
Chapter 3 - Someone Isn't As They Seem

Miyuki basked in a pure white, endless, room. He knew he was in a dream this time. He walked down the pure white floors for a couple minutes. "Where am I?" He asked loudly.

Dusk wasn't here.

Evelyn wasn't here.

Oliver wasn't here.

Avery wasn't here.

Leonidas wasn't here.

Miyuki was by himself.

Or so he thought.

"Miyuki Azagawa, quite the surprise to see you here." He quickly spun around to see who spoke.

It was Mimic.

He was here.

"I wonder why you are in my dream?" His deep voice sounded like it was full of pure evil and sin. "I was wondering the same thing, Voldemort." He owered over Miyuki slightly. He was around 5"8, so Mimic had to have been around 6"5.

"Who? Does not matter. Why are you here? Why am I here?" Mimic squatted down, observing Miyuki. "You are truly more different than I had thought you would have looked. You do not look as impressive as I previously assumed. But I have heard the rumors of your powers. You do not seem like the kind of man to kill one of my own men. I shall give you some of my respect Miyuki."

"Uh, thanks? I don't know, I probably shouldn't like that you gave me some respect. Anyway, what kind of powers do you have?" Miyuki stood his ground as he spoke, his left hand hanging by his sword's sheath.

"Well that would spoil the surprise, would it not? Miyuki, you seem to have greater power than anyone could have ever known. I would be willing to let you join my order. You could become someone great. We would become unstoppable together. Especially when we eventually aquire the princess' dragon blood." Mimic held his out to him. Miyuki stared at his hand.

"Join me Miyuki."

The greatest urge came over him.

Why does he want to take it

Is he speaking the truth?


A scene of what Mimic did to Charlotte Eloise flashed in Miyuki's head.

No, he shouldn't join a murderous bastard.

"No, I know who you are and what you are. I know what you've done to countless of lives, including a friend. I will never help you! I will never join you! I will fucking kill you, even if it's the last thing I ever do!" He smacked Mimic's hand, denying his offer.

Mimic stood there, staring deepy at Miyuki.

"Well that was your only offer. When I see you, I will release a suffering upon all of the Royal Knight Command. Including you and the princess. You can not stop the Black Order."

"Oh we will, you'll regret ever living when I see you." Miyuki pulled out his sword, facing the tip towards Mimic. "I will slaughter all of your men, then you will be the last to kill. I will make you suffer the pain of an eternity in hell."

"We shall see, I want to face you one day, so a word of advice. Be weary of someone you just met. Now farewell Miyuki Azagawa." He evaporated into the pure white behind them. Miyuki soon followed.

Miyuki woke up, Dusk was still laying on him. He petted her soft black fur. "She is a cute cat." He thought to himself.

"Be weary of someone I just met?"

"There's Avery, Francis, and Oliver. What did Mimic mean? Was he serious? Well he did say he wanted to face me one day, so I guess he doesn't want me to die before I fight him." Dusk awoke and stretched her arms, and yawned. "No one has really struck me as suspicious. Well, maybe someone." Miyuki whispered as he scratched his head.

"Hey Dusk, I have an idea, and I'll need your help to get me accustomed to it. If it works of course." Miyuki asked as he pet her again.

Tired, she replied, "Anything for Master."


Four Days Later:

"Well everyone, how was your first week here, in my humble home? I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed your time here. Miyuki has been healed and Evelyn has almost been healed. My brother is having success, and I would like to thank him. Everyone, give him a round of applause." Everyone seated in the dining room, all began to applaud Francis, as he stood up and bowed.

"I would do anything for the Princess, thank you all so much." He then sat back down, and the clapping came to an end. "I have also heard that Miyuki is doing well with his sword training, from Sir Avery Abel, or Madame Avery Abel, she doesn't care." Avery gave an uncomfortable look as Oliver refered to her as a man.

"Please, everyone give another round of applause to Avery and Miyuki as they stand." The two got up and were greeted with clapping. The two shared no words and bowed, then as quickly as they stood, they sat back down. Miyuki was too nervous to speak and Avery was upset by Oliver's words.

Miyuki turned over to Avery, "Hey, are you okay? You didn't seem to like what he said." She glanced at him, "I don't really like Oliver in general, especially when he calls me a man, he knows I'm a woman. He says it purposely sometimes. I just became uncomfortable." Miyuki patted her right shoulder and reassured her. "It's okay, he's stupid anyway." She smiled as they both proceeded to snicker.

Oliver watched the discourse. "Well uh, okay now everyone, enjoy your breakfast." Oliver sat himself down. Miyuki was seated next to Evelyn, his hunger was less important than hers, so he decided to feed her first, as he always does. She chewed and swallowed the food herself, Miyuki smiled to himself.

"She really has come a long way just in this week alone. I've seen you feed her, you had to help her with the chewing, but now she can do it by herself. I'm sure you're proud." Avery noted as she saw Miyuki with Evelyn. "Oh yeah, its wonderful you know? She's really making progress. Oliver said she could wake within the week."

The two tended back to their own food as they wanted to leave the talking for later.


He held his sword, standing his ground as he watched Avery's movements. He waited for her to try to strike him down. Within a second, she bounced towards him and struck his sword with rapid attacks. He could barely hold his own against her, but he had gotten quicker with some of his blocks. Sparks flew as their blades clashed back and forth. He was putting up a good effort against her.

"You have gotten good Miyuki, but always expect the unexpected!" She struck his sword upwards and then quickly swept his feet with her leg. He instantly fell on his ass. "Ouch! Hey no fair! I didn't know you were gonna do that."

She quickly helped him to get on his feet. "I said to always expect the unexpected. Probably a little too fast for you to hear me correctly." She let out a giggle, then they shared a laughter with eachother. Miyuki put his hand on her shoulder as they laughed. While their laughing slowed, he glanced at her, and noticed her eyes. Now that he thought about it, she was really beautiful.

His heart fluttered. He felt the butterflies flying around in his stomach.

Her lavender colored eyes, were gorgeous.

Her fox ears were cute as hell.

Her neck length, dark violet hair, was beautiful and looked soft to the touch.

Her somewhat tanned skin, looked angelic.

The navy blue knight-like uniform suited her stature well. Odd for a butler or maid to wear such a garment though.

But she was still stunning, now that he truly looked her up and down.

He felt his index finger through the hair near his hand. His assumption was right.

"Um, Miyuki? What was that? Maybe don't do that again." She got flustered, her ears drooped, but probably not for the right reason. He quickly took his hand off her shoulder. "Oh I'm sorry, I just- I wasn't thinking straight. You're just really alluring to me. Like, you're really awesome and beautiful."

He turned as red as a turnip. "You're just an overall delightful person to be around, Avery." He turned his head away in embarrassment. She soon followed and faced the other direction. "I uh, did not know you felt that way Miyuki. I um, need time to think about it. How about we call of training for the day? I have some, um, tasks to attend to." She gathered her things and headed up the sidewalk.

"Yeah, sure, lets continue tomorrow?" He watched her from behind, as she paraded away. She didn't answer him. "Fuck! Fuck! Why do I feel like this?" His heart was pounding. He still felt flustered just looking at her. "Fuck! Why did I touch her hair like that!? And why the hell did I tell her about how I felt in the moment!?" He began to strike his head with his right hand.

"Master! Stop! Calm down you goofy moron." Dusk appeared infront of his face. He quickly stopped when he heard her voice. "Oh, hey Dusk. Please don't tell me you saw that."

Dusk smirked. "I see everything Master does. But it's okay Master, she just doesn't know to react to something like that. Maybe no one has ever told her something like that before?"

"But the big thing is now..." She started.

"I have feelings for two girls."

"You have feelings for two girls."

They both said in unison.

Miyuki slapped his own face, shouting, "Why am I such a weirdo!?"

Dusk giggled. "Master is in a love triangle."

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