
This one will buzz

Near a large forest filled with tall and large trees, a car had bee, stationed, the driver was shuffling through their stuff with extreme difficulty, from afar, it wouldn't be difficult to mistake their actions as trying to wrestle someone else.

The trees were large but were each a good distance from one another, navigating through this forest was something an amateur could do without any problems, the bushs weren't everywhere and were only big enough to impede people much deeper in the forest.

After an excruciatingly long time searching through their stuff, the person in the car finally stepped out, as their first feet connected with the ground, a loud and satisfying crunching sound was heard, a clear indication that it was autumn, only a few, smaller tree had lost their leaves as the larger trees were equipped with needles instead.

One could only wonder why this person was here, as the sun was soon to set and the invitating ambiance of the forest would soon change to the total opposite, the reason was simple.

The person, a young man in his twenties at most was equipped with a camera.

"Hey everyone! It's me, your boy Gerry and too-day, we are visiting the forest of Ptaindflipan!" the wildlife that heard that immdediately proceeded to leave the area.

"You were many to suggest this forest to me as people recently disappeared inside of it, I heard that this forest was a prime hotspots for cryptids, a few people reported seeing a very tall and lanky man walking in the forest at night" the young man, a youtuber explained the reasons of his presence to the camera.

"Wish me luck! I might get killed by gosh darn slenderman!" Gerry chuckled after saying this and immediately started to walk into the forest.

"As you can see people, night hasn't fallen yet, I was thinking to find a place to settle down for the time I'll stay here" Gerry revealed that his little excursion was lacking in preparations.

Fortunately for him, he was quickly able to find a good place to put a tent down, the youtuber settled down swiftly, showing that he wasn't a complete scam and once again started speaking to his camera.

"Alright people, I have put everything down and the sun is right about to set, I'll start exploring right now" he explained.

Night fell, envelopping everything in shadows, the calling call of all the nocturnal beasts to come out, Gerry was using a nightvision to walk through the forest, so as to not alert the animals and most importantly, the possible cryptids, however, this was ruined by the constant sounds of crunch that came as he took any step.

Anything with even a bit of hearing could pinpoint his location with accuracy, fortunately for the youtuber, animals don't usually try to throw hands with something they are unfamiliar with, they prefered ignoring him, to them, if he was making so much sounds without care, it certainly was a sign of something.

Only a single beast kept on following him, not by curiosity, not because the young man had stepped on its territory, it was following him for the worst reason possible.

"Alright people, as you can see, this is pretty ducking scary, I don't know why but I have not been hearing any animal noises for a few minutes" spoke Gerry, silence was much heavier than the constant sounds of nature around him, it felt as if they had all stopped making noise and were all staring at him, a stupid thought but one that came nonetheless.

Despite the dead silence that permeated the area, the following beast was still unheard, its movement were completely silent and its position made it hard to see for the young man, it was moving from tree to tree with extreme expertise, it seemed to stick to the trees, not needing any claws or anything usually used to scale up things, it simply stuck to the trees.

The young man stopped and pointed his camera behind him, he felt uncomfortable, as if something or someone was following him, it was difficult to think that it was a person as they would need to also step on the crunchy leaves, he pointed his camera behind him, even raising it to check up in the trees but nothing seemed to show up on the camera.

"I'm starting to get paranoid people, I know it sounds unhinged but I could swear there is something that shouldn't be there close-by" spoke the youtuber.

Suddenly, scaring the living hell out of him, he heard what sounded like a woman screaming in agony in the distance, after calming down on organising his thought, he once again turned to his camera.

"Don't worry people, that's a mountain lion, I hope" he said, making a mental note that he should probably cut the 'I hope' in editing.

Gerry decided that it was best to go back to his camp for now, he was currently too freaked out to be attentive, he took the opposite direction and started walking back to his camp, he walked past something, at first, he felt like it was nothing but a split second later, he spun around to look at what he had just passed, only to see that there was nothing to pass by.

He was certain that something that looked very much like a human head without any features had just grazed his face and yet, there wasn't anything to even mistake as that.

Gerry could feel cold sweat dripping down his back and a warm, viscous liquid dropping on his nape, once again, he turned around with extreme speed and nothing was there, he passed his hand on what had fallen on his nape.

'Saliva?' he thought, forgetting to speak to his camera, he looked around everywhere, he saw nothing.

"Alright people, I think I am going crazy, if I am not, I might not survive the night, ahah" he played it as a joke but he felt like passing out from sheer fear right now.

After these two events, nothing else happened, he made it to his tent and immediately fell asleep, he had been knocked out by fear.

Awoken by the light of the sun peeking through his tent, Gerry looked around, realising that he had actually not died.

"People, it would seem that I am indeed crazy!" he announced to his camera with a wide grin.

He got out of the tent and wasn't faced with any monster from outer space, something he had been half expecting.

'I must have been tripping' he thought as he looked through what his camera had recorded, an attempt to prove that their really had been nothing.

"..." The youtuber stared at what he was seeing, he had recorded the so-called head, it was there, on his raw footage, it was hard to say if it really was a head but there had indeed been something, something that doesn't look like any animal or plant in the area.

he would have been tempted to say that it was rock with a very particuliar shape but it had been close enough to graze his face, no way that could have been a rock.

He felt the hair on his body stand up as he took a look around, he saw nothing but he still decided to pack his things, he did so naturally as if he wasn't doing it because he was running away.

"Alright people, I am gonna change place and do a day exploration" he said, a lie, he was only trying to appear as if he wasn't suspecting a thing.

He casually walked back in the direction to his car after packing his stuff.

He got close to his car and feeling like he was going to suffocate if he stayed in the open any longer, he quickly open his car door and jumped inside, contrary to his expectations, no monster leaped out of nowhere to try and stop him or to bang on his car.

He turned the key and the car started like usual, he drove off, it was sad that he had lost a possible video but he would rather disappoint some of his subscribers rather than die a gruesome death in the middle of a god's forsakken forest.

He heaved a sigh of relief after some time, perfectly timed with the sound of something landing on his roof, he reflexively looked up for a moment before looking forward again.

'Calm down, calm down, I am the one driving this car, I have the power' he thought as his eyes dilatated, suddenly, once on a straight road, he brutally braked, sending the thing on his roof flying forward.

The thing was agile as it managed to land without much issue, from his perspective this thing looked like a grey human without any features on its face whose limbs had been stretched to unholy proportions, its hand were large and possessed no nails or claws.

Suddenly, seemingly breaking its own skin, a mouth appeared on its face.

'Is it smiling at me?' wondered Gerry before hitting accelerator, aiming to kill this damned thing, the unknown animal simply jumped over the car, Gerry simply drove in reverse to hit it and this action repeated a few times.

They were back in the original scenario and Gerry was clutching the steering wheel with enough strength to hurt himself.

he once again pushed the accelerator but instead of driving straight, he turned the steering wheel to the side, causing the creature's legs to be hit and making it fall to the ground, after that, Gerry kept on driving over it before leaving.

Looking back, he saw the creature standing back up, seemingly unhurt despite the fact that it had clearly looked mangled and dead a few moments ago.

The creature pointed at him and seemingly started laughing its ass off, Gerry was too scared to be pissed at that and kept on driving.

This was one of the first big sightings of the cryptid called 'The Mocker' a humanoid creature famed for its godly stealth and its habit to make fun and torment its preys, despite the many accounts of people victim of this creature's ideas of pranks, not any professional was able to get any clue on its existence and the fact that it seemed to appear in mutiple continents didn't strengthen the idea that it was a real animal.

The Mocker could have fun with its preys, unlike many of its counterparts, this venerer was in a world where a single action could make everything fall in an instant, a single death could cause a million others, a billion others, as such it took its time and tormented uselessly, only for its own amusement.

Don't hesitate to offer any scenario for a venerer to end up in! As you can see, it isn't limited to fantasy.

Ready_creators' thoughts
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