
Chapter 19:  A Stroll Down Memory Lane

The Kandid Bar, Kanid, Iowa....

Brick took a long slow sip of his third beer as he sat at the bar eyeing everyone in the place, his grey gaze fell upon the lovely blonde with deep brown eyes known as Barbra "Barbie" Marshal. While she was the wife of Badger M.C. president and founder Kenneth "Ken" Louis Marshall, she was also a woman with which he had an interesting sexual history with. The subject of Ken's debt to a rabid band of loan sharks had been brought up a time or two, but he had known the reason he'd taken on the debt himself and she was staring at him from across the room. Once Barbra found out that men were coming to kill Ken, she reached out to his old war buddy of sorts and the rest was history. Brick came riding into town, killed the debt collectors and paid those attempting to collect out of his own funds. Ken's debt was clear but it would come as a price. Brick, being someone that didn't do something for nothing was bribed via Barbie in the form of having his way with her should it come down to it.

Brick wanted to see if Ken was really that stupid and desperate to use his wife and as it turned out he'd been exactly that. He had never thought the man would be such a coward but found out the interesting reason why when he decided to up the stakes and have him witness the ordeal. Ken agreed without hesitation. Something that led Brick to believe that there was more to this than what initially met the eye. Barbie informed him that Ken had a secret fetish with wanting to watch her with other men, but he didn't trust anyone enough not to actually have feelings for her during and after.

As a sort of gift to Ken, Barb agreed to sleep with Brick for Ken's sake and his enjoyment.

Brick shook his head as he recalled everything that lead up to the big moment. Ken had been hot and bothered about the event ever since.

"Fancy meeting you here big boy." said Barb, whom had approached Brick while he'd been lost in thought.

"You would say that." he said turning his attention back to his beer. "Normally, I'd like to play but I'm here on official business and I ain't leaving till it's done."

"Ken said as much...when he wasn't reminiscing about that night that is." replied Barb with a smirk.

"Yeah." replied Brick drinking his beer once more. "So how's the boy?"

Barb sighed.

"He's fine." she replied.

"You know we can still get that DNA test if you want it." he said.

"No." she replied. "As far as I am concerned, Ken is his father and it's going to stay that way."

"Well, I suppose it makes sense." replied Brick. "I mean he's the one that insisted we do it raw."

"Don't remind me." said Barb shaking her head. "Besides, he much prefers you being Godfather than actual father to his only son."

"Again Barb, I'm sorry about all that." said Brick. "That wasn't part of the deal, but if it's any consolation, you were a damn good lay."

Barb smirked as a result of the compliment, albeit a strange one.

"You weren't so bad yourself." she replied with a flicker of heat behind her brown eyes. "But don't tell Ken I said so, he might try and talk you into another go."

"That far gone huh?" asked Brick with a knowing smirk.

"You have no idea." replied Barb as she took notice of his empty beer. "You looking for another one....beer I mean?"

Brick's smirk widened due to her catching herself in terms of her expression and nodded before handing her the empty brown glass bottle.

"Something like that." he replied.

Barb passed him another ice cold beer and watched him pop the top. He drank it down slow as she continued to watch him.

"So how long you boys in town this time around?" she asked resting her elbows along the far side of the bar. "I seem to recall you boys not getting along very well last time you were here."

Brick shrugged as he sipped his beer.

"Not my fault Kenny's got issues." he replied. "And to answer your previous question...I ain't got no idea...probably however long it takes your old man to find my fish."

Ken grew tense when he stepped out of his office and over toward his wife. He had not liked that she lingered around Brick and he liked it even less that Brick was threatening to have another go at her.

"I need to see you in the office." said Ken turning his attention to Barb.

She looked at him for a moment before smiling.

"What's got you all hot and bothered?" she asked.

"Memory Lane." replied Ken in annoyance.

Barb rolled her eyes and stepped out from behind the counter to follow Ken back to his office.

Brick turned his attention to one of the young women whom had been eyeing him all night from the moment he arrived. She was a thin thing with brunette hair and flashy dark eyes. The kind of girl that wore short jean skirts with fishnet tights and black heels. She was a young one, barely twenty one and thinking she has something to prove in terms of her newfound sexual prowess.

Brick could smell the scent of her arousal and hair spray a mile away and wasn't in the least put off by her eagerness. He simply had a lot on his mind. Still, the stirring in his loins and the wolfish urges that had been the staple of his life ever since puberty would not be denied not even when he felt the subtle tugging on the inside that seemed to scream that they should be.

She approached him, batting her eyelashes and swaying her hips in something of an exaggerated movement, not that he required any theatrics to find her attractive, or rather to get himself in the mood. He finished off his beer and sat the empty bottle onto the counter before hopping off the barstool and following the smaller young woman, whom had been keen on leading him by the hand, out the back and toward the woods.

He sized her up plenty and already gathered that she'd been inexperienced with men of his stature and was in for a world of fast learning when it was all said and done. Brick continued to follow the eager young lady knowing full well that she had not earthly idea as to what she'd been volunteering to get herself into.

Something of a wicked wolfish smile filed across his handsome bearded face as the bright yellow hue glow of his eyes indicated that she wasn't in the least aware of what it would be like to party with a Howler.

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