
Chapter 252: Judge!


Except for Moore, the leaders of other countries all looked puzzled.

"Prime Minister Schmidt, you can speak more freely."

The President of Country EL, Leyton, said calmly.

"Dangerous International Terrorist Organization, The Magistrate, have you heard of them?"

As soon as Schmidt said this, the eyes of the leaders of the other seven countries changed.

The Magistrate is the number one armed force internationally and is a dangerous terrorist organization!

They are not only an organization but, to be more precise, a country entirely brainwashed by alien thoughts.

All their members follow a religion that hates everything in the world and believes everything is evil and must be washed away.

Almost all Western capitalist countries have been "baptized" by them.

They used female team members to detonate bombs in crowded subways.

Armed members infiltrated a certain country and opened fire on the most crowded square.

Drive a vehicle into a country's embassy and blow it up.

As well as hijacking a plane and crashing it into the Statue of Liberty in Country A!

All kinds of evil deeds have made them the most dangerous armed organization in the world, and all countries can't wait to get rid of them.

So far, countries have joined forces to carry out as many as four joint annihilation operations, each of which has been "fruitful". Still, it will not take long for a new member of the Magistrate to commit large-scale terrorism in another country!

The Magistrate's stubbornness and tenacity far exceed many countries' expectations.

With the combined military power of various countries, it may not be difficult to eradicate them, but the price to pay is too high, and it will not bring much benefit to them. On the contrary, it may even make their citizens and cities become a member.

The next target of this gang of lunatics is still active in the international field of vision. Occasionally, there will be news about the Magistrate kidnapping a citizen of a particular country.

Schmidt actually provoked such an extremely dangerous terrorist armed group and gave them laser weapons. These lunatics can do so many crazy things with regular guns. But, with these laser weapons, God knows what awful things can be done with them!

Could this not change the mood of the leaders of other countries?

"Prime Minister Schmidt, you should know that the Magistrate's organization deeply endangers my country! Countless citizens and soldiers of my country have died at their hands! You are all witnesses to the kidnapping of the last foreign minister. We have prepared enough ransom for them according to their conditions, but they still killed him!"

The President of Country EL, Leyton, said coldly, "You gave laser weapons to such an inhuman organization. Do you think this world is too peaceful?!"

The other leaders also frowned, their faces darkened, and looked at Schmidt with unpleasant expressions.

"President Leyton, I sympathize with the suffering of your citizens and soldiers."

"But you also think of me too simply."

Schmidt narrowed his eyes, "In addition to the laser weapon, I also told the Magistrate a vivid story! And the protagonist of this story is their leader who was killed by the Falcon Special Commando of Country A last time."

As soon as he said this, the eyes of everyone present immediately flashed.

"Now, everyone should almost understand my intentions, right?"

Schmidt's phantom spread out his hands, then picked up a cigar from the table, and while cutting off both ends of the cigar with a unique pair of cigar cutters, he said with a smile, "As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. So what we can't do blatantly, the Magistrate can do!"

"They are a bunch of desperate lunatics who don't have any concerns. Give them a little sweetness and create a little evidence, and the Magistrate can become our gun, causing extraordinary lethality to the Phoenix Kingdom and Zeke."

"You didn't see the expressions on their faces when they saw the laser weapons; greed and thirst for killing were in their eyes. It was vividly displayed!"

Schmidt breathed out a thick puff of smoke comfortably, making his face so hazy.

"Will they be obedient to deal with Zeke?"

Khurbagov said indifferently, "Although these guys are stupid, they are not enough to cause them fatal trouble. Al-Qaeda is the best example, and they will not consider that."

"Of course, they're not stupid!"

"Especially the current leader of the Magistrate, who is simply a cunning old fox."

Schmidt puffed his cigar, "But their madness is engraved in their bones! That guy has already promised, as long as I supply him with a batch of laser weapons every year. He is willing to sacrifice one-tenth of the members to give Zeke a lesson and let him and his country feel what pain is!"

"One-tenth of the staff?!"

"The Magistrate are indeed a bunch of lunatics from top to bottom!"

The President of Country C, Zhou Hu, took a deep breath.

According to their countries' current information on the members of the Magistrate, the number they currently have has more than 60,000 members.

Sacrifice one-tenth, that is, 6,000 people, to cause trouble for the Phoenix Kingdom and Zeke. Even if only 1% of the 6,000 people can succeed in the end, they can imagine how much the force will be.

They don't hesitate to give up one-tenth of the members for a batch of weapons. What is a lunatic?

"I love craziness like this!"

Schmidt grinned, revealing his white teeth, "Only this kind of madness can let us see the Phoenix Kingdom and Zeke's embarrassing side, isn't it?"


Schmidt laughed out loud.

Moore's eagle eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The leaders of other countries heard this and nodded in approval.

They are the Anti-God alliance, and their purpose is to prevent ZTech and even the Phoenix Kingdom from continuing to develop.

The Magistrate's actions allow them to see Zeke's strength limit and his counterattack.

They enjoy this kind of feeling of watching the fire from the other side!

=====To be Continue=====

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