
Chapter Eight

  "Nothing is working out."

Rella groaned in frustration sipping her wine. It was a bright afternoon and the sun was just the right amount of warm but nothing about Rella's mood was sunny. There were barely days left for the post wedding party and she was overwhelmed. There was the meal, it's hard to choose an appetizer and the main course, for dessert she decided on chocolate troufle. The guest list was incomplete as she had little to no clue on who to invite and Stefan had made it clear that he was having no part in it. 

  "Relax I am here aren't I and I promise to help you." Van assured her. They were on the balcony overlooking the neatly trimmed garden. " I have done a little get together before so this shouldn't be hard."

  " No offense Van but a get-together in a little neighbourhood with friends is nothing compared to this. Guests from some of the most affluent families in the city will be attending and we can't just serve them barbecue and call it a day."

  "hmm you're right. Why don't you call your mom then, this would've been sorted out in no time."

  "she offered to help but I'm still pissed off at her to want her help. "

  " Why can't you just let go of your pride for the sake of the party and after it's done you can go back to ignoring her. "

  " That is not an option. I simply won't be able to stand her breathing down my neck for the next few days."

  " So what are you going to do now? "

  " No clue. "

  " Madam you have a visitor." Henry announced all of a sudden catching her off guard Rella didn't hear him approach.

  " Were you expecting someone? " Van asked.

  " No. "

Rella followed Henry downstairs with Van close behind them. Who could possibly want to visit her here? She thought, Van was the friend she had in this city.

  Just before she got to foot of the stairs she saw a man standing with his back to her, he was broad shouldered with messy brown hair and Rella had just begun to think how familiar he looked when he turned suddenly and she was greeted with a sunny smile.


It was Christian. 

He was dressed in a washed jeans and navy jacket with a white shirt underneath. That perpetual smile never leaving his handsome face.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I came to offer help for your party this weekend."

  Rella felt hope blossom in her chest. "Did Stefan send you?"

  "No, he doesn't know I am here."

  "Oh." Rella's countenance fell as she realised that Stefan really meant for her to do everything by herself.

  "Look I know we barely know each other but you're my best friend's wife and I want to help, This way we can get to know each other better." Christian suggested.

Rella wished she had time to think this through but she would need all the help she could get and so she smiled and said, "sure that would be awesome."

  In no time, they drafted a menu and found caterers and Rella even had time to pick out the perfect dress for the party. Christian made her work much easier and by evening that day they already had the guest list since Christian knew who were part of the elite society.

Van had to leave to visit her father in the hospital but Rella and Christian were still sorting out the guest list. After they were done they celebrated with a bottle of merlot.

  "Thank you so much for your help today Christian," Rella said meaning every word. "I don't know what I would've done without you."

  "Don't mention it, you're Stefan's wife after all."

  " You don't think he'll get mad at us being friends? "

  " Who? "

  " Stefan, he doesn't seem to like me much you'd think after getting married he's at least try to be civil. But…" Rella's brows furrowed when in that moment she realised something. " He hates me." Yes he has been abundantly clear in his dislike of her mere presence but she was only now realising that it ran deeper than that.

  Christian scoffed. "hate is such a strong word Cindy, I don't think Stefan hates you. Uncomfortable maybe… "

Christian trailed off clearing his throat as if realising he'd said something he shouldn't. He looked away.

  Rella knew he knew something she didn't and she wanted to know.

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