
Chapter Fifteen

  "You didn't have to." Mrs Salvatore protested as Rella picked the dirty dishes on the table after her. 

  "No I want to help." Rella insisted. 

  "But you're a guest."

  Rella smiled. "Don't worry it's my pleasure. Dinner was delicious."

  "Oh do not flatter me."

  " No really it was superb I might have to come here often for a sumptuous dinner." They both laughed.

Stefan had dragged her to what was one of his many business meetings disguised as family dinner but Rella ended up warming up to Elise Salvatore and her little family, she had two kids a boy and a girl Andrew and Samantha who were both so adorable Rella couldn't stop gushing about them they were five and seven years respectively. And Rella found herself thinking, this was what a family dinner was supposed to look like Frederick Salvatore had to insist there were no talks of business at the table. After dinner was done the men took their coffee to Salvatore's office upstairs while the women remained in the living room with Andrew and Samantha running circles around them.

  "Look mommy I made a paper airplane." Samantha flashed a gap tooth grin at her mother who applauded her for it.

  "It looks pretty. Can I see it?"

  Rella said and got on her knees to be on the girl's height then she gave her a wide grin. 

  The two men came downstairs to the women and children goofing around. Rella was piggybacking Andrew while his sister waited for her turn. They watched them momentarily. Salvatore had stars in his eyes and Stefan, well he didn't realise he had on a silly grin on his face until Salvatore said.

  "Heartwarming isn't it?"

Stefan's grin dropped and he cleared his throat.


  " You have a gem in your possession son, the kind that's hard to find. I hope you cherish it. "

Stefan knew exactly what or who Mr. Was talking about , his eyes were on the Rella the entire time watching the two women play with Mr. Kids.

  Watching Rella laugh with mirth like that was foreign to him. Rella looked in their direction at that moment and gave him the brightest if smiles and Stefan felt a weird cosy feeling.

  "Why don't you draw up the contract and send it over so I can have a look."

  "Thanks for coming with me tonight." Stefan said as soon as they got in the car. 

  "No problem happy to help. I had so much fun Andrew and Samantha are such wonderful children."

  "Have you always loved children."

  "Yes for as long as I can remember. They're such a ball of sunshine how can you not love them? Besides I used to be a teacher."

As soon as the words left her mouth Rella cursed herself for being so careless.



  "How about you do you love kids?" She asked steering the spotlight away from her. 

  "I do actually."


  "What you don't believe me?"

  "I didn't say that. "

  "not explicitly but your reaction implied it. "

  " I actually think you'd be a great dad."

  " You have more faith in me than I have in myself."

Rella laughed.

  "I'm sorry about the other day I didn't mean to pry or be judgemental."

  "And I'm sorry that I lashed out."

  "Since we're both in this marriage thing for life can we not at least try to get along for both of our sake."

  " That would be nice actually."

  " That settles it then. Want some ice cream? "

  " Do I get to choose the flavour? "

  " Knock yourself out."

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