

Inside of this place, hearing the voices of people screaming at every hour of both the day and night was a common occurence, even if the ones that screamed hard enough to be heard were a minority, they were still the ones that seemed to give the most life to this dismal place.

To someone unaware, this may seem like an hospital just like any other but this wasn't exactly one, it was psychiatric hospital, the staff was trained and used to dealing with such patients and shouldn't be distraught by hearing one of the patients screaming his guts out.

There was a simple reason to their sudden behavior, hiding under desks and locking themselves in rooms without making any noise, voluntarily plunging the hospital into shadows, all to try and not be found out by the newest resident or rather, the one that had come alongside him.

This morning, a new patients had arrived, he wasn't was unstable as many of the other patients and was rather reclusive, getting any words out of him was a herculean task but things had quickly changed for the worse, just as the patient arrived to his room, he fell to the ground and suddenly started having a seizure, this kind of occurence had not been specified at all in his documents.

A doctor was just about to start tending to him, when a thin and long white and pale arm bursted out of his torso, the arm had claws at the end of its fingers, piercing right through the bottom of the doctor's jaw and coming out of the top of his head, covering the area in both of his and the patient's blood.

The other members of the staff about to go help as well were frozen in their tracks, it was as if they had suddenly been turned into statues, the pale arm was soon followed by another and then a featureless head that was equally as pale was seen.

The head suddenly opened, revealing a circular maw filled to the brim with crooked fangs, at the very end and in the center of it, a purple eye gazed at each of them with an intensity strong enough to wake them out of their stupor, allowing them to run away before the monster was able to fully get out of the patient's body.

As the creature walked through the halls of the hospital, it kept talking in a variety of voices, calling the names of the people present and imitating their own as well as the voices of some of their beloved ones.

Knowing its position could on be done by seeing it directly as it seemed to be able to make its footsteps sound in multiple location at once.

The monster suddenly stopped before a locked room, it put its right hand on the handle and tried to open it gently but failed to do so as the door had been locked, the creature let out the melded laughs of many people before opening the door by breaking through it with its hands, completely ruining the still locked door.

As a sign of welcome, an axe was brought down on its head, splitting it in two parts, the person holding the axe pushed the monster away from the door frame, making its back it against the wall behind itself, allowing the other people in the room to escape as the person with the axe didn't let go of it.

The man holding the axe noticed that no blood whatsoever was coming out of the wound, in fact, its flesh didn't look like flesh at all, it looked for some kind of some and sort of liquid material.

The head suddenly reshaped itself, trapping the axe inside of the head of the monster, the creature also took this occasion to grab the man's arms.

It let out a combined laughs again as it lifted the man in the air, slamming his body into the walls repeatedly to the point that only the arms remained somewhat recognisable as human in the end.

The monster let go of the arms and walked in the direction of a large source of noise, it was a repetitive and loud sound, having already cleaned up a large portion of this place, the monster went toward the direction of the sound.

It was basked in sunlight as it stepped outside, faced with many police cars, the sound was coming from these constructs.

A few seconds passed as the police officers took in what they were looking at, seeing that these humans were still indecisive, the monster decided to take the first step and roared at them in a horrid combinations of the worst sounds humans could make, it flashed its claws and walked forward, finally prompting them to riddle the monster with bullets.

It looked like they had shot at a very resilient chewing gum as their bullts never came out the other way and onlly stretched the monster's body as if it was a cartoon character.

It laughed again as its body returned to its original shaped before suddenly shrinking into a small ball before inflating to a great size, returning the bullets to their owners.

The monsters quickly finished the few that managed to avoid the hail of bullets and continued its way toward the nearby city, laughing aloud as it slowly walked toward it.

The venerers were already a mystery with simply their most basic forms but the fact that they could differ so wildly from one another was stunning, those capable of seeing a venerer's status would always see the same information apart from a few short and cryptic lines about the venerer in question but their specie and type would never vary despite their clear differences.

It all stems from the fact that they are but echoes of the one true venerer.

After all this time of existence, the venerer's had yet to ever be truly defeated, some had been sealed but never killed, killing a venerer was very much possible on paper but when a venerer would run into something that would kill it for sure, it would simply avoid it.

Don't hesitate to offer your own scenarios for a venerer to be in!

Ready_creators' thoughts
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