
Chapter 168: Who are you?

Zeke was waiting for this news.

Now that the public sale of the warp drive is a foregone conclusion, the number of reservations on the official website is also increasing, and sums of money are lining up to pour into Zeke's account. However, the only obstacle is the mass production of the door.

Without Starry Sky Steel, there would be no warp drive.

How can Zeke sell energy chips without the warp drive and make money?

Now the chance is finally here.

The successful completion of the tasks of Paulo and others means that the Prime Minister of Country G, Klaus Fischer, has successfully fallen into his hands.

"Elder Zeke!"

As soon as Jarvis switched on the screen, Zeke saw it was in a small room, including Paulo; eleven super soldiers were kneeling on one knee, bowing their heads and bowing to him.

"Mr. Fischer, how are you?"

Zeke sat up and looked at the center of the small room with a smile on his face. A person was tied to a chair with iron ropes, looking particularly embarrassing. Fischer's eyes were gloomy, and his face was ruthless. It was obvious that his anger was boiling and burning.

"Zeke, do you know what you are doing now?"

Fischer said coldly, "Illegal detention of politicians from other countries is equivalent to a serious provocation and declaration of war. If you make any mistake, my country's missiles will immediately fall on your kingdom's territory."

"Can you afford this consequence?"

An influential leader of a country was kidnapped and detained. This kind of behavior is tantamount to officially declaring war. Once Country G learns about it, it will point its muzzle at the Phoenix Kingdom without hesitation and directly set off a vast conflict.

This shows how bold Zeke's move is.

"Mr. Fischer, I'm timid. If you frighten me, I might do something out of the ordinary."

Zeke jokingly said, "And there is nothing wrong with me. If others don't provoke me, I won't provoke others. But I must send him to see God if someone has stabbed a knife at me."

"Prime Minister Fischer, what do you think?"

When Fischer heard this, his eyes flashed.

He had heard about Acuzar's death.

Acuzar's site in the Tiger Triad was also razed to the ground by a group of Iron Man.

Fischer thought Zeke hadn't come to trouble him for so long and had given up his plan to deal with him. He didn't expect that after so many days. Zeke sent super soldiers to kidnap him.

"Zeke, I underestimated your anger. I can't imagine a scientist having such deep scheming and amazing courage."

Fischer's eyes flashed, "You make me admire you more."

"However, I can't imagine a person smart enough to create a technology like a warp drive would do such a stupid act of kidnapping."

"I don't want to say too many harsh words and big truths. It will make me more stupid than you. But, come on, what do you want from me?"

Fischer was exceptionally calm.

He knew that Zeke would take the risk of the world and kidnap him at the cost of war. It must be because he has enough value for him.

His life can be guaranteed as long as his utilization value always exists.

"It's easy to talk to smart people."

Zeke grinned, "Fischer, I know that you not only have a group of secret weapons research organizations but also support many other organizations under your command."

"One of them is dedicated to researching the field of unknown materials, and the project they are working on is Starry Sky Steel."

"Let me tell you the truth. I need Starry Sky Steel, a lot of it. So the only bargaining chip you can use in exchange for your life is to hand over all of it."

Zeke bluntly stated his ultimate goal.

"I understand. You must have some new technology that requires that material."

"And if I guessed correctly, it should be the warp drive you released yesterday."

"Now I can finally understand why you didn't directly announce the time of the public sale at the new product launch. I thought you were doing it for the effect of marketing advertising, but now I know."

Fischer is worthy of being an intelligent person. Based on this alone, he immediately solved Zeke's current problems.

At the same time, he suddenly understood his value for Zeke.

"Mr. Fischer, since you know it, it would be great."

"The decision of your life is all in your mind."

"Make a choice."

Zeke didn't mind Fischer knowing this at all.

All he wants is the Starry Sky Steel.

"Do you think I still have a choice?"

Fischer smiled again, "Give me the phone. I'll call my men and let them deliver what you want."

"Okay, Prime Minister Fischer. It's refreshing when things are done."

Zeke agreed, "But Prime Minister Fischer should understand the rules. If you play tricks, there will be no good consequences."

"I only care about my life."

Fischer's expression remained the same, but a smile had already emerged in the depths of his eyes.

How could they not have some life-saving means for an official like him?

The next call he wants to make is a highly hidden number that only he and his confidants know about.

Once this number is dialed, no matter who is speaking or whether they speak or not, it means that you are facing a life-threatening danger. Your confidants will initiate an emergency solution as soon as possible.

In this way, it seems that Fischer did not send out any distress signal, but the other side had already started to rescue him with all its strength.

Soon, a phone was handed to Fischer.

Fischer slowly pressed the number.

Just when he was about to press the call button, the mobile phone screen suddenly disappeared.


Fischer frowned, looking at the screen full of snowflakes on his mobile phone, and suddenly an awful suspicion arose in his heart for no reason.

"Zeke, there is something wrong with your phone. Give me another one."

Fischer said.

"Sir, the number position has been locked. It is located in the Dela Mountains jungle in the border area of Country G, where there is a large underground research room."

Jarvis suddenly spoke up.

Hearing this, Fischer's pupils suddenly narrowed, and the color of terror climbed onto his face, and a danger of death was about to come.

"Zeke, what are you doing?!"

"I'm the prime minister, a key political figure. You can't kill me!"

Fischer squeaked hysterically.

There was no more calmness in his eyes. Only fear can be seen in his eyes.

"Good job."

Zeke leaned back on the sofa, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, "Mr. Fischer, thank you for your help. See you in the next life."

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