
Chapter 9 - The Journey From Valis

"Are we all ready?" Miyuki asked.

Miyuki held hands with Avery and Evelyn, like two flowers in each arm.

Leonidas, Sakuta, Lillith, and Ethan were all sitting in the carriage, ready for the weeks' long journey to Bouvala.

"Yeah, we're good."

"I'm all set."

"I'm ready."

They all answered.

"Avery, Evelyn, are you two ready?" Miyuki looked to each of them, asking, with a smile.

"Yes, Miyuki." They answered in unison, each giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Damn, how did I get so lucky?" Miyuki thought to himself.


The wheel of the carriage would jolt every so often, each large rock being kicked up. One singular man, Ethan, was driving the carriage with the help of two horses. Every several minutes, he would check back onto the vehicle's passengers, making sure everyone was still fine.

"Hmph." Ethan sighed to himself as only a few hours had passed, with many more to come.


"So you're okay with Avery?" Miyuki asked.

"I guess, but I don't want you to do anything with her." She blushed lightly. "I only want you to want me." Evelyn continued, in a whisper.

"We won't, as long as you don't want us to." Avery replied, twirling her dark-violet hair with an index hair. It was like Avery was not too sure if Miyuki would stick to that rule, knowing how he is.

"Yeah, we won't unless you want us to, whenever that'll be." Miyuki said, with a slight dissatisfied tone.

"Miyuki, besides your strange relationship affairs, how come you cannot just run over to Bouvala, taking us each one by one?" Leonidas sat up as he asked his fellow knight.

Miyuki sat there, he was about to speak, but two voices decided to barge into the group's conversation.

"Master would run out of mana, plus, a week's worth of carriage riding isn't too bad. We get to know each other better." Again, Dusk saluted with her paw.

"She's right, Mr Azagawa would run out of mana after two or three trips, so it'll be a safer choice to ride to Bouvala and keep his mana stored until we have to face someone." Luminous floated over to Leon while speaking.

Leonidas lightly grabbed the cat and began to pet him.

"Well I guess you're right, as you would know, as a spirit and all."


Miyuki and Sakuta were the ones in charge of driving the carriage on the second day of the week-long road trip. Each one held onto the harnesses, belonging to both horses. For the past few hours, the both of them had been quiet, as there hadn't really been anything to talk about between the two.

"Hey, uh Sakuta, I wanted to talk to you about something." Miyuki shyly began.

"Yeah man, what's up? I'm guessing it's about your two 'love interests'." Saukta remarked.

"Yeah. I don't know what to do. I mean, I love them both and I can't choose between them. Evelyn says she's okay with Avery being around, but I don't know if she truly does or not. Like what if she changes her mind on the subject?"

"Well man, I don't really know how to come at this topic, but the least I do know is to follow your heart. If Evelyn decides to not approve anymore, then that's her choice, it's up to you to stay with her or not. If she stays okay with it until the day the three of ya'll die, then so be it. Just do what you want to do, just don't try to manipulate any of them, because that's fucked up and not cool." Saukta put his hand onto Miyuki's shoulder, rubbing slightly.

"Yeah, I think you're right Sakuta. Thanks." Miyuki smiled to his friend. "To be honest, and not weird, you're kinda like a big brother to me. I never had any siblings and I barely had one friend so I never had anyone to really look up to. My parents were kinda there for me, but not really at the same time."

"I understand Miyuki, it's not weird at all. That kinda made me feel better in a way. You kinda feel like a little brother, who needs alot of help and teaching." Sakuta put his arm around Miyuki and brought the two of them closer.

"Who needs help and teaching'? Yeah, you're right about that."

The two friends began to share in a laughter.


On the third night, the Valis camp decided to stop for rest, as they previously had continued to drive without stop. Albera and her gaping hole, appearing in a waning gibbous shape, shined brilliantly onto the night sky. Further shining onto the camp's carrige.

As Lillith and Evelyn shared a tent, Sakuta, Ethan, and Leonidas all having their own separate tents, Miyuki and Avery had one to themselves.

The pair were both half-naked, only wearing their undergarments. Miyuki brushed his fingers through Avery's hair. He then had petted her fox ears, causing her to wag her tail slowly yet happily.

"You're so beautiful Avery. I love you alot." He gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you too."


"Time to wake up, love-birds!" Sakuta barged into their tent in the morning. "Miyuki, it's gonna be me and Leonidas driving today, so don't try any funky buisness with Ethan and the others."

Miyuki was dumbfounded.

"Really? You know I wouldn't."

"C'mon, I was obviously kidding. Ethan would be there to stop any funky buisness." Sakuta winked.

"Gosh, you're being weird."

Sakuta chuckled as he left the tent to wake up the others.

"He's just playing around. I overheard you guys' conversation yesterday. He is just trying to get more friendly with you." Avery embraced Miyuki as she comforted him with her words.

"You're right, you're right." Once again, he kissed her on her forehead.

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