
Sneak around-3

" Good morning-" Before he could finished greeting her, Roberta turned around and fled closing the door behind her.

He was left baffled thinking that whether he did something wrong. He looked down and saw that he was shirtless, maybe she was embarrassed?

Since she was already gone, he shrugged before resuming stretching first and heading to workout.

Normal weights weren't enough for him to sustain his physique, all the commercial equipments needed to me maxed out just for him to feel some soreness but he would employ some tough resistance training as well as boxing and other martial arts facilities.

Lucie was provided a detailed descriptions of some of the heavier weights and the specific company that made these type of custom weights. Even the bars had to be made with special alloy so that it wouldn't bend much. What normal people used for Olympics or for breaking records, he would use for his regular sets.

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