
Thank You, Brother

"Christian has been arrested!" Anthony knew that he had to answer the question by hook or by crook, but he was trying not to embarrass himself in front of the crowd. "I know that in your eyes, Christian is nothing but a demon and a drug trafficker who deserves punishment. But he is my son.

"I did not acknowledge him in the past because that was a mistake I made when I was younger. I did not dare to acknowledge him at that time. Now that he has been arrested, he will soon face justice. Looking at the crimes he had committed, he will definitely be sentenced to life imprisonment or death.

"And I know that he wants to become part of the Lucas family officially. As his father, I do not want him to be known as an illegitimate son even at the point of death.

"As a citizen of this country, I will not tolerate any crime. I will not plead for leniency on Christian's behalf. What is wrong is wrong. Justice should be served.

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