
The birth of the Demon King of Lust


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100 power stones= 2 chapter release

200 power stones= 4 chapters release

500 power stones= 8 chapter release

700 power stones = 14 chapters release

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My name is Damien Julian. I am an 18-year-old high school student that is in my 2nd year of high school. Normally, I am supposed to be in college by now; however, I repeated my first year, and also my second year, and now I'm still in my second year.

I know it sounds pathetic; however, it's not like my parents are paying for my tuition. No, I work a part-time job at Sin Donald's. My only talent is cooking, and although I work every evening from four to eight, I still prefer to be at work than at home or school.

And with the little money I make and save in my account, I could only afford to go to the cheapest school within my budget, which is Delinquent High. And yes, as the name implies, it is a school full of problem children and delinquents—a literal school made for gangsters.

However, that very school is my hell. Every day, I am bullied for being weak-looking, especially by the girls in Class D, which are the girls in my class.

When you think about it, I could understand why I am a target. The reason being I am slightly chubby, I have what many would refer to as a baby face, and all I do is study in my free time, although I'm not the brightest tool in the shed.

I hate school; I hate everything about it, but I know education is necessary for a stable future. My dream was to originally be a composer, but that dream soon came down the drain when I found out I was tone-deaf, that and the fact that it's too much work to begin with.

That's why I will endure this hell called school life and hopefully graduate one day and get a job with enough income to rent an apartment for myself every month.

For now, I just have to battle out the abuse and slander from home and the humiliation and bullying from school.

Or that's what I would like to say if my life wasn't so shitty. Everyone has a limit, and I think I have reached that limit. Why me? Why am I the only one these guys target? What have I ever done to them?

Damien said to himself as he gazed down at his textbook in silent despair and annoyance. He could feel and smell the cold and moldy sensation of spoiled milk being spilled all over his head by one of his bullies, as he slander Damien and said:

"Oops, my hand slipped, Damien. No hard feelings, right?"

The tall teenage boy said to him as he had a smug look on his face. He was about 6'4" in height and was muscular. He wore black cut jeans and a single latex jacket, which allowed everyone to see his many scars and tattoos he has accumulated over the years. He had wild red hair and green eyes. On his neck were four silver chains—two thin ones and two thick ones. He wore an expensive-looking Mucchi on his feet.

This asshole's name is Ben Humes. He is the head of Class D and also one of Damien main tormentors. However, with his height and physical prowess surpassing his by a good way, there is nothing he could do about it.

And what could he do to back him up when his gang is always watching him like hawk would their prey, especially that monster by the left window—Ben right-hand man, Alexander, who is rumored to be a boxer.

While at the end of the class is the small psychopath, Jason, the son of a local gang member. Rumor has it that he killed a person already; however, those are just rumors.

But all these guys are dangerous. Hell, this school is so dangerous that they built a local police station right across the street to minimize the criminal activities these delinquents do after school.

Just the other day, someone got suspended for hitting an officer and stealing his phone and money from him.

But as he think of this, the voice of a certain bitch could be heard in the background as she approached him and said:

"The day barely started, and you ruin it with that ugly face of yours, loser Damien."

Spoke a certain girl in short leather pants, a white top, and jackets covering her. She had short blond hair, purple eyes, and bright red lipstick on her lips. On her hands were two black gloves, while she wore heels to school. She had a firm pair of boobs that weren't too large but weren't too small either; however, she had a nice round ass and thick thighs, a perfect example of child bearing hips.

This bitch—no! This slut's name was Hannah Avalana. She is a repeater like myself who had repeated two grades. She is without a doubt the most beautiful girl in this class. Many desire to fuck the living daylight out of her.

You could say she is the head of the girls in the class as well, and ever since Damien eyes crossed with her's for the first time, he automatically became a target. Not only will she humiliate him and slander him to no end making me kneel and even taking away his lunch money from him, she currently has some dirt on me as well.

You see, she accidentally caught him buying and reading a doujin from H-stop, an R-18 store that sells some rather cultural products. Since then, she would force Damien to buy her new clothes, new makeup, pastries, and much more. The most annoying request is the fact that she forced him to cook for her.

Damien honestly hate her; she is such a bitch. But seeing Ben's sudden blushing reaction when she arrives, anyone can see this simp begs to differ. It's obvious this asshole has a crush on her.

But it's none of Damien business because as he stayed were he was, Hannah looked at him and said:

"Oi, loser Damien, why don't you go buy me some chocolate milk before class starts?"

"But the bell's going to ring in a min...


But before he could even refute her, he suddenly began to feel a heavy jolt to the right side of his face as Ben sent a powerful right to his jaw, which made Damien fall off his chair and into the wall, which was followed by him constantly kicking him in the stomach while saying:

"A mule should move when they are told. Who the hell are you to deny a girl's request?"





The sound of him kicking him over and over could be heard. As he tried to protect his head, but it doesn't ease the pain he was feeling from being assaulted.

As he watched him kick him over and over in anger, Damien could only think about these shitty classmates of his. Why don't they target the other classmates for once... why do they only target him?

Look at Sophia; she is quiet and easy to take advantage of. Then there is Max, a fellow otaku—maybe a friend, but he is giddy and lame, someone who is an even bigger loser than he was.

That much Damien knew for sure.

Why don't they beat him to a pulp? Why is it only him? He asked himself.

'I am sick and tired of it. I'm always the one getting beat up when it's most convenient. These assholes torment me for being weak. My father always beat my face in for looking like my mother. My sister, who sold me out to Ken, and even these pathetic people in the class—all they do is watch... Help me you useless fucks...

But of course, they won't. Why? Well, it's simple: they benefit in no way whatsoever, and even if someone steps up, they will just become a victim. In short, Damien was alone and by himself at that. No one is going to help him because he was at the bottom of the food chain.

The stress...

'wHy aM i ThE oNe beInG hARasS!?'

His deeper inner voice began to speak, for a while now, he began to hear voices in his head... tempting him to do things he should not...

Things he would never in his life dear to do... muchless act upon.

Alas though... no matter how he tried to filter them out...

They always slip pass him, even now they were present like a bat to the skull shaking his brains at every given second, they spoke louder than ever.

'KILL ThEm... wHaT arE YoU WaITInG fORRRRR?!'

These temptation's were by all means, just words, he heard them, yet he knew better to just ignore, but he can't take it anymore.

As such his lesser demons won, and he finally succumb to his hate.

'I hate this... I despised this!!'

'GoOD... gOooOoOODD... whY sEtTlE fOr ThiS BulLsHit?!'

His inner demons said, and Damien himself felt himself slipping to the edge.

'I hate..HATE..hate..HATe..hATEE!!!..every last one of you...y-you people are just so fucking irredeemable, none of you should not even be worthy of life, NoNoNoNooooooo, humanity as a whole is just race that should be wiped out, unending greed, betrayal, war, murder, theft, human trafficking, a pathetic race like this should just die for all I care...

The moment he said that those last words, it seem's to have been the trigger, as they echoed without end in his mind.

'SHouLd jusT dIe fOr ALl I cARe.... sHoUld JuSt DiE FOR AlL i CarE.... SHoUld jUsT diE fOr All I CARe... sHoUld JuSt DiE FOR AlL i CarE.... SHouLd jusT dIe fOr ALl I cARe....

And upon saying that last part something unexplained began to happen it was as if the world came to an abrupt stop, and words I say just repeat over and over again and again.

'SHouLd jusT dIe fOr ALl I cARe.... sHoUld JuSt DiE FOR AlL i CarE.... SHoUld jUsT diE fOr All I CARe... sHoUld JuSt DiE FOR AlL i CarE.... SHouLd jusT dIe fOr ALl I cARe....

It was as if every bad thought he had ever had in his heart and mind was being replayed in his head like a scratch record, as if to remind him of how hateful he was to everything around him.

The pain of his past, and present flood into him... flash backs of horror now child should bare hit him like a tide.







"Father should just die. Should I poison his food?"

He mumbled to himself.

"That bitch, that stupid big-tit bitch, why does she always target me? Agh, something as useless as she should be stripped down and raped over and over again and again. If I had my way, I would turn her into a convenient cum dump."

He mumbled to himself, insanity taking over, depravity and anger over reason of logic.

"Look at this hag, scolding me because someone threw chalk at her, and the others blame it on me. You deserve to be hung and sexually humiliated for your stupidity."

He bit lips, blood dripping, teeth grinding.

"Those fucking brats, they kick down the garbage again. Who is going to clean up the mess? I swear this is the 15th time this week. Ughhh.... they deserve to be run over. They deserve to be tortured and killed as someone tosses their disgusting body in the trash where they belong."

Hatred and annoyance take over, convincing him as such.

"Look at all these humans. They're like maggots in a swarm of waste. All of them should just die. Humanity is flawed and twisted. Why couldn't a meteorite delete them like it did the dinosaurs?"

The lack of humanity leaking from his mouth.

"Haaa... family... hahaha hah... family, please. No family member would betray their own blood for their convenience. Maybe Ken should sell you off as a sex slave. That is the only use I see in you, sister of mine."

Lonliness... vunerability... selfishness... hate... HATE... hate... uncertainty... HATE... HAAATE...

"I hate this world. When will judgment day come?"

"Look at this helpless pigeon. They broke its wing; now it can't fly. I wonder how long it's been here to suffer like this. You poor thing, let me take you out of your misery...


Mercy... Goood... genuine good... that was his thoughts at that moment, as the memory played in his mind, he sqashed the bird, the sound of it's thin bones breaking under his heavy boots could be heard, it entrails shooting from it mouth, and its eyes flying out the socket, but the quickness of it grant it a painless death.

This sight alone, made him think.

"Oh, how I ENVY YOU!"







Damien mind was a mess, it was already fragile, but the water had finally tiped over.

As he was being step on, negative emotions boil to an all time high, his memories showing no mercy in his visions.

"I wish 2D girls existed instead of these shameful 3D existence."

"This feels good. Let's see how many slices did I make on my wrist today? 1...2...3....45."

The voices became more clear as time went on in this stopped world. They were all whispers, reminding him of his morbid and fuck thoughts, reminding horrible and pathethic he was as a human.

These were not traits, or behavior a human in society should have, and Damien knew this.

 I know I am a scum, but my head hurts way too much to even care right now. I'm tired of everything. It's just that suicide is harder than I thought."

However, as this torment goes on and the emotional damage increases, but just when Damien think these flash backs would not end, all of a sudden, the voices in his head stop, as if something force him not to think otherwise, and even the pain behind each word stops as well.

And finally, something arrived before Damien eyes—a black screen with blood-red words on it.

'What is this!?'

Damien said in his head... of course seeing this he began to read it, and this was what it said:

『The Will of the World has seen the lingering evil in your heart』

"The lingering evil in my heart, the... hmmm... wait, is this something like those many cliché manhwa or manga where the MC suddenly gets a system? Holy shit, I think that was fantasy. How is this real?"

Damien asked himself... clearly in shock since he was what many would be calling a game head or an otaku. But instead of confirming it for him, the words changed to something else as it got right to the point.

『A Demon king seed has been sense in the canidate: As such a suitable sin has chosen you... would you like to be one of the nine Sin demon kings of this world?』

The words said, cause Damien to reply as such.

"A demon king, like those last boss super monsters you see in the isekai genre?"

But yet again, this so-called world rejected his answers and went straight to the next question as it asked him:

『If so, what are you willing to sacrifice?』

"Sacrifice, as in a power price? And when I ask that, the world finally answers me."


At these words Damien started to think of the pros and cons of this once-in-a-lifetime deal. The good news is if this was anything like a webnovel, he would probaly get supernatural power in a modern world like this. The bad news is the fact that he have to offer up something in return—something of equal value, he presume of course.

And when he start to think about it, the pros were greater than the cons. Leading him to think like destructivley.

'What do I even lose? I have nothing. Hell, I could care less about my soul or humanity. Just give me power....

So with that in mind, this was what he said:

"World, I don't have anything of equal value; however, I can offer you everything—even my soul and body, even my home and the life of my father, my money, everything. If you give me the power I so desire, I shall serve you. I shall be your right hand... hell I don't even mind being your mule... Those that defy your will, I shall gladly strike them down. So, give me power."

Damien said and pleaded with all his heart, but the world didn't respond right away, as if thinking how generous he was. And finally, after two minutes, the world replied to him:

『The will of the World has heard your plea and has decided to accept your offer, due to sensing an immense loyalty and desperation within subject X-6,789,626,109 >> Damien Julian』

『So, in return for your eternal loyalty as the first and last slave to the world, the world shall give you preferential treatment, while gifting you the power you so desire』

『If you agree, please say <<Yes >>. If not, please say <<No >>. You have one minute to decide』

But to the world suprise, Damien answer was immediate.

"Fuck the one minute, just give me the power I want. I agree; I shall be your slave. Now, give me POWER!"

『You have officially signed a master-servant contract with the Will of the World. As of this moment, your soul has been saved within the World's Akashic Archive. Now distributing payment to the subject』

And right after, Damien suddenly felt a huge wave of pain hit him all at once as his body began to shake uncontrollably.


He screamed, but no one heard him He cried, but no one could emphasize with him. He begged, but no one would listen to him. The pain Damien was feeling was like no other. It felt like trillions of needles were slowly piercing his body while he was being set on fire.

In the end, he was being destroyed and rebuilt—or that's what he think. And as Damien screamed in pain, alone in his mind, he couldn't even focus on the notification in his head.

『You have been gifted the World title, "Demon King of Lust," from the Will of the World』

『You have been gifted the World title, "Apostle of Akashina," from the Will of the World』

『You have received a divine birthright from the Will of the World』

『Your soul has evolved from a "Mortal soul," to an "Evil Divine soul"

『Now attaching the Demon King system to the subject』

『Warning!!... Prepare for evolution... from "Human," to a legendary race, "Divine Incubus," shall now begin』

『Now putting the subject into an unconscious state for evolution to proceed smoothly... time in the universe has stop to accommodate the subject』

And like that, Damien was suddenly knocked unconscious. And the next time he woke up, it would be the day he finally got to have his way and started his new life as one of the nine evils of the world.

Next chapter