
A Sad Litany Of Loneliness

Meanwhile, at the end of the afternoon on the terrace of Victor's house, Castor, who seemed to be still very curious about what exactly was the purpose of the opponent they faced last night, felt that there was an irregularity in that.

"Castor, what are you thinking about?", said Agatha who came out from inside the house.

"I'm not quite sure what I'm thinking right now.", Castor replied as he looked up at the sky.

"You must be thinking about last night, right?" Agatha guessed.

"What exactly do you think is their purpose in coming and attacking this village? If it's just to find the four of us for revenge or to give us a warning I don't think that's their real reason.", said Castor.

"I don't know either, but if we meet them again someday, I'll really crush their bones!", Agatha replied.

"Alright, I'll go to the forest to find something to eat for our dinner, can you help me cook our dinner? I'll be back as soon as I can." said Castor.

"Sure, I'll cook it, just be careful out there." said Agatha.

Castor went into the house to get his arrows and hunting gear then he left for the forest.

Night fell, Jacob and Victor, who had returned from the village hall, met Castor who had returned from the forest first and conveyed what information they had gotten from the village chief.

Meanwhile, Agatha was busy cooking something to serve as their dinner menu.

Jacob handed the mysterious girl's chain dagger back to Castor so that he could keep the weapon.

"This is really strange...", said Castor.

"I wonder if the girl has something to do with the original owner of this weapon?" Jacob added.

"What's so strange?" asked Gideon, who suddenly came to meet the three of them.

"Are you recovering?" asked Victor who was surprised to see Gideon's condition which seemed to be recovering very quickly.

"Hehehehehe..., do you think? Victor, you need to know, there is not a single woman in this world who can kill me, because I am the man who conquers the hearts of all women.", replied Gideon with a seemingly boastful expression.

"Oh..., Yeah, I see, hehehehe...", Victor said in response to Gideon's answer with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Don't be a big mouth! Lucky you didn't get killed that time!", Agatha said from the kitchen as she had just finished cooking dinner.

Jacob and Castor also seemed to be holding back their laughter at Agatha's sarcasm and at Gideon's expression that looked like he was holding back his embarrassment.

"Victor, can you come here to help me bring these dishes to the table?" Agatha asked Victor.

"Alright...I'll be right there.", Victor replied.

Victor immediately went to the kitchen to help Agatha and soon he and Agatha arrived with a number of dishes for their dinner.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit castle room Samantha was facing a young man who was sitting on a throne, next to Samantha was also a large man whose figure was still mysterious and only visible in his eyes that looks like a beast.

The young man, who looked like a nobleman, asked Samantha what she thought of the Light Scourges after facing them.

"So, what do you think after facing them? Are they really as great as they're rumored to be?", the man asked as he widened his creepy smile.

"That's just an exaggerated rumor... they're a bit of a nuisance but they're not a significant threat, there's nothing we need to worry about them, they're nothing more than ordinary hunters...", Samantha explained.

"Keep an eye on their movements! Because they might become a sharp thorn in our side one day.", the man ordered Agatha.

"Yeah..., I understand...", Samantha replied.

As Samantha walked away from the castle room, shortly afterward, the big man whose shadow was only visible said something to the young man sitting on the throne.

"Lord Adrian, why did you ask me to prevent Samantha from almost eliminating them?", asked the big man whose figure was still mysterious.

"I don't think we need to do that for the time being, after all, the purpose of releasing the Vampire Familiars is just for testing, aren't those beasts still in an incomplete stage of development?", Adrian replied.

"I understand, I will ask the alchemists to perfect them as soon as possible.", said the mysterious big man.

"Your job is to oversee the continuity of the experimental process that the alchemists are working on... so please, I'm counting on you, Baltus...", Adrian said as he widened his mysterious creepy smile.

"I understand..., as your command, my lord.", replied the mysterious man named Baltus.

The next night, Castor and the others were busy preparing their weapons that had just been forged, to prepare to leave in two days and start their mission in Cadaverial which had been delayed due to Gideon's injury.

Victor was silent and continued to look at them from the fireplace with a look of sadness on his face as the four of them left Helberg and him behind.

He walked over to the four of them to reveal something that he could no longer hide.

"So...are you four really going to Cadaverial the day after tomorrow?", asked little Victor in a sad tone.

Instantly the four of them looked at Victor and then fell silent as if they didn't know how to explain it to Victor anymore.

Agatha, who saw Victor looking gloomy, immediately approached him, she sat on her knees in front of Victor while placing both hands on the boy's shoulders.

"Yes..., we will miss you very much, Victor, if someday we meet again I hope by then you have become a fierce knight ...", she said while stroking Victor's head.

Victor's tears were unstoppable, so tightly Victor hugged Agatha's body which immediately made Agatha become very touched by it, she also held Victor's body tightly.

A full novelty situation happened that night, Victor who seemed reluctant to part with the four of them was no longer able to hold back the overflow of sadness in his heart.

In his mind flashed on the loneliness and loneliness that would soon return to the days of his life who was now alone.

"I..., I'm going to miss you guys so much...", Victor said with hysterical sobs.

Castor, Jacob and Gideon also approached the two of them, they hugged the body and rubbed Victor's head to comfort Victor's heart who was crying in Agatha's arms.

"Victor, I am so proud of you, you must grow up to be a great and wise man," said Castor.

"Don't be sad, someday we'll see each other again, you're the greatest boy we've ever met in all our adventures..." Jacob added.

"Hey! Stop crying, here...,take this as a gift from me for the courage you have proven, kid...", said Gideon as he handed over two of his favorite knives.

"And remember, you must take good care of both of them, I named my two deadly ladies as Ivory and Lucy, after the beautiful twin girls I had dated at the same time during our mission in Crimsonhaze.", said Gideon with a silly laugh.

Castor, Jacob and Agatha immediately turned their eyes to Gideon, making him look like he was wrong with the eyes of the three of them.

"Huh?! What's wrong with you guys?! What's wrong with what I just said?!", asked Gideon as the three of them looked at him with a look of astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

"That's how you are! You masher! I hope Victor doesn't catch this vice of yours," Agatha said in a tone that was as sharp as ever.

"Oh, come on! Why do all women always speak so bluntly?!" said Gideon who had nothing left to say in his defense.

Victor was amused even though he was still sobbing, his heart felt a little amused by Gideon who sometimes acted silly in front of his three comrades-in-arms.

Victor, who was still sobbing, accepted the gift from Gideon.

Slowly the situation full of novelty gradually began to subside, Agatha who felt Victor would be fine again said something to strengthen Victor's heart.

"You must be able to overcome your sadness, I believe you will be fine.", Agatha said to Victor while wiping the tears that were streaming down Victor's face.

"Promise us that someday when we meet again you will become a knight far greater than the four of us.", Castor pleaded.

"Well, I.... promise all four of you that we will meet again soon, won't we?" said Victor.

"Yeah! Of course...!" replied Agatha as she smiled and rubbed Victor's head.

And that emotionally charged night passed so quickly with the arrival of tomorrow which remained shrouded in a curtain of the mysterious fate.

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