
Chapter 26: The Unrelenting Fury Of Impatience

Outside, The Kandid Bar, Kanid, Iowa....

The clanking of empty aluminum beer cans stripped bare from the slow peeling of the labels resounded as more and more made it to the makeshift pile at the foot of a bored and visibly annoyed Brick Kenneally's steel folding chair. The seemingly disgruntled werewolf felt the inevitable boiling of his blood the longer he awaited news from Ken and his Badger M.C. crew about his current target and the lack thereof. The brash and brutish man wanted nothing more than to hunt the "cowardly weasel" down and teach him a thing or two about how to treat a lady good and proper, but he had at least attempted to allow Ken Marshal and his crew to sniff out the rodent in men's clothing before he and the boys decided to tear up the town. There would be no stone left unturned by the time they were done and once they got the scent, there was no stopping the chase until the current target was caught.

The muscle bound, leather clad brute tossed a final empty can into the pile and finally stood up, feeling the blood rush through his legs as he reached maximum height. He dusted off his jeans and leather cut and proceeded to move toward the entrance to the bar. Brick let out a sound akin to a snort and adjusted his already well noted crotch before making his way toward where Barbra Marshal was wiping down the counter top with a crisp white dish rag.

"You heard from your old man yet?" asked Brick not at all hiding his annoyance and impatience.

"No." replied Barb. "You're just gonna have to sit tight for a while, Kenny's doing the best he can after all your collar might not even be in Iowa any longer."

"I got something for you to sit on with your tightness." growled Brick with a flicker of heat behind his strangely hypnotic grey eyes.

"What's got you all hot and bothered?" asked Barb with a smirk.

"Memories of your sweet ass bouncing on my dick." replied Brick leaning against the bar with his palms stretched out over the surface of the wood below him.

"Now Bricky, you know it ain't right to tease me with Kenny not here." replied Barb doing a bit of flirting as she continued to wipe down the countertop.

"Already told your old man that if he didn't get me my fish, Long John Silver is going deep sea diving." growled Brick his impatience becoming more and more palpable.

Barb smiled at him.

"Long John and I have had quite a bit of fun our last outing." she said teasing him in return. "Of course word is he's been keeping plenty busy with the barely legal resident jailbait as of late last night."

"He went wading, but it was a shallow pool." he replied still with the flicker of heat behind his eyes. "Couldn't dive deep enough for his liking."

"As I recall, he nearly drowned the last time he went too deep." replied Barb with something of a twinkle behind her lovely blue eyes. "Must have been too much water for him."

"Diving ain't no fun without the risk." replied Brick outright flirting with the woman behind the counter. "Must be why he didn't use a life jacket."

Barb and Brick stared at each other for a moment or two before the ringing of the phone got their collective attention. He watched her moved behind the bar, staring intently at her firm and shapely backside as she moved to see whom had been calling.

"Hello?" she said slightly annoyed at the interruption putting an abrupt end to her rather stimulating banter with Brick.

He watched in silence as her expression faded from something akin to annoyance to outright concern as she continued to speak on the phone.

"Kenny where the hell are....?" she began. "Why does that sound like gunshots in the background...oh it is gunshots in the background....you say the bastard's hold up in Coyote territory?"

Brick arched a brow at this news as he continued to lean against the bar no longer focused on the off hand banter he had enjoyed previously as concern seemed to be at the forefront of his mind.

"What in the hell is going on?" he asked once more finding his mood shift back to impatience as opposed to flirtatious arousal.

"Kenny and the boys are pinned down at Canyon Creek." replied Barb sounding a good deal worried. "He says that your fish is there taking shelter with the Coyotes."

Brick rolled his eyes feeling his blood boiling even more now as he turned his attention to processing the new information.

"The fucking limp dick weasel took shelter with the fucking zygotes." he growled in both frustration and increased rage.

"What's this I hear about Zygotes?" asked Rooster coming from the men's room just in time to hear the tail end of the conversation. It wasn't all that surprising as he had keen hearing due to his transformations.

Brick turned to face him, forgoing any further discussion with Barb in his haste to reach Canyon Creek.

"The fucking weasel is in Canyon Creek." he growled as his eyes flickered with malice and the unseemly red hue that depicted the true depths of his rapidly building rage.

"Canyon Creek?" asked Rooster seemingly as annoyed as Brick had been. "That's fucking Zygote territory."

"Yep." replied Brick. "Kenny and his boys are pinned down due to gunfire."

"Well if it's a fight they want." said Rooster all in for a battle after harboring such aggression.

The Howler M.C. had been long standing enemies of The Canyon Creek Coyote M.C. and as their mutual club names would imply, they were down right moral enemies. Howler M.C however had been the only shapeshifting faction thus far, but they had hated The Canyon Creek Coyotes just the same. It was Howler M.C tradition to refer to the so called badasses of the canyon as "Zygotes".

"Barb, you tell Ken we're on the way." said Brick with a determined and annoyed expression on his ruggedly handsome face. "Rooster, ready the boys and Goldie and let them known that it's time to ride."

"Will do." replied Rooster taking his leave of his club's president.

Brick balled his fists in anticipation of the upcoming battle with his hated rivals.

The way he saw it the zygotes were standing between him and the beating his latest collar was yet to be on the receiving end of once he got a hold of him. He had promised to deliver the target back to the Temperance sheriff alive, but he never once did he promised to deliver the weasel bastard unschaved.

"HOWLERS!" he shouted getting the crew's attention once he stepped outside the bar and over toward his bike. "LET'S RIDE!"

The sound of roaring engines as the various bikes tore through the town resounded to near glass shattering levels. As they got further and further away from the bar and Kanid, a trail of white smoke followed when they left the place behind.

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