shot out a web line and hoisted herself up into the rafters.

Even if she was newly bonded she felt the crushing ache in her heart. She had almost killed Peter, and she prayed, she gave every wish that he would forgive her as the tears, unseen under the symbskin covering of Ravage, poured down her face.

Peter woke, sore and exhausted, to find Gwen leaning over him, a damp patch on the blanket around him let him know exactly what had happened, not to mention the red puffy eyes.

"Don't you fucking dare do anything like that again," Gwen yelled, "you almost died," and she smacked his chest.

"Hey, I didn't, I didn't." Peter ran his hand over Gwen's hair and down to cup her cheek. "Liv almost died, I just exhausted myself to save her, and I did the same to save you. I'd do it to save anyone who I love, Gwen, it's not a selfish thing to want, is it?" Peter frowned and looked at the IV attached to his arm, "Glucose?" and Gwen nodded. Peter reached over and grabbed the bag, tearing at it with his teeth and slurping down the sugary liquid inside.

"Pete!" Gwen exclaimed, but he shook his head as the bag was emptied a few moments later.

"It's fine, just hungry," He smiled as he wiped his mouth, "I connected to Ravage, shared in her knowledge, about the symbiotes, about what Harry has been doing, even about me. There's so much more we don't know Gwen, so much more we don't understand, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We can talk about it later though, food?" and as Gwen and Peter left the lab. Gwen helping to steady Peter as he hobbled, weak, and exhausted they found a strange sight.

A monster, a giant split mawed symbiote monster with deep red skin and four extra arms was barreling around the warehouse, whooping and hollering as she, as from the size of her chest it was most definitely a she, sprang, lept, webbed, threw and even flung herself from rafter to rafter.

While she had been hurt, it seemed the formula had still worked and Liv was now enjoying being enhanced, similar to the others. It left MJ as the only human host and Peter wondered if, even after this, he could persuade her to undergo the treatment as well. If Harry did keep his promise, they might need all the protection they could get.

"Uh, lots of food I think," Peter said, hoping that Liv was still Liv under there.

Liv landed and her symbskin slid back into her,

"I never knew, I never thought it would feel so good, no wonder you're out all night Peter. God, oh Peter please, tonight oh please, I need you." Liv paused and grinned, "FOOD!" she yelled and Gwen laughed, "yeah, I phoned double our usual order." Poison shifted and Gwen kissed Peter on the side of the face.

Once she was done, Gwen slid her phone onto the table and opened the small refrigerator. Liv almost snatched the slice of cake from her hands but Gwen glared at her, "it's his." and then proceed to make a fresh pot of coffee, grabbing the sugar and creamer from the fridge as well. Seeing they still had eggs and cheese she began to work away, making him a small omelette to tide him over until more filling and calorific food arrived. After she was done she left the bowl of eggs in front of him with a fork and changed her outfit.

Facing Liv she shook her head, "Bed rest, nothing else. Your punishment is to be discussed once he's better," and left to collect their order, letting a dejected looking Liv help Peter into his favourite chair.

It hadn't been funny at the time but now they could laugh about it, with the address and the amount of food that four hungry symbiotes could eat they got a visit from the cops. Thinking another meth lab had been built. Peter spent a good amount of time showing two officers with very twitchy fingers around, explaining that he had college students living here and that they ate like pigs.

Thankfully the empty pizza boxes were stacked ready for recycling in one of the empty offices, but it was only when Peter pulled out a whole pile of licenses and permits that they reluctantly left. Whatever influence George had on the station was now gone, and Peter knew even students living in a warehouse could attract attention.

Liv fussed as Peter gently lowered himself into a chair, while he had spent everything to save Liv, he had lied to Gwen a little bit. It wasn't just his stamina that was drained, he doubted that he could transform into Venom and might need a few days to recover, pulling almost any cell he could spare into Livs body.

He shook his head though, any of them were worth it, it didn't matter who, he would give anything to save them. Once he was settled Liv bounced around excitedly, her size shrinking and growing as she practised. Even without the harness her four tentacles grew and shrank with her and if they were like his, she should be able to, he paused as Liv shot out four web balls the size of oranges and they clanged against the bay doors.

"I cleaned up last time," he shouted to her, remembering what he did to her home, and she stuck a tongue at him before leaping up into the rafters and began jumping from one to another. Swinging and running, riding the high of whatever boost the radiation gave her powers.

While she had never joined in, she did enjoy watching the four of them training, and once Ravage had fixed her legs she had taken to running along with them.

Leaping off the rafters and landing next to the table, her symbskin shifted back into her normal lab coat, sweater, and jeans attire. "Peter dear," and she tapped her fingers on the table. "I want to join you and Felicia I mean. I know that I'm not a fighter but I want to be. Harry took my life from me, Norman started that ball rolling years ago, but Harry was the one that really turned the screws. I want payback, as trite as it sounds, I want revenge, not just for that, for Gwen and Felicia's father, please."

"You'll do anything?" Peter asked innocently.

"Peter dear, please," and as she caught the cheeky smile and naughty glint in his eye, she knew exactly what he was hinting at

"Oh, you drive a hard bargain, Mr Parker. I may have to submit to your devilish desires," and she sat on his lap and kissed him gently, he wrapped his arms around her.

"uh, should I dunno, eat these myself and leave you two alone?" Gwen had come back with a pile of boxes and sodas.

"FOOD!" And Liv leapt off a crushed Peter who winced as she drove herself from him, Gwen's face fell as she noticed the pain he was in.

"Don't think I don't see that Pete, you're in trouble mister. Food, and then bed, doctors orders Liv, leave him alone, he's not recovered, I'm sure you can wait a day or so before you crush his pelvis." Liv frowned and looked over at Peter, Putting down her slice she lifted his wrist, took his pulse and stared into his eyes.

"I appreciate the save but you are an idiot," she looked over at Gwen, "of course dear, make that two days at least and I'll make sure he gets bed rest, it's the least I can do,"

"Oh don't think you get off that easy Liv," Gwen glared at her. "His condition is your fault, you'll get punishment as well, just, not now, not until he's healed," and a very remorseful Liv nodded her head

Peter shrugged, even though it hurt, and bit into the piping hot pizza. He lamented his powers were so drained as for the first time in over a year, he burnt his tongue.

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