
The Definitive Goal

"That's Lilith, she is Lilian in your world, and also my first wife, followed by Nero, which goes by Nick in your world."

Asmodeus comments to his counterpart, Lilith looks up confused but waves her hand in a friendly gesture while saying.

"... Hehe... Ah. Hello."

Asi looks back to Asmodeus as she already lost interest in Lilith, and comments to Asmodeus as such.

"I see."

Asmodeus was curious as to why she killed the Lilith and Nero of her world.

"By the way, why did you kill Lilian and Nick?"

The petite Demon gave Asmodeus a bored look as she answered honestly.

"Ha why else, I simply got bored of them, should there be any other reason?"

It was at these words that both Lilith and Asmodeus caught on to Asi's true nature.

She unlike Asmodeus seems to be fully uncaring for life and lesser beings.

To confirm this Asmodeus asked.

"By the way Asi, what's your thought on life?"

"Annoying, but interesting?"

Next chapter