
Arc Three. Chapter Sixty-Nine. Trouble In Paradise

Peter had created a stamp out of scrap metal, and it was a simple task to spray them black once they had been cut out. A small token, a stylised cat with white eyes, similar to her old mask had been made, the mark of her Black Cats. To be honest, Peter thought it was a great idea, and if he picked up one of those kids badge making machines he could probably turn them into more than just a token but Felicia had shaken her head, a token was fine for now.

As word of the measures Huntress was taking got around, and her displeasure at the phone calls expecting free money reached its way over to Peter. Felicia realised the enormity of her task. Some of the more outlandish requests, especially the one to kill pimps or ex-boyfriends were shot down. Pimps could be warned but not killed, and boyfriends were domestic, she wasn't some kind of angel, swooping down to give stern lectures to assholes who didn't buy their loved one's flowers.

There had only been one case of violence but Felicia knew in her bones that more was coming. Those in power only agreed as long as it was in their best interest, and while she had heard back from a few girls letting her know they were okay, there were also two that had missed their check-ins.

As promised Huntress, and the unnamed enforcer that followed her with a backpack of bottled water and simple meat paste sandwiches headed out and into the city. Hell's Kitchen once more calling them into action.

The girl in question, small and dirty with needle marks across both arms, had hoped to get money but Huntress shook her head. The network couldn't support even twenty girls, she needed a base and as sad as it was she didn't have the money to even rent one. She had even scouted out Liv's old hangouts, only to find them both occupied with squatters that looked like they needed more than she did and she had quietly left them.

This girl though was a hooker for one of the more notorious gangs, and once Huntress pressed that button she was going to definitely make herself known. What she found though was much much worse.

The girl had OD'd, and they found her with a needle in her arm, blue and limp over the toilet in her musty apartment. Felicia had stared, bare-faced and sighing, picked up the phone, called 911 and then recovered herself and left, silent and angry. Rule One was now in place, no exploiting anyone, not for money, not for drugs. If they would hook a girl on anything to make her compliant then Huntress would feed them their tainted shit back to them once needle at a time.

The second girl was a different story, it was obvious she had been attacked but as she recounted the story, a man in red had swooped down, beaten her attacker, given her the number of a women's shelter and then left.

Back at the warehouse, Felicia called up old newspapers online, looking for a mention of a man in red.

"A few, from years ago, mugging stopped, but that's it. So he's either a new player or an old one." The case was strange though. It was a robbery, a gym out in Hell's Kitchen had been broken into, nothing much but the lockbox was taken and the next day the guy had been found, after he tried to pawn some stolen trophies, bound and hanging outside a police station, muttering about a devil.

Whoever had taken the guy down stayed low and that was it. It was only now whoever it was had come back if it was even the same guy.

"What do you think?" and Peter shrugged as he read,

"Could be, same Devil name, maybe a friend, or maybe we shook the tree and a monkey fell out. Since I got my powers it does seem like a lot more have started appearing. Maybe Oscorp let out a few more," sighing and sitting back down, "maybe Norman is testing something else."

Liv had told them about Harry and his lab, but so far he'd been quiet after the Gobin incident. If he was planning something it was being kept hush-hush and Peter didn't think that another costumed vigilante was Harry's style, after spending so much time with him, making sure his grades were high enough he didn't think any kind of planning was Harry's style.

"We still need to be careful. If one of the gangs or crime bosses has gotten more enhanced we don't want a repeat of the freaky four do we?" Felicia said bluntly. Liv had been a victim as much as the rest but it was still a fresh memory that a group skilled enough could take out Venom, even if he had backup and John's rifle shot had knocked Huntress on her ass long enough that someone else better than Spider-Man could have finished her off. The risks were becoming more apparent, and so was the danger.

Peter leant back, sliding his coffee with him, "So, maybe try and find the guy. Why wait until he's breathing down our necks. If he's after your girls, maybe we find out where he actually stands before condemning him. I mean, he gave her a shelter number, we never thought of that," and Felicia had to admit he was right.

She was so used to just phoning the cops or leaving the situation alone, she had never thought to use the resources available. Pro bono lawyers, free clinics, and the many homeless shelters that would take in not just the homeless but vulnerable women.

"Am I over my head?" she asked and as he frowned.

"Nope, just new, can't run an empire without breaking a few eggs."

"That, that doesn't make sense Pete," but she still smiled as he grinned at her.

"It's new, it's a learning experience, just think of it as a giant math club," and Felicia groaned and buried her face in her hands

"You know I only joined to speak to you right?" and he nodded,

"Well, Gwen but not gonna complain,"

"Well, yeah considering you boned both of us last night you can't," and he laughed

"Boned, what are you twelve? We made sweet sweet love under the stars." and it was her turn to laugh,

"Cut the shit Parker," and as she scrunched up some paper she tossed the ball at him, "It doesn't matter, but yeah, math club, president, treasurer, secretary, don't do it alone, get help, delegate, I remember that," and she paused, "I think I still have it," and as she headed into her home she shouted, "hell yeah," and came out holding a folder above her head like a trophy.

"My organisational booklet on how to run a Midtown Junior High School Club," she said proudly and Peter just moved over and gave her a kiss.

He still had his, and the teacher's notes he was given from her handbook, which gave a list of phone numbers to call for free supplies and other helpful advice, but this was her moment and he wasn't about to ruin it.

"Right, President, me, secretary, uh maybe I could ask Liv, I mean, it would free me up to go out more?" And Peter shrugged, "right, not helping, treasurer, you, or Liv," and Felicia cradled her head in her hands screaming in frustration "not enough people, even if you, Liv and Gwen helped we need more people." and Peter rubbed her back,

"Start small, ask Liv if she'll help, I can do what I can, leave Gwen though, she's got college and the cream, its enough," and as she threw the pen across the table

"Fine. fine, so, treasurer or secretary?" And he shrugged, "not fucking helping."

"Treasurer. Most of the money in the warehouse goes into my accounts anyway, moving a bit more isn't a huge deal."

Felicia muttered under her breath, "was that so fucking hard," and he laughed.

"More dirty talk and you'll make it hard," and she snorted.

"Trying to be serious," and she reached an arm around him, and pulled him closer, pinching his rear. "Okay, so you for money stuff. Sucking up to Liv for secretary, I agree with Gwen, and well, MJ is MJ and she's busy as well. So, three, it's a start, first thing, phone numbers, cops are shit, so shelters, food banks, free clinic and free lawyers," Peter coughed and as she frowned he motioned to the pen and rolling her eyes she started writing.

"What else?" and even Peter was stumped,

"What if we steal a building, I mean, some of those places were nice enough and it's not like anyone is going to call the cops if we break into a crack den and clear it out."

Felicia leant back, thinking but shook her head. "Cops, too risky, I don't mind taking over somewhere with cash, but it just needs a hidden stash and the cops to show up and everything's gone. We don't pay the bribes like they do," and Peter nodded, frowning.

"Right, so then we do what we can. And uh, I'll speak to Liv, I'm sure I can persuade her better than you can." and Felicia laughed

"Yeah, silver tongue," and as he bent down she kissed him,

"Didn't complain last night," but she pulled him closer and stuck her tongue in his mouth, stopping him from speaking,

"Sometimes Pete, less talking is good." as she broke off their kiss. Smiling he picked her up and kissed her once more, letting his tongue explore her mouth and as she wrapped her legs around him he carried her into his home.

Liv was not resistant to the idea of helping, but she did prefer it if she took over the finances and left the paperwork to Peter.

"It's not that paperwork is boring dear, just," and as Liv looked over the pile "some of what is in these files are projects I was involved in, and I'd rather not be reminded of the things I was made to do." Liv had spent the last few weeks dealing with a lot of guilt, and even after Peter and she had consummated their relationship she still had trouble sleeping, suffering nightmares, even as Peter held her, and days spent just staring as she tried to process what she had done. They were doing their best, but it would take time.

Peter nodded, "it's not like I don't understand most of it, and I can look up what I need if it's something like the formula." Thankfully Alexsi's files and Felicia's weren't the most detailed, and while they got a brief hint of what Norman had been up to it was more the drug dens and brothels they had been hitting.

"So, the Black Cats are now officially three" and making no fan fair she pressed two badges into their hands, "Uh I got one of those things," and Peter smiled and kissed her and pinned the badge to his chest. Liv coughed and as he grinned at her he leant over and pinned the badge on her too,

"That's not what I wanted dear," and as he kissed her, "and neither was that," a confused Felicia leant over and kissed her and Liv beamed, "much better."

Felicia gave Liv a confused look but shrugged, it wasn't like MJ didn't have days when he slept with Gwen, and if that was the same for Liv, well, the bespectacled woman had a nerdy librarian charm and in a white blouse and pair of back rim glasses, hair in a bun and Peter snapped his fingers in front of her face,

"Earth to Fel, yeah, drool much," and Liv just swatted him softly,

"If a charming young woman wants to fantasise about me then you damn well let her," and Felicia realised she had been staring and had been caught.

The now embarrassed Felicia went red and stammered, "I uh, didn't and uh," and Peter laughed,

"Cat got your tongue?" He teased her and as she caught what he said she stuck it out at him.

"Never hear you complaining," and as the pair began to wrestle Liv just stared.

Well, she thought, never thought a confession would lead to a fight, but at least it's a start.

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