
Thirty Five

"Are you absolutely sure that you have everything? Your passport? Plane ticket? Wallet?" My brother asked me like the zillionth time. I gave him an assuring smile. Daniel pulled me into a hug. "Take good care of the both of you, Sam," Dan whispered into my ear. I promised that I will and I think little about breaking my promises. "Erica feels bad that she can't be here to bid you farewell, but she wanted me to give you this as a going away present," Priscilla said as she hands me a small round box. A beautiful red ribbon bow-tied around it. I opened it up and allow my fingers to trace the heart shaped locket inside. I picked it up from its bed of cotton. It clicked open. Two small photos greeted me. At the left side parades a younger version of my mother in all her glory, while the photo on the opposite side were a childhood photo shot of Daniel, Erica and myself. "This was Mom's," I said as soft tears pricked at my eyes. The memory of her wearing this piece of jewellery, fresh on my mind. Dan took it from my hands and fasten it around my neck. "She would want you to have this. May Mom be your guardian angel on your journey ahead. Come back soon, but next time bring him alone for the ride," my brother said. I can tell that he's not only referring to the bundle of joy in my womb, but the greatest present that God had given me. The one who bewaits my arrival. Daniel kneels down in front of me, pushes a hand gently against my baby bump and said: "Can't wait to meet you buddy! Don't give your Mom to hard of a time. You'll soon see what an amazing woman she is," he kindly informed the infant. I smiled down at the scene. What a sweet occurrence. What a wonderful thing to see. This moment will forever be stored within the folds of my heart. Soon enough, my in law, greeted me aswell. What originally started out as a few weeks breather, turned into a well deserved holiday. After long last, I made my way on to the plane and sat down in my second class seat. I buckled up. What's done is done. I can hardly believe that I'm five months into this pregnancy. Not a single day had passed that I haven't thought about Namjoon. Most nights I still cry myself to sleep and I don't blame the emotional roller coaster ride that I've been on lately. I miss him irrevocably!

The plane jerks as it takes off. Why do I feel so nervous, all of a sudden? "Sit back and enjoy the flight," the captain assured the passengers. I got into a more comfortable position. A hand lightly shook me away. I must have dozed off at some point. "Sorry to bother you, Miss. Would you like something to drink?" I smiled sheepishly up at her. "Some orange juice would be gladly appreciated," I answered. She took out a bottle of expensive juice and handed it over. We fall into conversation. She being curious, asked me about the pregnancy and how far along I am. She congratulated me and left. I opened the bottle of juice. A big swig followed. This is a bliss!

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