

It's Saturday now, and honestly I'm pretty bored. Typically I'd go out and play basketball, or maybe volleyball if I was in the mood, but with my sprained ankle I can't do much.

Laying on my bed I thought for awhile, eventually coming to an idea, but I got no clue if Gwen would be fine with it.


I said since it's 10 AM right now, and I know some people prefer to sleep in.


P:Gotta a question, and obviously you can say no

G:Go ahead and ask

P:I was wondering if you wanted to come over so I can take a look at your DNA

G:And here I thought you were gonna ask me out on a date:(

Reading that, I slightly panicked internally, before cooling myself off.

P:Well who said it can't lead to a date?

I said after typing and deleting my response a few times.

G:Alright, I'll be over in awhile

And with that response I went down to the basement and start preparing the place to take and look at her blood, but damn did she take awhile.

30 minutes later, I hear the doorbell ring.

"I got it!" I yell out while going up the stairs.

"Sure took your sweet ti-" I start while opening the door, to pause at how she looks.

"Damn." I silently say to myself, though it seems like she caught it if her response was anything to go off of.

"Hello to you to." She said with a smile.

"Well, come on in." I say opening the door fully and stepping to the side.

"Thank you." She says politely from me holding the door for her.

"Head into the basement, my labs down there." I say as I close the door.

"Peter, who was it?" I hear Aunt May from the stairs, and looking to where Gwen was, well, she was gone.

"It was Gwen who I invited to come over." I responded as I start heading to the basement myself.

"Oh you should've told me, I would've baked some cookies." She says exasperated.

"It's fine Aunt May, you do enough already." I say, now standing in the basement door frame as I'm talking to her.

"Oh nonsense, I'm not that old yet." She said with a tone of finality while I sigh and turn to the stairs before heading down.

Getting the lab in view, I see Gwen already sitting next to my supplies to take her blood.

"Alright, you're not scared of needles, right?" I asked as I reach her and pick one up.

"No Dr. Parker, I'm old enough to not be scared of needles."

"Good." I reply simply before going over to her as she stretches out an arm to me. I locate a vein, clean the area with a alcohol swab before stabbing it and pulling out blood. Quickly putting down the needle, I pick up a band-aid and put it over the wound.

"Here, for being a good girl." I said as I hand her a lollipop from one of my pockets, though I noticed a slightly strange expression on her face before it disappeared just as fast as it appeared.

"So have you seen your own blood before?" I asked, though I assumed the answer would be yes, which it was.

"Yeah, and you're in for a great surprise." She said with a smile while sucking on the lollipop.

"Yeah, I bet I am." I said simply, putting the blood under a scanning electron microscope, SEM for short, I'm confused by what I see.

"… It doesn't make any sense, your cells have changed, but not one is different from the other. It's different than humans though, of course there are still some human markers, which kept your features the same, but how does it give you super strength?"

"No clue."

"How did you get these powers?" I asked since she hasn't actually told me.

"Well I got bit by a radioactive spider, slept for half a day, and woke up like this, super strength, sticking to walls, just suddenly came all at once." She explained, only increasing my confusion.

"And yes, I know that I make no sense right now, but it's how things happened." She said as I stood quiet for awhile, luckily Aunt May arrived with cookies breaking the silence for us.

After enjoying some great cookies, I came up with a question.

"So what about your webs? Do they, come out of you?" I asked awkwardly.

"Ew, no, that'd be weird, well more weird I guess. But no I made it myself." She answers as my interest doubled.

"What?! You made the webbing? I mean, how does it work? How does it stick? Do you know the tensile strength limit? How long does it last? Have you tried experimenting to make it stronger or last longer?" I bombarded her with questions, which each got answered as I only asked more, and eventually we started talking about other things as well, until it was 11.

"I'm hungry, you got anything to eat here?" She asked getting up from her seat.

"Well wouldn't you rather head out to eat?" I asked, getting up too.

"Yeah, you're right actually. Not sure if I wanna go to a diner or just get like a bacon egg and cheese though." She said in contemplation.

"We can figure it out on the way."

And after bidding Aunt May goodbye, my brother headed out earlier, me and Gwen go on our merry way. Eventually we decided to go to a dinner, we got our food, talked, laughed, and as we got the bill, some idiots decided to do a stick up.

"Everyone get on the ground!" The lead guy says as he shoots a few rounds into the ceiling to show they're not playing as other guys in ski masks file in behind him, eventually totaling 6 of these guys.

Me and Gwen get on the ground with the waiter that had our bill, and I notice she's trying to slip away to the bathroom, and I try to cover her, but they notice.

"Hey! Where you going beautiful, stay still!" One guy says as he walks over with the gun pointed at her.

"Pretty little thing aren't ya, maybe I should take you with us?" He asked as some of his friends laughed while I got pissed off, she can handle herself sure, more than able to actually, but still fucking annoying seeing this grown ass man think of r*ping a teenager.

"Hey dick head, pick on someone your own size!" I say aloud, making sure he could hear me, and it seemingly got his attention if the gun in my face was anything to go off of.

"Think you're a tough guy, right? What, gonna be the hero that saves the day and gets the girl?" He asks rhetorically, but I notice Gwen able to slip away while everyone looked at us.

"Well I'll definitely be more of a man than you'll ever be." I say while spitting on his face, luckily a bit of it landing through the eye holes, well on his eyes.

"Ah you fucking asshole. You're dead!" He says swinging at me with the butt of the gun, but I block it with my forearm, ignore the stinging pain and punch him in the face, and as he reels back I pull him back towards me and use him as cover while taking his gun.

"Wait wait! Guys don't shoot!" My now hostage says to his friends. But then a window breaks as someone crashes in and takes out each of the guys.

Seeing Gwen handle the situation, I pin my guy to the floor, knock him out with a few punches, maybe more than necessary, and take out the mag from the gun and pull back the ejector, popping out the bullet in it's casing still.

Eventually Gwen finishes, though unfortunately one guy was caught by a bullet, though not fatally wounded, will still be in pain for awhile.

She disappears, and reappears in civilian clothes right before the cops and a couple of ambulances get here. A medic checks us for any injuries, but we say no so they go away and a cop comes to question us.

I start to retell some details, keeping out Gwen suddenly disappearing. I get called a brave but lucky idiot, and to not do what I did again, and the cop goes away, as then Gwen's dad arrives.

"Oh my god, Gwen are you ok?" He asks while hugging her.

"Yeah dad, I'm fine. Lucky that Peter here stood up for me." She says as he then turns to me.

"Ehem, thank you for protecting my daughter." He says with his hand out which I shake.

"No problem sir, I'm sure anyone would do what I did in that situation." I said trying to act humble, though internally I was happy Gwen gave me some cred with her dad.

"Yes, well I got some things to handle obviously, so I'll see you at home Gwen, ok?" He says and bids her goodbye as she does back.

"So what now?" She asks.

"Not sure to be honest." I say while scratching the back of my head.

"Well, I think I might have an idea actually." She says before grabbing me by hand and dragging me along, not before paying for the meal though which we split after her insistence.

Eventually we reach a roof after going up a long flight of stairs.

"Do you trust me?" She asks as we reach the ledge.

"Depends on what you're about to do."

"It'll be fun, trust me." She says with an anticipatory smile.


"Great!" She says before grabbing me by the waist.

"What are you about to do?" I question, slightly worried that she's gonna do what I think she is.

"This!" She says before jumping over the ledge while still holding onto me as I now hold onto her.

"Not how I thought I was gonna die!" I say through all the hair rushing to my face. But then she webs onto a building as our descent becomes curved before coming up.

And in that moment of weightlessness as she lets go of the web, the view of New York was beautiful, and then came back the rush of air, but this time I wasn't scared.

We keep swinging for what felt like hours, until we land on one of ledges of the Chrysler building.

"That was awesome!"

"Yeah, I was the exact same the first time, but you handled it way better than I did."

"Well I trusted you." I say which only got a look from her in response." Kind of."

"So you feel like that all the time, but with tricks mid air, oh that'd be so cool to do!" I exclaimed while marveling at the idea of just purely goofing off in mid air.

"You don't even know the half of it." She replied with a laugh.

"So, what now? Just wanna gaze off at the city as the romantic tension slowly increases over time?" I asked getting a laugh.

"Yeah, but I'll make it more comfortable for us so we're just not sitting on concrete." Was her response before jumping off the edge.

I just wait before I'm suddenly pulled down by a web and land on a huge spider web that's able to support my and Gwen's weight.

"This is nice, surprisingly comfortable." I say as I lay down, left hand behind my head, right hand down to my side, and I look to the city.

"Yeah, sure is." She says laying beside me on my right. I start to think of whether I should hold her hand, but I also don't want her to feel uncomfortable, but then she strikes first, taking my hand, how lewd!

But then we stood laying in comfortable silence."Ehem, so Gwen." I eventually say after clearing my throat.

"Yeah?" She asks while towards me.

"So I feel like it's obvious we both like each other, but I think it'd be better we wait and not rush this, we just met after all, well, met again." I say, slightly apprehensive at what her response will be.

"I totally agree, a relationship isn't something you should just run into, it'll probably fail if you do after all." She says as I lighten up at her agreement and understanding.

"Glad we view it the same way!" I say with slightly to much enthusiasm, getting a slight giggle out of her.

"Yeah, me too." Was her response before we fall into a comfortable silence once again. Though she breaks it a few minutes later.

"While I enjoy this, I got some, Spider-Woman things to do, you know." She says while sitting up, as I follow suit.

"Yeah, I get it, you have a responsibility, that no one else can handle right now. Go ahead and do your spider thing, but mind leaving me near home?" "Yeah, no problem." She says standing up, I yet again am held like a damsel in distress as we swing through the city. Eventually she leaves me in a alleyway near my home as she swings off.

Walking my way home, I eventually arrive safe and sound.

A/N: comment so Ik what you guys think I should change, any issues or anything like that. As for significance of characters though, since that'll probably be asked, each character will have significance, will serve a purpose to further the narrative and deepen the story.

Uploads will be spaced out like this, up to a week maybe, purely so I don’t overwork myself and burn out and am content with what I upload, as for the end with the two spoken sentences in one paragraph, Webnovel was being weird so I had to. See ya next time.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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