
We'll Always Be This Happy

On the beach, there were four figures.

Two of them were adults and two were children.

The family of four was cute and cozy.

In addition to the four characters, there was a background picture.


The background was inside a large heart, and the heart was a dining table.

Four people surrounded by a round table. These four were Wendy, Michael, Leah, and Jake.

In a few minutes, Wendy depicted the warm family of four on the beach.

Seeing this image, Michael smiled and said, "My wife is the best artist."

Wendy responded, "I specialize in this."

Wendy laughed and said, "But I can tell what you drew. The two clusters you drew are us, right?"

"Ahem, no... " Just now Michael was trying to prove himself and insisted on drawing until Wendy could tell.

Now, he was somewhat embarrassed and immediately lifted his feet to stomp on those drawings he had drawn on the beach.

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