
76. Chelsea Ally

With a look of disapproval, Zalina walked out of the Blackmore building. The place where she had been working for the last few months and the place where she had spent most of her time with Jasper.

Zalina passed Pete, the security guard. The man waved his hand as if accompanying Zalina's departure.

"Bye, Zalina. I hope not to see you again," said Pete, who was greeted by giggles from the people behind Zalina.

"Now there's nothing left for us to gossip about. The Lady is gone."

"True, but we'll be safe since there are no more jinxed women around here."

"Mr. Jasper has finally come to her senses and is released from the enchantment."

Zalina was reluctant to accept their words as she walked with a box of items. Without Zalina knowing that Jasper witnessed her departure.

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