
| No Smoke Without Fire

There had to be fifty people seated or standing in the gallery, their attention divided between Jarvis – a scruffy, diminutive figure in the middle of the gangway – and some dark-haired guy in a black gown. It could only be Zubbe. Chung's body lay spread-eagled on the floor, but at this distance, Jack couldn't tell if he was dead or just sleeping. The code-chanters and Maski stood watching intently from the stage. Marcy stood before the stage, angling for a better view.

Jack saw Maski gesture to two heavy-set men in the front row and heard him hiss, 'Seize the old fool. Get her out of here.'

'No!' boomed Zuubbe. He held up a hand to Maski, clearly warning him to stay out of this fight. 'I shall hear her words.'

'You are a man out of time, Zubbe,' Jarvis remarked. 'I come here now to finish the Shipapi's task.'

'You pit your strength against mine, old woman?' Zubbe smiled, showing a set of crooked teeth.

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