
Secret Jutsu. Obito vs Sanji

"Ho-ho-ho-ho! Nice to meet you ghost! I'm a friendly skeleton!" Brook took off his hat and bowed first.

When everyone finally calmed down and began to open up more and get to know me, Rayleigh called me to talk in private. In the distance, I saw a bird fly up with people and realized that soon it would be necessary to sail.

"So what are we talking about?" Leaning against a tree, I crossed my arms while looking at Rayleigh .

"I heard about what really happened that day. Thank you for saving Usop. But tell me what are your plans? After what you did, they will never let you go. In truth, I heard that at the first sight of you, it was said to use... a golden snail."

I frowned. Not even how he learned about it, but what I heard. Erase the whole island just because my face lit up? What cruelty.

"I have only one plan, to look at the new world. Do you want me to stay away from the straw hats because I'm so dangerous?"

"No, not at all. If that's your choice, then you can go with them, I don't mind at all. Just don't let them down. Do you promise?" He looked at me seriously and frowned.

Looking into his eyes, I realized that he was talking in all seriousness.

I thought about it for a long time. I know so little about the world and only after visiting the island, I can leave a mark in the Kamui dimension on which island is where. I'll swim a little with their team, if they agree, I won't stay with them for long. If they are against it, I will start my journey.

"Haha, I see in your eyes no extra words are needed. Let's go, they'll be leaving as soon as possible." Rayleigh patted my shoulder and walked back.

Having folded the seals, I turned into Rayleigh. Turning around in shock, the real Rayleigh chuckled and moved on realizing what I wanted to do.

Coming back to the ship, we looked at everyone standing in the same poses.

"I guess that's where we say goodbye, Luffy." I nodded imitating Rayleigh's voice.

"Don't forget about training and don't be lazy." - smiled the second Rayleigh.

Lowering his hands, Luffy looked at me, then at him. Rubbing his eyes, he widened his eyes and grabbed his chin, sat down, and began to think. Smoke poured out of his head after a couple of seconds. And no matter how he turned his head, he still could not understand. Everyone was waiting for the captain to finally understand. Finally, he decided something and slammed his fist on his palm, exclaiming.

"Ha! Two Rayleigh are better than one!"

"Fool!" Angry at Captain Sanji and Nami, they immediately punched him in the head.

"Ouch! Ouch! What did I say? Luffy squatted down holding his head, pretending to be offended.

Laughing at the same time, Rayleigh and I laughed together.

"See you later old man." Rayleigh held out his hand and shook Rayleigh's hand.

"See you again, I'll still be working here so if anything can come here." Rayleigh shook my hand and walked back.

By canceling the technique, I returned to my real appearance, showing my dark eyes and a snow-white smile.

I was wearing a purple shirt and black pants. I sewed the Uchiha coat of arms on the sleeve, showing belonging to the clan. I was more like myself than ever.

"Wow, how cool!" Luffy yelled as the stars came out of his eyes. - "Join my team!"

Everyone immediately froze when they heard this.

"Luffy I've known him for two years, he's my friend! He dreams of seeing the world after his hard life, let him come with us! Wait, are you inviting him already?" Usop froze without finishing his sentence.

"Okay, I agree, but I will not be with you forever only until the moment when my journey of the traveler ends."

"OK!" Luffy raised his thumb and smiled all over his mouth.

"Nothing is Okay! How can you invite a random person!?" - Nami got angry. Apparently, she didn't really like me.

"He's an honest and simple guy!"

"You can trust him, I've known him for two years!"

Luffy and Usop'n stood up for me.

"Well, I'll introduce myself, my name is Uchiha Obito known as ..." - without finishing, I fell silent and suddenly noticed a black object approaching our ship. Noticing that I saw something, everyone turned towards the sea and saw three giant patrol ships.


The core entered not far from us and exploded right under the bottom.

"Damn it all! Chopper ropes!" - Frankie roared, rushing somewhere and at the same second, I saw how the bubble began to expand, absorbing the ship.

"Yes!" - Chopper cute puffing immediately climbed somewhere.

Seeing how well they worked together, I thought about what to do. Technically, I could destroy all the ships on the horizon with suiton or my fire Jutsu, but I already saw a Hanhawk approaching that delayed them.

"Guys!" Luffy exclaimed, stopping everyone from their work. Standing on the railing of the Sunny, he giggled looking down - "I want to tell you so much ... But first I must apologize for forcing you to follow my selfish plan for two whole years!"

"Raise the sails!!!"


"Let's go to Fish-Man Island!!!"

Watching their happy faces, I remembered both of my past. What is Obito, what is mine. Both were always happy at the beginning of the journey, but there always came a time when the smiles disappeared and there was only darkness ahead, which always exist when there is light.

I wonder when it will consume me?




"Aaa, we're getting deeper and deeper!! Are you sure we won't drown?" - little deer trembled looking at the underwater roots.

"I can't believe that the roots go so deep..." - hanging in a compromising pose, Robin looked down.

"I've already seen it all," Zoro stated without even looking around the ship.

"Shut up Idiot! Naturally, you saw boarding the wrong ship!" Sanji grinned.

Approaching the edge, I looked down and saw the roots shuddered. The first thing that came to mind was the ten-tailed. Its roots were just as long. Frowning, I lost the mood to look at the roots, sighed, and walked away to lie on the bubble.

"Hey, why are you flinching? Are you scared, huh?" Luffy stretched his neck two meters and hung his head next to me while smiling from ear to ear.

Hearing that I shuddered with my award, everyone immediately turned to me to hear the reason.

"I'm not scared, just unpleasant memories from my past associated with trees and roots. I'll lie down and rest until we sail."

"Heehee! That's not how it works! Let's fight!" Luffy laughed.

Frankie raised both hands and folded into a pose.

"Oh yes! I'll be the judge!"

"A fight!? You will destroy the ship…" Zoro took a sip from the bottle as if his throat had dried up as soon as he expressed his opinion.

"Wow, for the first time a smart thought visited a brainless swordsman!" Sanji remarked.

"Go to hell!" The bottle flew at Sanji, but Sanji dodged and the bottle knocked out Usop who didn't expect this.

Laughing, I decided to show the secret technique and jumped to my feet.

"Sanji, I have a secret technique that is said to have once defeated a goddess who could destroy entire mountains. Do you want to see it?"

"I want! I want!" Luffy started to jump around giggling.

"The ship will be safe and sound!" I immediately assured everyone.

"I can't promise I'll leave you unharmed!" Sanji rushed forward without a signal.

At high speed, without taking his hands out of his pockets, he kicked right in the face.

Having activated the chakra, I immediately dodged with Shunshin to the side. The technique was designed to move long distances, but it was incredibly cool to use it at close range.

After fighting with Kizaru in my activated Sharingan Sanji was too slow.

It was like I teleported two steps in front of everyone. The chakra control was so good that I didn't even think about performing the action instinctively.

Dodging a hail of blows, I noticed that he is quite fast for an ordinary person, but not for the new world.

Finally jumping back a few meters, I took out my hands and folded the seal.

"Get ready Sanji!"

Shifting into a defensive stance, Sanji tensed up in a sweat. Apparently, my speed put a lot of pressure on him.

Jumping forward, I created six copies of myself on opposite sides. All eyes were full of shock as the seven Obito surrounded him, getting closer to attack with every split second.

"Sexy Jutsu: Harem Jutsu!"

Smoke surrounded all seven and seven unwritten beauties flew out of the smoke. Moaning sounds, barely covered intimate places, blonde, brunette, red-haired with short and large breasts...

Sanji's eyes dimmed and he froze. Approaching from the center in the form of a blonde with two ponytails, shaking her breasts whose nipples were covered with smoke, I grinned, poking my forehead with my finger. Falling back, Sanji fell on his back like a stone, and immediately a stream of blood escaped from the pervert's nose, which flew into the wall of the ship with acceleration, entering halfway. Crashing, he emitted the last drops and, having lost a lot of blood, went limp.

"There is a penetration!" I saluted.

Looking at the others, I saw a dead skeleton twitching on the floor all purple and very red Zoro. Covering her eyes with her hands, even Robin was embarrassed. Franky just jumped back and forth taking pictures with his built-in camera.

"Kyaaaa!!! Pervert!!!!" Nami teleported behind me and hit me in the head with a swing.

"Bleh!" - Dodging at the last second, I disbanded the clones and turned around canceling the technique.

"What the heck!"

"AAAHH Sanji don't die!!! He doesn't have a heartbeat!!" Chopper yelled crying while shaking the half-dead Sanji.

Okay, since I brought him into this state, I will cure him.

Approaching him, ignoring the flaming Nami, I grabbed his head and whispered a few words in his ear.

At first, the ear widened as if listening, but after a second, Sanji yelled heart-rendingly, waking up pale.

"No! NONONONO!! Nami-swan!! I won't let this happen!!!" - crying, he climbed to hug her but got a boot in the face.

"What did you say to him to react like that?" Robin asked softly as she approached me while everyone surrounded Nami and Sanji, who couldn't get away from her.

"I thought you overheard that too." I glanced sideways at her.

Realizing what I was hinting at, she became embarrassed.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to get caught. Does Rayleigh know that I've been listening too?"

"What do you think?" To which she just nodded.

"Tell me what did you do that they are ready to send a buster call for you?" - Coming closer, Robin whispered too quietly, but I still heard.

Turning around, I put my arm around her, tilted my head closer, and whispered in her ear what really happened that day. Flushed, Robin listened but soon turned pale.

Shaking, Robin gasped in shock and covered her mouth with her hands not believing. Apparently, her legs were trembling and she almost fell to the floor. Picking her up, I carefully seated her on the bubble.

"Are we okay?" I smiled when I got the nod.

"You understand what consequences you will have in the future?" - she asked but I dint had time to answer and immediately felt the danger behind me.

"It's been a second since I let you out of my sight and you're already pestering Robin!!!" -Mad Nami grabbed me, spun me, and threw me into the wall, creating another hole.

This time I decided not to resist as Nami really went crazy.

Getting out, I dusted myself off as if nothing had happened and went to the railing to watch the sea.

Robin giggled and went to her hammock, ignoring Nami's admonitions, who promised to throw the pervert's overboard next time.

Next chapter