
That's My Leftover

Wendy couldn't stop smiling after they got back to Jake's room.

Finally, after all these days, she could have a rest without worrying sick.

"Now you can eat and sleep properly." Michael said as he wrapped his arm around Wendy's shoulders. "Hopefully, I don't have to listen to the doctor say you're suffering from malnutrition and lack of sleep next time."

"Sorry, mommy." Jake said as he lowered his head after hearing what Michael said.

Wendy glared at Michael while slapping his hand away. She walked towards Jake and patted him on his head and said, "Don't worry, Jake. I'm all good."

However, Jake still looked sort of gloomy, so Wendy followed up, "Do you want to come with me to my next pregnancy check-up? That way you can see your sibling moving on the ultrasound machine."

"Great!" Jake looked up at Wendy and smiled at her.

"I want to come as well!" Leah ran towards Wendy cheerfully.

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