
Mag’ladroth’s Body And Anger

"Let's see," FengFeng muttered as she released Mag'ladroth and walked away, "Also, you owe that kid an explanation," Said FengFeng.

"Yes," Mag'ladroth nodded and stepped on the ground.

"Blerghh!!" He fell on his knees as blood spurt out of his mouth, "Huh?" Confused, Mag'ladroth switched to a meditative pose as he searched deep inside his body. After all, it was impossible for him even to cough, not to mention blood coming out of his mouth. after all, this was his spiritual consciousness and not his real body. his real body was inside some hidden pocket of the universe, kept safely for when he would go back. 

"What is wrong with me?" Mag'ladroth was lost as he found it hard to find the issue, "Guess i will take my time with it," Mag'ladroth thought as he raised his hand and pulled the powr of void. a strange scene occurred, the whole consciousness shook as the Void itself was projected into Ray's consciousness.

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