
He Who Confronted His Son

"Yes, Colin, I do like the house your father built. Not just like, but I love it."

Hearing Julie say those words made Duncan feel like he won the lottery. It was the kind of emotion he rarely had in his lifetime. 

He was a god, a Celtic god to be exact, and with the powers he had, he could do anything. Yet, he did not use those powers to learn about her. He had seen the other gods tumble down by using the power they had to learn about the women they were wooing.

He looked at his son. He cannot erase the words The Oracle had said; his son had somehow fallen for his woman. His. Duncan wanted to ignore it, there was no way he felt like that. Only that wasn't the case. 

Colin's hands were tightly clenched as he stood beside Julie. He also felt a wave of anger wash over his son when Julie admitted that she liked the house. He understood what his son was feeling. Her declaration was a slap on his face that he was not asking for.

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