
Bishop of the Hall

Legendary Level Professionals were lofty individuals that were standing on the peak of the Material Plane of the Cosmos. In some areas of the Material Planes of the Cosmos, they ruled entire Worlds and they were the backbones of any proper factions.

So even for the powerful faction, it would be problematic to force them actually do things like this...

Only a few factions had such inner organization and structure, hierarchy and nature that they could order their Legendaries like this and most of them could be counted on one hand.

"Then we should be going... I also want to take a look at the local architecture and temples of the Ásatrú Pantheon."

Afterward, they strode through the city, which was a different feeling for Samiel, especially from appearances.

All the towns he visited till now were absolutely humongous, but the Jorvik, even though it was the capital of the entire hegemonial nation of Skrånøtiå, was relatively modest.

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