
Chapter 50: The Gardens

Melissa walked out of the party and decided that she would just go over to the gardens. She would go back inside later on to look for Nicky's pearl earrings, but not right now. she couldn't face any one again or she would die of embarrassment. What was wrong with her? why would she forget she was still under the table and how could she stare at him like that. Like he was some kind of desert, What was she thinking.

She tried to calm herself but was interuted by noises coming from behind her, they were footsteps. She turned around to see who was behind her and to her suprise she found Jeremy standing there. The very last person she wanted to see. She could already feel her face turning red again. How silly.

"Are you following me?" Melissa asked rudely. She didn't like being followed and besides had he not already made fun of her inside did he come out here to continue.

"Calm down. We don't want your face changing colours now do we." Jeremy said in a teasing tone. He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help but tease her. Her reactions were priceless.

"What do you want? Or did you just follow me out here to make fun of me."

"As fun as that's sound, No. I actually came to give you this." Jeremy said as he handed Nicky's pearl earring over Melissa. "I'm guessing that's what you were looking for."

"Yes. Thank you." Melissa replied as she took the earrings from Jeremy.

"I'll let you be by yourself since that's what you want." Jeremy said as he turned to head back inside but then he stop when he heard Melissa say.

"Your welcome to stay If you want."

Jeremy turned around and looked at her red stain face, he couldn't help but smile. " just few seconds ago you wanted me out of your sight, now your begging me to stay." Jeremy said teasingly.

"Begging? seriously. Please Mr Nobody don't flatter yourself, l was only being nice and returning the favour."

"Oh, l see. But you know this isn't the first time you've asked me to stay with you." Jeremy said recalling the night she was drunk and had asked him to stay in bed with her.

Melissa stiffened after hearing that. That had to be the silliest thing she had ever done in her entire life and she tried so hard to forget it. Now he was busy teasing her for it. How embarrassing.

"It was the alcohol." Melissa defended. "And you know what, you can go back inside l don't want to see your face anymore."

"Oh come on, don't you wanna hug me and take all my sadness away." Jeremy teased some more a couldn't help but laugh. Melissa who stood there embarrassed couldn't help but laugh either at her own silly actions that night. And in a while the silent garden was filled with there laughter.

"You know I've been trying so hard to forget that night. Thanks for bringing very thing back to my memory." Melissa said sarcastically after she stopped laughing.

Jeremy didn't say anything he just smiled. "Why aren't you inside enjoying the party?" He asked instead.

"I..got bored."

"You got bored at one of Steve Macklin's party. That's a first. Steve had better not hear you say that or his little heart would be crushed."

Melissa smiled at Jeremy's remark. "Oh, so you do care about his little heart. And here l am thinking you were some tough guy. But deep down your just a softie." It was Melissa's turn to tease.

"A softie?. Wow you can't be more further away from the truth."

"Sure deny it, but you know its true." Melissa teased some more. Which made Jeremy smile. Never has he been called a softie. If only she knew what he was capable of.

"I recall offering you a job not so long ago as a graphic designer. But you declined it." Jeremy said changing the topic entirely.

"I... don't remember." Melissa replied trying the avoid this exact conversation.

"Ok. So you don't remember the deal we made either."

"What deal?"

"Allow me to refresh your memory. l would only give your ex boss Sasha Philips back her studio only if you come work for me. Remember?" Jeremy asked with a smirk.

"Why are you do adamant on me working for you?" Melissa asked instead of answering Jeremy's question.

"And why don't you want to work for me? People barely decline my offers you know."

"Oh, l see. Me declining your offer hurts your pride doesn't it? I knew it, your a softie." Melissa teased and Jeremy smirked.

"You know, since you didn't keep your side of the deal l can take back the studio if l wished."

"There's no need for that. I'll come work for you."

"Am l suppose to believe you this time?"

"Yes. The only reason l didn't accept the first time was because l was going through a lot at that moment."

"Really? What can someone like you be possiblely going through. I thought your every girls life was all cupcakes and rainbows." Jeremy teased but he didn't get the usual response he expected from Melissa.

"I wish my life was all cupcakes and rainbows. I would love it. But sadly it isn't and l have to live in this miserable world filled with misery and mistakes and sadness....." Melissa got really emotional as she spoke. Tears started filling up in her eyes and her voice trailed off. But she tried to blink the tears away.

Jeremy felt bad. He shouldn't have said that. Judging from her files he knew she had gone through a lot.

"I'm sorry. I Shouldn't have said that." Jeremy said apologetically.

"It's fine. You said nothing wrong. I'm the one who got all emotional." Melissa said with a dry smile as she used her fingers to wipe off the stray tears that had fallen on her cheeks.

"I'm guessing life didn't treat you fair."

"Not every was born with a silver spoon like you Mr Nobody."

This statement made Jeremy chuckle. It was funny that she thought he was born rich.

"I wasn't born rich if that's what your implying. I went through a lot growing up."

"I bet you didn't go through half of what l went through. My childhood had to be the worst one ever."

"I bet mine was worst. I literally went through hell."

"Yeah right."

"Maybe we could go out sometime and filled each other on our horrible childhood."

"Are you asking me out on a date Mr Nobody?" Melissa teased.

"Don't flatter yourself Miss Williams. I just want to get to know who I'm hiring." Jeremy defended and Melissa laughed.

They spent some more time in the garden together. They got to know a little about each other. And they ended up becoming friends that night under the moonlight and the serenity of the gardens.

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