
Chapter 4 - Accused For Nothing

Miyuki stood there, nervous, underneath the "Valis" banner.

"For Evelyn."

"For Evelyn."

A somewhat-elderly looking man took the stand, and he spoke.

"Good morning, citizens of Valis. Today we are holding a rally to present each candidate that is running for king. As I am sure you all know, each of the five families will have 1 candidate participate, the heir of their family. The kingdom has one month to vote and decide who they want as the next king. Now, each candidate shall give a speech. First will be the Pratt family, then the Eloise family. Good luck to you all." He stepped off the stand and walked towards the end of the stage.

"The Pratt family, the one with the 'maned-panther' banner?" Miyuki thought briefly. A blonde man in a yellow suit, with white and brown accents, walked towards the podium. He cleared his throat, Then spoke.

"My name is Oliver Pratt and I am the heir to the Pratt family. I come here today to announce that I am participating in this election to become king. I would very much love to dive deep into how I will make this kingdom better than it ever was, but I shall go over that in a rally I will hold on my own next week. I assure you, voting for me will be your best choice if you want this kingdom to prosper for centuries."

"This guy is kinda self centered." Miyuki had thought to himself. "His speech felt rushed, as if he also hadn't had the time to write his speech. Plus he didn't even talk about anything, he'll 'talk about it next week.' This dude is for sure gonna lose, an imbecile would vote for him." He rolled his eyes, he being quite dramatic.

A large portion of the crowd cheered after Oliver gave his brief speech. Maybe he actually will have plenty of voters.

After the accolades, Oliver stepped off the podium and walked back to his family underneath their banner. Next to come forth was the heir of the Eloise family, Lillith. But before she could get any further to the stand, a man put his arm out and stopped her in her tracks. It was Isaiah, he barged himself infront of her and swiftly got up to the podium.

He stood there, staring at the crowd, as he was collecting his thoughts. He closed his eyes, then he began.

"As I'm sure most of you all know, I was assaulted a few weeks ago on Lunar Avenue, by 2 member's of the Valis party. The princess herself, Evelyn Valis, and some acquaintance she picked up along the way." Miyuki froze, staring at Isaiah as he spoke. A majority of the crowd gasped, as they may have not heard of the incident.

"Was this fucker gonna lie?"

"Yes, it's true, now her friend is participating in this election for her until she wakes. But seeing after that night, I hope she never does. The trauma I had to deal with, is indescribable. I could never wish that upon someone." Miyuki had became infuriated. "That bastard, he's lying and he could get away with it."

"You lying son of a bitch!" Miyuki reached for his sword's hilt and ran towards Isaiah. "See how he has reacted? Now he wants to assault me infront of an audience." With a swift move of his hand, Miyuki was flung from the stage by a large iceberg that rose from the ground. He was too stunned to speak, he did not expect to he hit by an iceberg. While he was soaring through the air, he had only one thought in his mind.

"You lying bastard I'll kill you!"

"You lying bastard I'll kill you!"

Isaiah observed his masterpiece with a grin from ear to ear.

Before Miyuki could fall a hundered feet to the ground, the chaos was silenced. "Stop this!" Leonidas reached his hand out toward the iceberg and Miyuki, freezing both in the air. Then in a slow speed, the destruction Isaiah created was being reversed before everyone's eyes. It was as if a movie was being rewinded. Miyuki was shocked that Leonidas had such a power, a powerful ability like that must come with extreme responsibility.

"What!? No!" Isaiah was frustrated that his plan to get rid of the rodent was interrupted.

Miyuki was set back down onto the stage, placed exactly where he had been knocked by the ice. He ran up to Leonidas. "Holy shit that was cool, Leonidas I definitely owe you one."

Leonidas nodded at him then marched up onto the stand. "Why would you lie about such an occurrence? There are plenty of eye witnesses that saw what you did to the princess. You, put her into the coma. Most probably on purpose so that you can take over her place as the next king." He pointed at him, as Isaiah slowly backed away from the knight.

"I did not do anything wrong! I would never hurt the princess. I could never even fathom why anyone would do that." Isaiah was frightened to his core. He had no idea Leonidas was capable of such an ability.

"I was there, I saw what happened. He even tried to kill me when I was trying to heal Evelyn!" Lillith spoke out, alerting the crowd of even more misdeeds Isaiah had committed. "If it wasn't for Miyuki, Evelyn and I would be dead."

The crowd was stunned. To hear such accusations with plenty of evidence. Could it be true? Isaiah Josephine lied to them all to try to become king?

Choirs of "boo's" roared throughout the crowd of thousands. Rocks and fruit had began to be thrown at the liar, ruining his purple suit. "No. No. No, no, no, no. It didn't fuckinh work!" He angerly thought to himself. "I'll have to kill the peasant another time, I can still salvage this if I don't attack him right now." Isaiah quickly bolted off the stand and ran towards his family. An older looking woman began to comfort him.

Miyuki got up the podium. He had no other choice but to speak. Shaking, he began.

"Someone like that can never be king. Someone who's selfish and self centered. He thinks of only himself. He wouldn't care about how you, the people of Valis feel. But Evelyn does. She cares for the people of Valis, and has you all as her number one priority. I see her everyday, comatose in her bed. I know she's fighting extremely hard for you all. I've been here long enough to see, that she can be a perfect king and truly lead this kingdom to prosper." Out of breath, he quickly glanced to his left to see Leonidas. He gave a nod and a look of approval to Miyuki.

The crowd began to clap and cheer. Miyuki has gotten their approval. He did it.

For Evelyn.

Lillith politely shoved Miyuki off to the side. "The Eloise faction and Valis faction would like to join as one, with Evelyn as the main and only runner for king." She spoke out. "We need a stronger party to run this kingdom, one family can not do it on their own. They need help from an ally, from a friend. Lillith grabbed Miyuki's left hand and rose the both in the air. Miyiki was shocked by this, but he wasn't opposed to this. "That is true, Ms. Eloise pitched the idea and before she went into a coma, Evelyn thought it was a brilliant idea." He finished her brief speech. Yes he lied right now, but it was truly for the good of the people.

He looked at Lillith and saw how bright her eyes shined. This all felt so surreal, like he had to be dreaming.

He was winning.

For Evelyn.

"If only she could see us now."

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