
Fighting A Calamity-Realm Boss (Part 1)

The feeling of ascension faded as the fog in front him slowly disappeared. The castle, those eyes and he never ending universe was also gone.

Ray found himself in the air. In front of him was the ground and trolls that flooded he whole place were almost gone. Ray knew that it was thanks to Sirius and the others. They all had bravely killed the trolls.

He landed on the ground and looked forward. The lightning still lingered around him and mana in the surroundings was also unstable. Ray understood that what he just experienced was something different whatever it was, this was not the time to think over it.

"Ray, hurry out of here," Aurora's tense voice sounded.

"Why?" Ray asked back in confusion.

"Just do so, I will tell you later. Just get out of the academy as fast as you can," Said Aurora. He voice was tense and uneasy. Listening to her, Ray understood that something might have gone out of control and that a great danger was incoming.

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