
Preface 1.0

Hungary, 2008

This was the first sip from the bowl the goddess filled with the honey of Life. It is the dividing line between Doubt that deceives the spirit and sorrow of the heart, with Necessity which floods the interior of the self with pleasure. It is the beginning of the sound Life and the first act in a drama about the Ideal Man. It is the bond that unites the alienation of the past with the brightness of the future; the relationship between the silence of feeling with the hum of the song. It is the word spoken by your lips and declares the heart as its throne, Love as its king, and loyalty as its crown. It is the soft touch of the soft fingers of the breeze on the lips of a rose—saying long sighs of relief and moaning.

Laura Kristeva closed her book containing a poem collection when a noise made her gasp in surprise. There was the sound of hurried footsteps outside the room, followed by loud screams. Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was 01.25 am, Laura got out of bed to find one of her maids coming in with a torch with flames snaking in the night breeze.

"Hercegnő! El kell menni!! (Princess! You must go!)"

The maid grabbed Laura's wrist, which made the girl blink in disbelief. Her long, curly brunette hair was tied with a sloppy black satin ribbon.

"Mi történik? (What's wrong?)" Seeing the panicked behavior of her maid, Laura was chased by curiosity. Her flawless white face without any sun smudges had a glaringly confused expression on it.

"A vámpírvadászok megtalálják ezt a palotát! (The vampire hunters have found this place)."

Laura's lips opened in surprise. Her eyes, decorated with dark brown irises, widened and her pupils dilated like the ping pong balls she often played with her two brothers. She quickly ran out of her room down a long dark hallway, occasionally glancing back. Her long, fluffy nightgowns rubbed against the marble floor. Creating an imbalanced composition of panic, shock, and elegance.

The situation in their secret palace had been ravaged by the flames. Laura gasped to find her palace guards had been burned. The maid next to Laura grabbed her master's hand, telling him to run away.

"Hol vannak a szüleim? Hol van Lorena és Edgar?! (Where are my parents?? Where are Lorena and Edgar?!)" Laura's scream echoed down the hall. She jerked the handle of her servant's hand, trying to find the brothers and sisters and their parents who had disappeared somewhere.

"Megpróbálták megölni a vadászokat. Julius király és Serenity királynő harcol. A többi szolga megmentette a testvéreit. (They are trying to kill the hunters. King Julius and Queen Serenity are fighting. The other servants saved your brothers)."

"Nem! Segítenem kell nekik! (No! I have to help them!)"

"Hercegnő! Ne tegye, Felség!! (Princess! Don't do that, Princess!)"

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