
Chapter 26: Getting Home.

Steve finally arrived at Melissa's apartment building. He parked the car and they said there goodbyes. And then he handed Melissa a small paper.

"What's this.?" She asked.

"It's my house address. I'm hosting a party this Friday, and l would love it if you came."

"I would love to, but I'm not a party..aa..person."

"Just try to be there. You can bring who ever

you want."

"Okay. I'll think about it."

"Okay then. See you later my new friend." Steve said with a wink as he drove off.

"New friend." Melissa muttered to herself before entering the building. She didn't notice the police car parked outside.

She took the elevator to the fifth floor. And when she got there she searched her bag for her keys. But then realised the door of the apartment was open. Strange. Nicky would never leave the door wide open like that. She hoped everything was okay.

She walked in only to find Nicky and Sam sited in front of two police officers. Why were the cops here? Did something happen??.

"Melissa!." Nicky shouted the moment she saw her. She flung the pillow she was holding to the other side of the room and stood up.

"Where the heck have you been!?." Sam asked angrily as she also stood up.

" l was out with a friend."

"You were out with a friend." Sam repeated.

"Your kidding right?? Melissa, do you have any idea what we went through last night. We were so worried about you!. We thought something might have happened to you. we tried calling over and over again.."

"My battery died. But I'm fine. There's nothing to be worried about." Melissa replied.

"Still. You should have found a way to contact us and tell us that. We've been up all night."

"I'm sorry you guys okay. I'm really sorry. But I've also had a long night and l also wanna get some rest." Melissa said as she tried to walk inside. She wanted to go to her room.

"Ma'am please excuse me. I would really appreciate lf you could take out a little time to talk with us." One of the cops called out.

Melissa turned around slowly.

"A bartender said he saw you. You were drunk and he saw someone picking you up and putting you in a car last night. Do you remember any of that?." One of the cops asked.

Nicky and Sam looked at Melissa. So many questions running through their mind.

Melissa cleared her throat. And sat down. She also told the cops to sit down too. Then she began.

"Yes. I remember." She replied.

"May l ask why you drank so much last night. And do you know who...er..."

"Helped me." Melissa completed. And the cop nodded.

"Firstly, I drank to much because l lost my job."

Nicky and Sam couldn't help but gasp.

"Secondly l know the person who helped me. We had met before. And thank goodness he came If not, who knows what would have happened to me. It that all you want to ask or there's more?" Melissa asked the cops.

"No that'll be all Ma'am. Thank you. Please stay safe." One of the cop said as they stood up to leave. Nicky and Sam appreciated them for coming and thanked them for all their effort and help.

"What the heck Melissa. You got fired. Drunk. And some stranger picked you up and put you in his car and you couldn't even answer or return any of out calls." Sam said immediately the cops left.

"And you guys called the cops cause l went missing for one night. So I'm not the only one doing crazy things around here."

"Your unbelievable. What's going on with you.?" Sam asked angrily.

"Sam calm down." Nicky who had been quite spoke out. " Melissa we called the cops because we were worried about you. You had never slept out before. We thought something bad had happened to you. And then when the cops told us you were at a bar and then some guy picked you up and put you in his car. I almost fainted. We thought you were kidnapped. I even called your parents."

"You did what. Why.. why... why would you do that.?" Melissa asked panicking.

"Easy. Because we we're worried about you. But lt seems like you don't even care about that fact." Sam scoffed.

"Of course l do. I'm sorry Okay for making you guys worry. I've already apologised. Can we just let this go."

"Fine." Sam and Nicky said in unison.

"But you still owe us a serious explanation." Sam added.

"I do. I'll tell you guys everything. After l give my parents a call first. And get some rest.

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