
Grief and the Funeral.

6 days it took for me to wake up. Which means I spent 18 days in the training ground fighting. After the 6th day in the training ground I had calmed down enough to think straight but the more I did, the more hopeless I felt and so I once more tried to distract myself with fighting until I could no longer hold on.

When I awoke, I was in the hospital. The constant beeping of the monitors and the smell of disinfectants is definitely not something you want to wake up to. The room was currently empty and when I tried to sense around me I found a few doctors outside the room... but no signs of mother, giving me a feeling of emptiness. I unplugged myself from the machines and stood up before walking over the the windows and gazing at the city below.

It looked so peaceful. It was currently night, the sky was black and filled with stars, a full moon hung above and clouds surrounded it but did not over shadow it in the slightest. The buildings around the hospital all flashed with different clolours, and despite it being night, cars still litered the roads.

Soon a nurse entered the room alone, I assumed to clean me and change my clothes but was stunned to see me staring out the window with an emotionless gaze. "You're awake!" she exclaimed causing me to nod my head ever so slightly.

"How do you feel? Any pains, dizziness, aches?" She questioned but I just ignored her as I thought about what is going to happen from now on. Both brother and father are gone. That just leaves me and mother. She will have to run the company alone until I turn 18. The funeral will probably take place in a few days.

The nurse, seeing as I never responded, approached me before crouching slightly at my side. She gently placed a hand on my head and asked "Are you ok child." Yet I still ignored her since I did not feel like communicating at the moment. She took me by the hand and pulled me towards the bed before sitting me on it and running a few tests on me. After making sure I was ok, she left to inform the others of my awakening.

Seeing as it was night and I had nothing else to do, I decided to go back to sleep. Not the training grounds but actual sleep since my mind was exausted after all the fighting and emotions I have experienced over the past few days.

When I woke up in the morning I was still alone. Mother hasn't shown up but I assume she is either busy with the company or just grieving. I know it is just as hard for her as it is me. The doctors soon brought me some food and gave me one last checkup before telling me I am aloud to leave if someone picks me up.

I asked him about mother and he just looked at me sadly and told me that she hasn't visited once. It was a maid who found me and mother and asked an ambulance to come and get me.

"I see" I replied with my voice revealing none of the emotions I am currently feeling. "She's probably just grieving. She lost just as much, if not more than I did." This caused the doctors eyes to once more cloud with sadness before he just sighed and left.

I grabbed my phone from the side of the bed before calling one of the family butlers and asking him to pick me up. 30 minutes I was in the back of a black Mercedes on my way home. On the way home, I noticed a lot of burn marks and destroyed property like fallen trees. The butler did not bother communicating thankfully since he probably understood my emotions and 20 minutes later we were home.

Mother was not home. I asked a maid and found she has slept at the company for the past few days causing me to sigh. I returned to my room, not really knowing where to go from here. But then I decided to go and see the place where it happened. Where I lost everything.

I opened my bedroom window large enough for me to exit, then I gathered 4 wings on my back made out of light and was just about to jump out of my window until... a maid entered the room without knocking and dropped the drink she had brought me after seeing my wings, causing me to nearly fall over since I was seconds from blasting off.

She was just about to open her mouth and either question me or shout but I flashed to her side and covered her mouth. She looked generally terrified at the fact that I appeared next to her in less than a second and covered her mouth whilst my eyes where cold.

"Do not scream or shout or do anything that would attract any sort of attention, am I understood?" I said whilst making my wings disapear and then removing my hand when I saw her nod several times. After I removed my hand from her mouth, she opened and closed her mouth several times in succession, seemingly thinking of something to ask before she finally found the right words.

"You have wings?" she half whispered half shouted. "No!" I replied truthfully. "but-but I just - you-YOU HAVE WINGS" she once more half whispered half shouted but I felt myself becoming more and more ammused with her, which actually shocked me since I didn't think I would be feeling anything other than sadness for a while.

"Oh. Then where are they?" I said causing her to go bright red and point a trembling finger at me. "You-you, I just saw- you definitely have wings, they're bright gold and there are 4 of them, you're just trying to deny it." she said whilst flailing her arms around.

"NoPe. It is impossible for me to have wings, I am just a human. You probably just saw a reflection of the sun from the window and it looked like I had wings." I said with a straight face causing her to doubt herself for a few seconds.

"Did I see wrong? No-no-no. She definit...ely... did she have wings? No wait, even-even if you don't have wings, WHICH YOU DO, it doesn't change the fact that you appeared next to me in a flash and covered my mouth before I could even talk. Explain that humph." She said with her hands on her hips, cheeks puffed whilst leaning forward causing my eyes to land on those jugs now swaying in front of me since, she was talling than me.

If I were to walk forward now, my face would fit perfectly in the cavern of her breasts. The maid is actually really pretty too. Long straight blonde hair reaching her waist, baby blue eyes, and a cute face. She was around 5"9 with E cup breats.

"Eh? I didn't appear next to you in a flash, you were in a daze and and I walked next to you to ask if you were ok after dropping the glass and then you looked like you were going to scream so I covered your mouth so as to not disturb others? Are you on drugs? Do you want me to call an ambulance?" I replied whilst innocently tilting my head and placing one of my hands on my cheek.

At this point tears began to form at the corners of her eyes and she began to tremble, she honestly looked adorable but it only made me want to tease her more. "NO-NO-NO, You-you are-you are lying. You just-you just don't want me to tell anyone. I saw them. The w-wings. 4 wings."

She wasn't even looking at me anymore, you was staring at the floor muttering about wings and I kind of felt bad that I made her doubt herself, but it was necessary, since I didn't need someone knowing about my abilities just yet. "Shhh, hey its fine, just lie down and rest alright, you're clearly not ok." She didn't even react as I pulled her towards my bed and placed her on it, she just followed my instructions and led down. I then placed my hands over her eyes and coated my other hand in very low voltage lightning as I gave her head a massage. It wasn't long before she dozed off causing me to release a sigh of relief, yet now I had no choice but to stay.

I cannot really just up and disapear without anyone knowing since that will confirm her suspicions if she wakes up. So I simply sat at my desk and browsed through my PC. At what has been going on since the gambits downfall and how people reacted.

The hours began to go by and when the maid woke up, she left with a headache and still confused. Mother didn't return once more, leaving me to myself. I don't even know if she is planning a funeral so I just decided to do so myself. If she has already done so, then I will scrap my idea but if not then I will go through with it. After A few more hours of planning, I decided to sleep and my days continued as such.

Wake up, eat, browse the internet and plan a funeral for two of the people I love the most. Mother never once returned home and I began to get worried. I tried to call but she never answered, I sent texts, but she just said she was fine and busy and I took it as her grieving.It took me 5 days to plan the funeral and it was to be held 2 weeks later and when I told mother she mealy said "ok".


On the day of the funeral, I was dressed in a pure black dress. It was the maid from before who dressed me, I found out her name is Nova. A fitting name for someone with such a bubbly personality. I am pretty sure she is trying to prove I have powers since I have seen a lot of her in the past few days and it's ammusing to say the least.

Once I was dressed, I took a limousine to the place where the funeral was being held. After arriving, I met up with Tommy who was standing outside with a sad look. When he saw me, he came over and pulled me into a hug asking how I was. After telling him I was 'fine', I asked if he had seen my mother and he just shook his head.

We both walked into the venue together and sat next to each other. I also saw Laurel and Quintel here but they did not look sad, instead they looked at the empty casket with rage which I fully understood. It didn't change anything though. It was just as much Sarah's fault as it was brothers and they are idiots for not understanding that.

Eventually mother showed up... accompanied by walter. She only glanced at me and smiled sadly before she sat down towards the front with walter causing me to stare at her in shock with a dejected look. This is the first time we have seen eachother in 19 days and she couldn't even offer a hug? Not even a "how are you?".

I felt tommy squeeze my hand before he said "She is just as hurt as you Thea, give her some time" causing me to nod my head and soon the funeral started.

It was uneventful to be honest. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. It was just a depressing atmoshphere were several people said goodbye followed by either funny stories or flattering words. Afterwards we all watched as both of them were burried, It was raining yet I saw no need for an umbrella. Call me melodramatic or whatever but it felt right, like the heavens themselves were mourning their deaths.

Afterwards we all went our seperate ways, or tried to as news reporters began to surround as, bombarding us with questions about "How we feel?"

"Miss queen how do you feel on this sorrowful day?" A young female reporter asked causing me to just stare at her with an emotionless gaze. "Let me ask you a question miss reporter. Have you ever lost someone before?" She looked intimidated by my gaze but replied nonetheless. "Yes-yes I ha-have." She said causing me to let out a small chuckle.

"I see. Then you clearly understand how I feel, right? Pain. Despair. sadness. Rage. You feel like you want to lash out at the world for how cruel it is. Feel like you want to scream at nothing in particular. Feel like you want to just break down and cry. So tell me miss reporter, are you braindead? Or have your morals dropped so much that you would question how the fuck a 12 year old feels at her brother and fathers funeral?"

My question caused her to stare at me with shock before lowering her head in shame and it seemed a lot of the other reporters did the same because we managed to leave with general ease afterwards.

I once more made my way towards the limousine but decided to wait for mother since I didn't think she would be cruel enough to leave a 12 year old on her own, after her familes funeral.... I was wrong.

I recieved a message and when I looked at my phone I saw it was from her.

Mother πŸ’–: Go home without me Thea, I still have work at the company. I will see you later and I hope you are ok sweet heart. xxx.

I did not bother replying I just got into the car and ordered the driver to take me home and when I was home I just threw myself onto my bed. Hoping to escape from my emotions in the land of dreams, somewhere I find myself quite often nowadays.


The story will pick up from here. She will begin to travel the world and meet a few interesting people so look forward to it. Thanks for reading, peace out.

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