
The destroyer destroyed

Thor POV*

"Oh Loki you son of... another mother." I muttered as me and the destroyer looked at each other. I never knew that my brother hated me this much. To try and kill me when my powers are gone. To lie about the death of my father and to tell me my own mother banished me... why Loki?

"Jane you have to leave" I said as I watched it get closer and closer by the minute.

"Well what are you going to do?"

"I am staying here" I said, I have never been one to run from a fight. I never have and never will for I am Thor, son of Odin and the god of thunder.

"Thor's going to fight with us" One of my friends said and their faces lit up with smiles. Seeing this, I felt guilty.

"My friend's, I am just a man. I'll only be in the way, or worse, get one of you killed. But I can help these people get to safety." I said. Not having powers does not make me useless. 1500 years of experience in battle can teach you things.

"If your staying then so am I" Jane said causing me to smile.

"We'll need some time" I said as I nodded to my friends before me, Jane, Eric and Darcy began walking in the direction of the civilians and the last thing I heard from my friends was "You'll have it" before the ran in the direction of the destroyer.

All of us began warning civilians. Telling them to run. Eric ran into a diner and seconds later everyone cleared out. People began filling up cars and others just took off running. Naturally there were a few who did not believe us and ignored us. Such was the nature of humans.

That was until a beam blew up a car and the now abandoned diner, causing it to go up in flames. That was when panic ensured and when everyone realised the situation they were in.

I looked back to my friends to see Siff whisper something to them and then clear off from the group. A distraction huh.

The destroyer was getting closer and destroying everything in its path. Truly a worthy name for a worthy opponent. A petrol station was destroyed next and a huge explosion occurred. The destroyer was surrounded by flames but continued to walk as if nothing happened.

I then watched as two of my friends turned towards my third friend. He ran up and the two of them grabbed him and threw him towards the destroyer.

"For Asgard" he screamed as he flew towards the destroyer with his axe readied. An excellent move my friends... Was what I thought before I watched as he was slapped out of the air and into the side of a car.

... Thats got to hurt.

ME, Jane, Eric and Darcy were now hiding behind the corner of a house. As much as I wanted to help them... I knew I would only get in the way. I could only trust my friends. How useless.

I could only stand by and watch as the destroyer neared my friend. He stood over him and looked down at him before his helmet looking face glowed orange. Just as he was about to end the life of one of my closest friends, Siff jumped from the nearby roof and plunged her spear through its chest, nailing it to the ground. Even the glow around its body faded.

Siff released a smirk and my other friends began smiling. Even I released a small victory smirk however, it only lasted mere moments as the destroyer lit up once more. Then, under the eyes of us all, we watched as it reversed itself. Its head span 180 degrees and its body reversed itself. Its front now became its back.

An unintentional gulp escaped from me.

Its face began to glow once more and just before a laser beam shot at Siff, she jumped into the sky and off of the destroyer, landing on the floor with a thud. The destroyer then pulled itself free of the spear and Siff screamed "Fall back" before all four of them began to run.

The destroyer began shooting consistent laser beams around, destroying everything around it from the road to the houses. It then hit the ground only a few metres away from Siff causing my heart to drop and her to bounce over a car.

The other 3, seeing this, quickly their made way towards her and tried to help her up but before they could reach her, a beam landed before them seperating them and launching the three of them into a diner.

"GO. Now RUN" I said to Jane, Eric and Darcy. I knew they didn't stand a chance. I could only try and get these three to safety as there is no need for them to be caught up in the middle of Asgardian business. The three of them began running away and I turned around just in time to witness the diner my friends are in explode and one of them to shoot out of it on fire.


Shards of glass came flying towards us and we all did our best to shield ourselves but all of us still sustained a few minor injuries. I pushed the three of them forwards towards safety before I began running as fast as my mortal body would allow towards Siff.

I could not let my friends die. Not because of a pointless grudge my brother has towards me.

As soon as I reached her I pulled her aside. "Sif. SIF, you've done all you can. Enough is enough."

At my words she shook her head profusely with her eyes closed. "No. I will die a warriors death" She said before opening her eyes and looking at me as she whispered "Stories will be told of this day"

Her words caused my eyes to narrow with confusion. Is this what father meant by pride? Getting killed just to tell a story? Starting a war just to bring fear?..... We are all idiots.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Live and tell those story's yourself." I said with a new found resolve. She looked shaken at my words. Like she wanted to cry with frustration. She shook her head a few times before nodding slightly. I took her shield and pulled her up.

"Now go" I said as we both stood up but just as we did, a laser hit the car we were both behind. Luckily we both were fine as she was far enough out of the way and I flipped out of the way.

I quickly made my way towards the warrior three, two of them supporting the other.

"You must return to asgard and stop whatever plans Loki has."

"What about you?" one of them asked and I released a confident smile. "Do not worry my friends. I have a plan." Seeing my smile they nodded before turning away and walking towards the direction of Siff but as soon as they turned, my smile dropped and a solemn lookm overtook my face.

All of them began to support one another, including Eric, jane and Darcy, before taking them to safety but I just looked down at the shield in my hand and sighed. If I had my powers, shield or no shield, I could defeat it. But now? I am just a man with a shield that barely covers my anxiety, never mind my body.

I dropped the shield on the floor realising it would not help, causing the others to turn and look back at me and I began walking towards the destroyer.

I know he is there. He is watching. Laughing. Smiling.

My brother would not miss out on a chance to see me like this. So far backed into a corner.

I thought he had changed... I guess father was right. I am no king... I am but a fool.

Now finshed with my thoughts, I find myself standing in front of one of asgards strongest weapons and I looked it straight in the... whatever is on its face.

"Brother... whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done that lead you to this, I am truly sorry. But all of these people are innocent and taking these peoples lives gives you nothing."

As I now stood maybe 10 meters from the destroyer, its face began to glow once more, signaling its attack, but I did not falter.

So here we are, a man with nothing but sincerity vs a machine controlled by his brother, standing 3 meters away from each other. One of them without weapon and the other with a weapon capable of killing him in an instant.

"So take mine and end this." I said as I stood in front of the weapon. I was prepared. If my life could save these innocent friends of mine, then it is without question that I would give it. I just hope... it is enough to satisfy his vengeance.

After a few seconds of silence, I watched with relief as the destroyer powered down. It no longer burned with fire, it now just stood across from me menacingly, causing me to release a smile.

*Maybe there is some good in you afterall brother. Thankyou.*

I thought as the destroyer turned around... or I thought it did.

After it had taken half a step away, it suddenly swung its hand in my direction. Just as the hand was inches from my face I closed my eyes on reflex, ready to accept my fate.

But as the seconds past, I felt nothing, prompting me to open my eyes and what I saw made my grin from ear to ear and nearly jump on the spot.

Thea was stood in front of me with her small dainty hand wrapped around the huge silver one. Noone, not even myself, would expect such small hands to be so capable.

I looked at Thea as she yawned and turned to me with half lidded eyes. "What I miss?" She questioned causing me to chuckle. I pointed towards the silver man in front of me and said one word. "Loki"

This caused her eyes to open and a playful smirk to adorn her face. She turned her head towards the silver man and released his wrist. "Sup Loki, hows royal life treating you, got any wives yet? Maybe a few concubines? You do look like the playboy type, you know, the ones with good looks yet tiny swords." She said and I swear I heard a few cursewords come from the destroyer.

The destroyer punched in the direction of Thea and none of us saw what happened after, we only saw a dust cloud kick up.

"Thea!" I shouted with worry. Yet it appears my worries were for nothing as when the dust cleared we all saw Thea... standing on the outstretched arm of the destroyer before she procceded to knock on its closed helmet.

"Yahoo. Loki, you in there? I thought you were the God of mischief not the God of perverts. I mean firstly, you are inside a man, if thats not gay I don't know what is, but hey I ain't one to judge, I am just wondering if you can handle this hunk of metal.

And two, you are spying on your brothers love life, I know you have a inferioty complex but bigger isn't always better Loki, you don't need to prove you have a bigger weapon than Thor. Mjolnir is better in quality and your just jealous you couldn't touch her like I could."

The more she spoke, the harder time I was having trying not to laugh and I could hear a few people laughing behind me. The destroyer than began trembling as the doors to its helmet opened and it began to glow.

"Thea move" I shouted and she just chuckled before she grabbed the destroyers helmet and twisted it 180 degrees and then upwards, causing the laser to shoot into the sky. "Wow! a feisty one huh. Don't go shooting this hot stuff at Loki ,metal man, he may not be able to take it" She said and I could no longer hold it, I began to laugh.

This is the first time I have been in a battle were I could laugh so freely, even more so a battle that I was prepared to die in moments ago.

After Thea had said what she had, she flipped backwards and landed next to me. Both of us watched as the destroyers head turned to us once more, clearly uninjured.

*Whistle* "What endurance, how is little Loki going to take control of this guy" She said with a grin and I was nearly crying with laughter at this point. As I looked back I could see the warrior three on their knees laughing and Siff was covering her mouth as she chuckled.

The destroyers face once more lit up and shot a laser at Thea. This one however was a lot more powerful than the others and I could tell that Loki was seething with rage at this point. He always did have his pride.

Thea lifted one of her hands in the direction of the destroyers helmet and I looked curiously at what she was going to do. I then saw her hand turn into what appeared to be light itself and I nearly had to look away due to the brightness. Just as the laser was about a meter from Thea, a beam of light shot from her hand and collided with the other.

The fought back and fourth for a few moments and I assumed Thea may be struggling but was sightly shocked when she yawned and turned towards me. "You need to finish this not me. Go and get Mjolnir and defeat him yourself." She said and I looked at her confused.

"You know I cannot wield Mjolnir any longer. I am no longer worthy." I said with sadness at how useless I was in this fight. My lifelong friends have been injured and my new friend is the one who fought my battle.

She merely looked at me before shaking her head with a sigh. "Not with that attitude you're not. What happened to Thor, Son of Odin? Where is the God of thunder? What happened to your beliefs, your will, your determination? All I currently see is a man who has given up on himself. A man not worthy of Mjolnir."

Her words stired something from within me.

She was right.

I had given up, wallowed in self pity and left everything to my friends. I am a fool.

But a fool I shall be no longer.

"You're right Thea. Thank you." I said with a grateful smile and she just chuckled before nodding at me. She then pushed with her hand and her light beam completely overpowered the destroyers. It impacted the helmet and knocked it back a few steps but before it could recover, Thea arrived in front of it and jumped off the ground before delivering an uppercut to its chin.

Everyone of us watched with pure amazement at how the destroyer shot dozens of meters into the sky, in a perfect arc, before impacted the ground with a boom, kicking up a mushroom cloud of dust.

Thea then turned to me with a chuckle and said "I held back enough that he will only be dazed for a few minutes, the rest is up to you Thor. Don't disaspoint your friends, your family and most importantly yourself."

At her words I nodded. I was grateful. More so than I could express. I turned and ran towards the direction of Mjolnir. I could feel it. Our connection. The bond we formed through countless battles. The laughs we shared, the tears, the rage, the desperation.

1500 years is a long time, and with time comes experience. But through all of my experience, there hasn't been a time were Mjolnir was not by my side. We are partners, friends, family... Mjolnir is my right hand man.

Arriving in front of Janes house, I saw Mjolnir still placed on the table where Thea left her (Im going to keep calling it a her) . I ran towards her and placed my hands on the handle before I closed my eyes. I could feel Mjolnir humming in my grasp, the same hum I have experienced for a millenia.

I thougt back.

All the battles I have experienced. All the lessons I have learned and the reason I fight. I fight to protect my people, my home and my family. I fight to keep peace, not to cause fear. I was an idiot for ever thinking so.

"Thank you father, for teaching me what it means to be a warrior."

As soon as these words left my mouth, a lightning bolt crashed through the ceiling of the house and surrounded me. It was then I felt it, the familiar feeling of strength coursing through my veins. I felt my armour reappear, a cloak on my shoulders and when I looked down, I saw Mjolnir firmly seated in my grasp causing me to grin.

"I am back, old friend" I said and Mjolnir hummed in my grasp. I twirled Mjolnir around before throwing it upwards and allowing it to pull me through the gap in the ceiling and into the sky, a feeling I have missed all to dearly.

As I looked towards the direction of my friends, I saw a plethra of reactions from each of them.

The warrior three and Siff were smiling and bouncing on the spot, Thea was smiling slightly and waved and, Eric Jane and darcy all had their mouths open wide in shock, causing me to release a grin that I often see Thea wearing.

Looking away from my friends, I landed in front of the now standing destroyer. "Time to put an end to your games Loki" I said as I spun Mjolnir in my grasp and threw it at the destroyer when it tried to launch a beam at me. Mjolnir impacted its face and knocked it off course before flying back into my outstretched hand.

I then threw it once more, knocking it off its feet before using my powers to create a storm above me and the destroyer. I flew into the sky using Mjolnir and began to twirl it around once more creating a huge tornado in the sky. Cars, houses, debree, everything was lifted into the sky, except for the destroyer, so I began spinning Mjolnir with strength not speed.

The winds picked up and soon the destroyer was lifted into the sky. It slowly floated closer and closer to me and was trying to maintain its balance. It then looked in my direction before shooting a laser beam at me, I however, knocked it away with Mjolnir.

Seeing that its attempt failed, It tried to launch another but history repeated itself. I saw it try for a third time but I quickly spun Mjolnir and threw myself in its direction. I placed Mjolnir in front of me to block the beam and inched closer and closer until Mjolnir directly covered the front of its face.

The lasers, having nowhere to go, exploded in on itself and directly destroyed its head from the inside. A huge explosion occured above the entire town before the now headless destroyer fell to the ground with a thud and I willed the storm away. I landed next to the destroyer just to make sure it was truly down and after confirming it was, I made my way towards the others. Standing in front of Jane, I looked at her and smiled.

"Is this your normal look?" she asked, eyeing me up and down.

"More or less" I responded and she nodded before saying "its a good look"

After our little conversation I turned to Thea and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Thank you Thea, I truly do not know what I would have done if you had not woken me." I said with sincerity and she smiled before nodding with a chuckle. It was then I noticed she had some sort of mustache.

"Eh Thea you have a little... above your lip" I said pointing to my own mustache and she just narrowed her eyes. "A what Thor? A what?" She asked before bringing the straw of a chocolate milkshake to her lips, making a slurping noise and when I looked I noticed her mustache had somehow disapeared.

Moving on from whatever wizardry she was using, I turned to my friends.

"We must go to the bifrost sight. I will have words with my brother" I said and they nodded and prepared to leave. "I am coming to" I heard Thea say and I nodded at her. If she wishes to see Asgard I would bring her, she is more than strong enough and most importantly she is a friend I owe a lot to.

"Excuse me" I heard someone say and when I turned around I saw the son of Coul walking towards me with 3 men in suits stood near a car.

"Are you here about our cars extended warranty?" Thea asked and Darcy began to laugh. Agent however, ignored her and stood in front of me.

"Donald?.. I don't think you have been completely honest with me." He said.

"Know this, son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward, you can count me as your ally but only if you return the items you taken from Jane." I said as I stood by Jane.

"Stolen" (Jane)

"Borrowed" He said. "Of course you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research." His words caused both Jane and Eric to smile before he turned towards Thea who was... nowhere to be seen.

I looked around in confusion before I noticed the car Agent had arrived in... was driving away yet all of the other agents were still stood there.

Son of Coul looked towards the car before looking at his agents like they were idiots. It was worse when we noticed a hand outside the window waving at us, which caused Agent to crouch down and rub his temples before releasing a groan of frustration.

Darcy began to laugh and I turned towards Jane. "Would you like to see the bridge we spoke of?" I asked and she looked at me with a smile. "Sure." she said, so I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against me causing her to release an "Ohh"

What can I say, I am mighty.

With these thoughts, I twirled my hammer and shot into the sky as she hugged my tight. I could have sworn I heard son of Soul say something but I may have imagined it.

After a few minutes of flight, that I may have accidentally prolonged in case of birds *cough*, I arrived at the place I first arrived to find Thea... sat on the floor with a full course meal. Looking around I noticed several cars were flipped over and some destroyed but I did not see the car she drove earlier.

"What happened to the car... and where did you aquire the food" I asked and she finished her burger before answering.

"Car was too slow and several places. The burger and fries was from a restaurant near America, the steak was from California and the chocolate milk is from a company in Belgium."

I did not know any of those places but Jane looked shocked so I assume they were far away from one another. I reached out to try and grab a fry but felt an impact strike my hand. I looked towards Thea but found her drinking her milk innocently. I figured it was a mistake so I tried again. This time however I felt a stronger impact on my hand that sent my hand in the direction... of Janes chest.

Thankfully I managed to stop it in time but as I looked down at Thea and saw that innocent smile that did not reach her eyes, I unintentionally gulped and learnt a valuable lesson. I am just glad I did not try for her chocolate milk as I may have lost my hand.

After around 30 minutes of waiting, we all heard the sound of a jeep and saw our friends finally arrived. I then motioned towards Thea and my friends to follow as we stood in the center of the Bifrost mark on the floor.

"Heimdall open the Bifrost" I said with Mjolnir raised in the air but nothing happened. I looked towards the sky in confusion for a few seconds before repeating my words.

"Heimdall! I know you can hear me, open the Bifrost." I shouted but still nothing happened.

"Maybe he's nervous and can't perform well" Thea said but I ignored her and turned to my friends.

"He's not answering"

"Then we are stranded" Siff said but I refuse to give up.

"Heimdall! If you can hear me, we need you now!" I shouted and there was still no reaction.

"Heimdall?" I shouted for the final time before finally the clouds began to gather and swirl in the sky before descending towards them with a rainbow of colours gathered in the center.

Me and my friends all smiled at one another and they began to bounce with excitement. Thea just stood with her hands in her pockets next to Siff and the other three looked on with amazement.

Jane walked up to me and looked as if she wanted to say something but I just grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close against my chest. "I must go back to Asgard now but I give you my word, I will return for you." As I said this I grabbed her hand and brought it up to my lips, still making eyes contact. "Deal?"

She didn't reply verbally, instead she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a heated kiss that lasted several seconds. I guess my charm is as mighty as my powers.

"Ohhh they finna fuck" I heard someone say but I was to caught up in the moment to care. After we broke apart, she placed her forehead on mine whilst panting slightly before whispering "Deal" causing me to smile and nearly bring her into another kiss. I then turned and walked back into the Birfrost circle.

I smiled one last time at the three of them before rasing my hammer into the air. The Bifrost descended on us and fully encircled us and before we knew it, all of us were on a journey through space back to Asgard. Back to my home.


A massive chapter. 4500 words. I could have split it in two but I figured there was no point.

For those interested, I figured I would make Thor Thea's best friend. He is probably my favourite MCU character. He loses everything, yet the man walks around with a smile and the only one who saw how broken he is was his mother. I figured Thea would be his best friend so expect to see them together quite a bit.

Thank you for the support and thank you for reading.

I hope you enjoy? and If you don't then let me know why and I will try and improve!

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