
Sisterly Loathing

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Discord Link: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

Pat reon Link: Pat reon .com/TheDarkWolfShiro

Beta: morde24

Chapter 18: Sisterly Loathing

"Mr Raum, stay behind after the class." Professor Laux-Antille says as I pause, looking up from my book as she gives me an encouraging smile.

Margarita Laux-Antille

Faction – The Lodge of Sorceresses

Thoughts about you – She's intrigued about your Demonic Nature, worry

Fetishes – Student/Teacher play

Lesser Secret – She has infiltrated Hogwarts to keep an eye on the Lodge's investment, Grayson Raum-Black.

Major Secret – She picks her apprentices based on looks, and beds them regardless of their gender

Biggest Secret – ???

I haven't done anything noteworthy, my assignment was completed to perfection, so what does the Lodge want with me? No longer satisfied with just watching me?

Today has been uncomfortable, the Hogwarts rumour mill has done its job and the entire school knows I'm a dangerous and unhinged killer, or that I'm a hero who killed a pair of monsters, it depends on who you ask really.

The Slytherins are supporting me, because the families of the people I killed aren't particularly influential or well-connected. The usage of dark magic to kill them has only impressed my housemates, those that don't fear me anyway.

The rest of the school doesn't know what to think, but with Fleur saying I saved her from a vampire attack, it's stopped the worst of it.

Not that I would care either, I can taste their fear and anxiety and it is only feeding me more essence.

Nymphadora has already become an issue, because her orders are to protect me, and that means she doesn't leave my side unless I'm in the private rooms, to which she's added her own wards(quite skilfully as well, she's been well trained), and that means I have very little private time.

She takes her job more seriously than she acts, rarely being willing to take her eyes off me for more than a few minutes and that's only encouraging the rumours.

There's also an increased auror presence in Hogwarts itself, just a few patrolling the surrounding areas watching out for other intruders, which is also irritating and dangerous for me.

It's also pointless, the vampire who wants me dead turned someone who was allowed to be here, so why would there be intruders? But the parents were horrified to hear that a pair of bloodthirsty monsters were so close to their precious children and the ministry needs to make it look like they are actually doing something useful.

Even if they really aren't.

As class ends, the whispering students file out of the room, and after pausing for a moment Nym does as well, though before the door closes I see her lean against the opposite wall so she certainly hasn't gone far.

"Is there something I can do for you, Professor?" I ask, leaning against one of the front desks as she walks around her own desk, giving me a kind smile.

According to mother and Triss, Margarita is the kindest and most trustworthy of the Lodge, a true teacher at heart, but she's still a member of a group that have been guiding my life since I was born.

"Not exactly, Yen told you about my other job, didn't she?" Margarita asks, still smiling as I nod. "I expected as much, she's not the ice queen she was when she first joined us. Geralt thawed out that frozen heart, a little at least, and becoming a mother changed her priorities." Margarita said with a slight laugh, I don't doubt that since I've heard stories of my mother when she was younger.

"You don't seem bothered about that." I point out bluntly, there's no point dancing around it when we both know she's a spy and that I'm a demon.

"Because I'm not, some of the others might see it as a bad thing or even a betrayal but we can still accomplish our goals either way." Margarita admits, smiling gently as she stares at me.

She's wearing a particularly revealing green dress, deeply cut to reveal a great deal of cleavage, she always wears clothes this revealing and a part of me wonders if it is to test me, or she just prefers it this way.

Catching me staring, not that I was being particularly subtle, she just gives me a light smile.

"And what exactly are those goals? You wanted a pet demon lord, did you not?" I ask, making her chuckle.

"Some of us did, I'm sure. You have to understand that while the Lodge works towards a common agenda, we also all have our own reasons. Some of us just wanted power, be it political or magical, and some of us had darker reasons for joining." Margarita says as she rises and walks towards me, gripping the straps of her dress and calmly pushing it off her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground and pool at her feet.

She isn't wearing a bra, or panties for that matter as she steps out of her dress and stands before me, but it isn't her admittedly large breasts that attract my attention, or the well trimmed bush that sits above a small pink slit.

It's the runic array on her stomach, just above her pubic hair.

"Those are… demonic runes." I say, moving closer as I look down at them, seeing the sad smile on her face as she touches them, making them flair up angrily, the red glow giving off a malevolent feeling.

"I joined the Lodge to escape the deal I struck as a foolish teenager, like many other members, and you are our hope, Lord Raum." Margarita says with a smile, wistful.

"What deal did you make, and to whom?" I ask as I reach forwards and touch the rune, it's definitely old and with further inspection I can see it hasn't been drawn onto her stomach, it's been carved into her very flesh.

"I was a squib, powerless and alone, and I let a cultist talk me into joining them, performing rituals in the name of their god, eventually I met their 'god' and he offered me power, for a price… my immortal soul, which would be delivered to him upon my death in exchange for great power. I accepted, the fool that I was, and have regretted it ever since. There's nothing waiting for me after death but pain and agony, something I realised far too late, and I have sought a way to break the contract ever since… and like so many other people I have learnt that mortals cannot break a demonic contract but demons can." Margarita explains calmly, a wince of pain on her face as the rune flares up again.

"Which is why you need me." I say, staring her down.

"It is, but before you could hope to save me you need to get stronger, and to get stronger you need to be alive. Which is why you can believe me when I say that the Lodge will support you against this Carmilla, we won't allow some bloodsucking tart to ruin plans years in the making." Margarita says with a determined stare.

"Well, that is nice to know, but I have a question. What is in it for me to fight your battles for you? I doubt whoever has his grip on your soul will give it up willingly." I say calmly, making her smile again.

"I know, and when the time comes I imagine you'll be able to name your price and have it be accepted with little squabbling. The Lodge is powerful, there isn't much we can't get you in time, and I'm not the only member desperate to escape the mistakes of my past. For now, I can only offer myself, as a mentor, as a servant, as a plaything. As long as it doesn't attract unwanted attention, know that I am at your beck and call. The Lodge can't risk Dumbledore's attention, so I must play the role of teacher to perfection, but as long as it doesn't expose me… well, you are a lust demon, aren't you? I imagine you have no end of girls to satiate your lusts on, if you are so well controlled, but if you'd like another woman, my body is yours." Margarita offers calmly, still as naked as the day she was born as she smiles at me.

"Perhaps I'll accept that offer, Professor, when I don't have a babysitter lingering outside." I deadpan, making her give me a casual smile, even as I reach out and grab one of her breasts, squeezing the soft flesh to test her.

"Of course, the offer is open to you whenever you wish to call on it." Margarita says, not even fazed by my groping.

Reaching down, I give her a light spank, still failing to get any reaction from her as she keeps smiling.

"It'll take more than that, Lord Raum." Margarita says with a playful tone.

"Why do you call me Lord Raum when I'm still just the heir?" I ask, making her chuckle.

"Because that's what you are, the Demon Lord Raum, whether the Wizengamot have given you your seat at the table yet is utterly irrelevant." Margarita says, making me smile slightly

I do like that, Lord Raum.

"Will that be all, Professor." I say, drawing out the word as I give her ass a squeeze, making her giggle.

"There is one thing, the main reason I approached you to be honest. Natalina Zabini is going to approach you soon, she's another member of the Lodge of course, I wanted to warn you to take everything she says with a grain of salt. She won't actively harm you, the Lodge would crush her if she tried. But considering as her last seven husbands all thought they could handle her, and are all dead, well, be careful." Margarita warns.

"I'll keep that in mind, and if she wants to meet?" I ask, making her smile.

"As I said, she can't actively work against you unless she wants to face the penalty for actually betraying the Lodge, and there is nothing she fears more than death. Listen to her if you wish, just know she'll likely lie, cheat and try and manipulate you for her own ends." Margarita says after a moment.

"Isn't that what most of your organisation will do?" I ask, making her shrug helplessly.

"Truthfully? Yes, manipulation has been our best weapon since we first formed." Margarita admits with a rueful smile.

"Then I'll keep your words in mind, Professor. Now put your dress back on so I can open the door without showing Auror Tonks more than she needs to see. I don't need to deal with her growing suspicious of me, I definitely don't want her butting into my private meetings." I deadpan as she slowly puts her dress back on with a smile.

"Indeed, I'd rather she not have reason to suspect I'm anything more than a teacher either. If she asks, you can say that I talked to you about how you are ahead of the rest of the class, discussing your options, it's true after all." Margarita suggests as she finishes dressing. "You really are a wonderful student."

"Thanks, now if you'll excuse me." I say as I start to leave, as she gives me a wave and a smile.

"Soooo~ you hot for your teacher, cuz?" Nym asks as I leave, giving me a playful grin. "I know I would be, that dress has to make old McGonagall pull her hair out, she always was a prude. You know she once gave me a month of detention for flashing Ravenclaw's seeker in a quidditch match? A month! I mean sure, he crashed into the stands but he didn't even mind that he ended up in the hospital wing, or that his team lost. Plus I lost loads of points for 'improper behaviour' and 'sabotaging a game', like it's my fault those two chasers crashed into each other, should have kept their eyes on the quaffle instead of on my quaffles." Nym starts immediately, making me mentally sigh.

It's like Astoria all grown up, she just doesn't stop talking.


"Lady Raum-Black, a pleasure as always." Lucius said calmly, unable to hide the undercurrent of fear in his eyes as she took her seat in his living room, not bothering to wait for him to offer it.

"Cut the crap, Lucius. And stop quivering, I'm not here to turn you into a pile of dust, as satisfying as it would be." Yennefer said bluntly, making him drop his political smile and give her a scowl as he sat down himself, not bothering to pretend that he wanted to be a good host for her.

"Then what do you want and how do I get you to leave." Lucius half-growled, making her smirk at him.

"For whatever reason, Grayson actually wants me to let your little schemes go through, without me blocking you for my own amusement, and the dutiful mother that I am, Gray's wishes are my command." Yen said drolly, making Lucius stare at her. "I'm sure my loving little sister did most of the negotiating on her knees, but I digress. I'm willing to support your new bill, instead of just abstaining."

"For what price?" Lucius asked immediately, making her smirk.

"Karkaroff is trying to see my son punished for killing the two vampires that attacked him, I want to remind the snivelling coward the price of becoming an inconvenience for my family. I know you still have contacts among your little group, lure him from Hogwarts and you'll have my support." Yen offered, watching Lucius's eyes narrow before he gave her a dry smirk.

"This is why people are afraid of you, Yennefer. You don't play the game like the rest of us do, all too willing to flip the board and break the pieces." Lucius said as she gave him a smirk.

"I hate politics." Yen said simply, making him chuckle.

"And yet you've done such a good job of maintaining the Raum-Black power, for your son?" Lucius asked.

"Everything is for my son." Yen agreed, making him nod as he stood up and grabbed a wine bottle, pouring two glasses, passing her one.

"Indeed, and everything I do is for Lyra, I want to leave her a family name she can be proud of, and enough wealth so that she never has to work a day." Lucius said, making her raise her glass in a mock-salute.

She actually believed that, oddly enough.

"You aren't worried about not having a male heir?" Yen asked, making him shake his head.

"Perhaps when I was younger, now I know I can find a way to continue my family line. Lyra is reckless, arrogant and a bit foolish at times, but she's still my daughter and I want the best for her." Lucius said simply. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to have Grayson take her as one of his wives?"

"That would be up to Gray himself, hoping one of your grandchildren will be the future Lord or Lady Black?" Yen asked with a wry smirk, making him shrug with a chuckle.

"Of course, I've always coveted the power that comes with the Black name, I've never hidden that." Lucius admitted shamelessly.

"True enough, oh, I will be taking my little sister away for a short time, family matters you understand, she'll be returned to you mostly unharmed." Yen deadpanned, making Lucius pause before he chuckled again.

"Do go easy on her, she's always feared and envied you, Yennefer." Lucius said calmly, knowing that it would be too much effort to try and stop her.

"I know, but she's also always thought she was smarter than me, I aim to put a stop to that misbelief. Don't worry, it's only her pride that will be harmed, not her reputation." Yen said bluntly.

"May I ask what you intend to do to my wife?" Lucius asked, as she gave him a wicked smile.

"A great many things, perhaps you can ask her for the details when she returns." Yen said with a sultry smile, Narcissa had long believed she was such a genius.

It was time to put her in her place.


"Was it difficult?" Daphne asks, making me look over at her as she enters my room.

"Killing the vampires?" I ask, Tracey not even pausing in her obedient head bobbing as Daphne's eyes glance down, Tracey on her knees in front of me as I sit on the edge of the bed. As she nods, I shrug. "Not really, it was my first real battle and I was caught off guard, but the act itself was all too easy." I say, making her smile slightly.

"Good, that's good… rumours are already spreading that you've been faking your magical strength this whole time, that you're as strong as Potter, that's good for us." Daphne says with a smirk. "And the Delacour girl? I take it you were fucking her?"

"No, I got interrupted before we could start." I admit, making Daphne nod, looking almost happy.

"Her family is one of the strongest in France and she's set to be the next Lady Delacour, she'd be a good ally for our family if we play your cards right." Daphne says calmly, making Tracey pause for a moment before she goes back to blowing me.

Us, we, our.

It looks like my little talk with Daphne was more effective than I realised.

"I know, her grandmother wants me to paint her, I'm going to accept soon but I want to make her work for it a little more. She seems desperate to please her grandmother and I can take advantage of that." I agree, making her smile happily. "I also got a request to paint Duchess Anna Henrietta, I'm going to accept of course."

"Hmm, France does seem to like it's art doesn't it? Merlin, if you can actually forge a friendly relationship with one of the two leaders of France, I might just have to bed you myself." Daphne admits, staring me down.

"Be careful, I just might hold you to that." I tease, making her scoff.

"We are going to be husband and wife, all that would change is the schedule." Daphne says with a shrug. "I apologise for interrupting your… fun, I just wanted a chance to catch you alone, and saw that your bodyguard had gone to report to her superiors. Have fun, Gray." Daphne says, making me stare after her in slight confusion.

She's acting odd, but her secrets didn't show anything unusual.

"You know, I think it's starting to set in for her that this is a good thing, but… well she's still Daphne and I don't think she actually knows how to talk normally." Tracey admits with a giggle, stroking my length as she stares up at me.

"It's honestly kinda cute." I admit making her laugh.

"It is, isn't it? She's so awkward when she's not being the Ice Queen. Anyway, where was I?" Tracey giggles, immediately going back to sucking my cock.

It doesn't take long for us to finish, and with a mouthful of cum Tracey says goodnight and slips away to tease Daphne, but I have other places to be.

Mother has asked me to come home tonight for a 'family meeting', and I know she hasn't invited any of my siblings so I'm pretty curious about what's going on.


Staring at the cup, she scoffed as she walked towards it and tossed her name into it, watching the blue flames flare up as they accepted her submission.

She could hear the whispers and see the glare on Damian's face, but she didn't care as she turned and left the great hall.

She had no interest in watching who else was putting their name in, she was the strongest and she'd be picked.

…frowning to herself, she headed back to her room and focused as she tried to wandlessly cast a flame spell at her target dummy.

It worked of course, the orange flames splashing against the enchanted figure harmlessly as she scowled.

It was a powerful spell, able to ignite her opponents, but it paled in comparison to what Gray could do.

She wasn't the strongest anymore.

It didn't make sense, Gray had always been the weakest of them, and even with his transformation he shouldn't have been able to catch up to her.

But he had, and he'd surpassed her, and it was driving her mad.

Keira might be happy just being Gray's servant, but Keira's borderline obsession with their younger brother had never been a secret, even when she claimed she was using him for his intelligence. The fact was Keira would ruin anyone who actually tried to torment Gray.

But she was her own woman, even bound to Gray as she was, and she wasn't satisfied just being his slave, she wanted that power for herself, to be able to wandlessly summon the flames of hell to scorch her foes.

So how did she get it? Keira understood the demonic runes they used in their rituals, but she was forced to admit that runes were a branch of magic that had always befuddled her.

Gray needed essence to grant power, he gained essence through sin, and he was frugal with his essence, so if she wanted him to grant her power, she needed to help him gain enough essence that he'd use it on her.

So how to gather essence?

Scowling to herself, she sat down and started scheming.


Sitting in my living room on the couch, I stare at Aunt Narcissa as she sits opposite us, clearly worried. Rightfully so, if the cruel smirk on my mother's face has any say in the outcome of this meeting.

"What is this about, sister?" Narcissa asks, making Yennefer's smirk grow even wider.

"This is just… an intervention, little sister, before you get yourself into more trouble than you can handle." Yennefer says easily, making Narcissa pause as her brows furrow in confusion.

"Intervention- what on Earth do you-" Narcissa starts, cutting off as Yen raises a hand.

"I know you were behind my would-be engagement with that brute of a man three times my age, and I know how you convinced father to take your side." Yennefer said bluntly, making Narcissa pale rapidly, her face going a pasty white. "I also know you are behind a few of the assassins that have tried to kill me over the years, so you know why I didn't return the favour?"

Narcissa doesn't respond, frozen in fear as Yen smirks at her cruelly.

"It's because you aren't a threat, you tried to have father marry me off to some old sadist, so I just killed the fool, then I killed father as well just for good measure. You spent years whoring yourself out to father to get him on your side and I ended it in a day, you sent assassins after me and I killed them before they even realised I knew they were there. I'm better than you'll ever be and nothing you could ever do would come close to threatening me." Yen says, taking a sip of her wine as she stares Narcissa down. "Your pathetic efforts amused me, so much effort for so little reward, so I never bothered seriously punishing you."

"S-so what has changed?" Narcissa asks, almost shaking as Yen smiles at her.

"What changed is simple, you aren't a threat to me or Gray, but Philippa just might be. So when I found out you're spying for her, probably trying to manipulate my son on her orders? Suddenly you are a potential threat, or at the very least an annoyance, so I've decided to make sure you understand that as influential as our friend Philippa is, she isn't worth crossing me." Yen drawls, watching as Narcissa turns even paler, her skin an unhealthy shade.

"Philippa?" I ask, making her smile at me.

"Philippa Eilhart, a member of the Lodge, as manipulative as she is powerful, Narcissa is reporting to her, aren't you sister?" Yen asks, making Narcissa stammer something out, before she stops, knowing that lying isn't an option at this point.

"What happens now? What did you say to Lucius for him to willingly send me with you?" Narcissa asks, shaking slightly as she realises the danger she is in.

"I told him I needed to teach you a lesson, and that you'd be… mostly unharmed, and I meant it. You'll survive tonight, little sister. Now stand up." Yen ordered, Narcissa rising slowly. "Strip."

"Wha-" Narcissa starts before the words die on her lips. Reaching up and slowly undoing her green dress, she pushes it off her shoulders leaving her standing in front of us in just a matching pair of lacy dark emerald underwear, Yen simply raising her eyebrows challengingly making Narcissa sigh as she reached up and undid her bra, letting it fall to the floor.

Her panties joined it quickly, leaving her utterly naked in front of her sister and nephew.

"Let me explain what is going to happen, Cissy." Yen said as she finally rose, walking towards her sister with a smirk as she drew her wand, placing it on her stomach and slowly pulling it up as ropes burst out of it and started to wrap around her body, making Narcissa yelp as she was bound, the ropes pulling her arms behind her back and binding them. "I'm not going to kill you, I'm not even going to hurt you… because hurting your pride is more effective than any other punishment would ever be. You aren't Lady Malfoy tonight, you aren't a noble, a witch or even a person. You're a plaything, for the man you thought you could spy on." Yennefer said as she flipped her wand up and levitated Narcissa, the ropes glowing as she was yanked into the air, bound and helpless as she floated face down at waist level.

"Sis-" Narcissa starts, the second her mouth opens, Yen waves her wand and conjures a ring-gag forcing her mouth to stay open as mumbles come out of it.

"Should I ask how you know all these spells?" I ask idly, making Yen giggle playfully.

"Not unless you want details about mine and your fathers sex-life." Yen deadpans, helping me out of my seat. "Now my dear, why don't you enjoy your plaything, she needs to learn her proper place."

Moving behind me as I walk towards Narcissa, she reaches around and parts my robes, undoing my belt and gently caressing my cock as she pulls it out of my trousers. Rubbing it along Narcissa's face, she can only stare up at me as my cock is rubbed against her cheek, Yen slapping her with it as she keeps stroking me.

A part of me pities Narcissa, but honestly? She tried to beat Yen and lost, this is just the penalty for overestimating her talents. Spying on me, trying to have my mother assassinated?

Nah, there's no pity to be had here.

"So, do I need to worry about this Philippa?" I ask, even as I grip Narcissa's hair and start to slide my cock into her mouth, the gag giving her no options but to take it as I immediately push deeper, feeling her throat tighten around me in a futile attempt to stop the violation.

"I'll be speaking to her soon about why she should know better than to get involved in my family's business, but yes. If she approaches you, and I'm sure she will, don't trust her." Yen agrees, kissing my neck gently. "But let's focus on the matter at hand, my dear." she whispers as she starts to strip me, making me look back at her.

Yennefer Raum nè Black

Faction – The Lodge of Sorceresses, Grayson Raum

Thoughts about you – Love, Lust, Ambition

Fetishes – Rough Sex, Cuckqueen, Dominatimg other women

Lesser Secrets – She's a Demonologist, She's part of a secret society

Major Secrets – She's planning on betraying the Lodge, she encouraged her husband to seduce other women both for her schemes and so she could dominate them

Biggest Secret – ???

Looking back at the bound woman, I smirk as I start to fuck Narcissa's face roughly, using the arrogant noble woman for my pleasure, making her gag and drool as she is forced to take it.

Narcissa Malfoy-Black

Faction – The Lodge of Sorceress, Herself

Thoughts about you – Bitterness, Humiliation, Anger

Fetishes - Being Worshipped, Femdom

Lesser Secrets – She has had several rivals against the Malfoy family businesses assassinated, or assassinated them herself. She hates her sisters.

Major Secrets – She seduced her father to turn him against her sisters

Biggest Secret – ???

Looking down into her eyes, I can see the anger in them as she glares up at me, even as her makeup runs down her cheeks.

It just adds to my enjoyment in truth, seeing the manipulative bitch of an aunt being forced to take my cock is arousing, and even when we fucked before it was just regular sex, this has a definite power imbalance thanks to her bonds.

As Yen finishes stripping me, she shrugs her own robes off, moving around in front of me wearing just a black thong and corset as she grips Narcissa's hair.

"Don't just lie there slut, put that tongue to work." Yen barks, waving her wand intimidatingly. I start to feel Narcissa's tongue hesitantly start to rub against my length, even as Yen guides her head in time with my fast thrusts, gripping her hair roughly, something that was probably quite painful for a spoiled princess like Narcissa. "This is your life now, Cissy, you're just a set of holes for Gray to use, I don't care if it's in the middle of one of your precious balls, if Gray says to bend over and pull your dress up, you'll do it. Because if I hear you've forgotten your place, I will kill you and wipe this stain from our family tree." Yen says coldly, watching tears stream down Narcissa's cheeks. "Is she using her tongue?"

"She is, not very well but she is." I confirm, making Yen narrow her eyes at Narcissa, the clumsy movements immediately becoming more skilful. "Ahh, there we go." I say in mild amusement.

"She's getting better? Good, because I know this slut knows how to suck a cock, I tore fathers mind to pieces before I killed him and I know she's very experienced." Yen taunts as Narcissa swirls her tongue around my cock. Even the gag does little to stop her from skilfully drawing my climax out as her angry eyes glare up at me.

"Are you going to cum? Pull out, paint her face white." Yen says as she moves back behind me, her body pressed against my back as she grasps my length again, stroking it as I pull back.

Narcissa can't even close her mouth as I start to cum, my thick seed coating her face as she shuts her eyes, flinching back as it strikes her and slowly drips down her face.

Some of it lands in her open mouth, but she should be used to the taste already.

The sound of a click makes her open her eyes in shock and look up to see Yen holding an enchanted camera in her hands as she smiles down at her cum-stained sister.

"Now then, that's a good start but let's move into the main course." Yen says, swishing her wand and spinning Narcissa around, the ropes spreading her legs wide as her ass and pussy are exposed.

…her wet pussy, making Yen outright laugh as I line myself up, dragging my length along her dripping slit.

"Just a moment, my dear." Yen says, swishing her wand and flipping Narcissa face up as I look down into her reluctantly flushed cheeks. "Aww, the little slut wants this." Yen says, dismissing the gag as I line myself back up.

Narcissa stays silent as I continue to grind myself against her cunt, waiting for the impalement. I narrow my eyes, pulling back and aiming just a little bit lower, her eyes widening as she feels my bulbous head push against her asshole.

"W-wait, Gray… please, just use my pussy instead." Narcissa says quickly as she feels my tip prodding against her rosebud, ready to thrust.

"Oh? Is someone a little afraid of taking this big cock into her tight little ass?" Yen taunts, moving back behind me as she removes her corset and presses her breasts against my back, her hands wrapping around my waist.

"Of course I am, I've never let Lucius use… that hole, and he's bigger than anyone I have ever taken before." Narcissa bites back, looking up at me. "Please, I'm sorry I spied on you, but just use my other holes."

"Beg me, make it convincing." I say, staring down at her. She does need to learn her place.

Narcissa's eyes widen in shock at my cold words, but as I slowly start to push forwards, the first inch starting to sink into her ass she quickly obeys.

"P-please Gray, fuck my s-slutty cunt, make me your whore and breed my married pussy." Narcissa says quickly as I pause, a wince of pain on her face that eases as I start to move back. "I want it, I haven't been able to stop thinking about your massive cock since you took me. Give it to me, take my horny pussy and make me yours. I'll do anything for it."

"Oh? Anything?" I ask, a growing smirk on my face making her hesitate before she feels me start to push forwards again, making her nod rapidly. "Mom, lower her onto the coffee table, I want you to sit on her face while I fuck her." I say, making Narcissa's eyes widen as she glances over at the wickedly smirking Yen.

I can see the indecision in her eyes as she looks between us, but as Yen pushes her thong down and climbs onto the coffee table, lowering her own wet pussy down onto Narcissa's face, I see the resignation on her face as her tongue slowly slips out and starts to lap at Yen's slit.

Readjusting my aim, I chuckle as I sink into Narcissa's soaked slit, bottoming out in a single thrust watching her tits bounce, as I start to fuck her.

The ropes have already bound her to the table, leaving her unable to do anything but lay there and take the fucking, her tongue reluctantly lapping at Yen as she moans in satisfaction.

"Ooh, you've done this before, if I knew how skilled you were I would have put you in your place before. You can't scheme as much when your mouth is so busy, can you?" Yen taunts, stopping as I lean forwards and kiss her roughly.

Narcissa is reduced to just a plaything for us both to enjoy as my tongue dances with Yen's, my hands moving around her body and grabbing her firm ass.

"Mhmm, such a loving son, thinking of his mother." Yen teases as she breaks the kiss, grinding her hips against her little sisters face, giving me a soft smile as she starts to moan faster, her hips speeding up as she grinds her pussy against Narcissa's mouth, the lapping tongue having slipped inside her as Narcissa reluctantly pleasures her hated older sister.

Yen cums with a long drawn-out moan, her juices dripping into Narcissa's mouth, forcing her to swallow them since she can't actually move away.

Speeding up myself, I grip Narcissa's tits as they bounce around, quickly bottoming out inside her as I groan, my balls contracting and my dick twitching as I pump my seed into her.

I can feel her tighten down on my cock as she reluctantly cums herself, her body enjoying the abuse we are putting her through.

As Yen moves from her face, Narcissa looks like a mess, her makeup and hair are ruined, her flushed face is covered in my cum and Yen's juices as she pants and looks up at us in a mixture of lust, disgust and anger.

"I-is it over?" Narcissa asks, her voice quiet. "C-can I go home?"

Grasping my still rock hard length, I slap it against her cunt a couple of times making her eyes widen.

"Do I look done?" I ask as Yen grins at her sister, making her gasp as I immediately line myself back up and slide right back in.

Lucius (Next Morning)

As he sat eating his breakfast, the floo flared up drawing his attention, his eyes widening as Narcissa stumbled out of it, utterly naked except for a black leather collar around her neck.

She looked… ruined, cum covering just about every part of her body as it slowly dripped out of her clearly well-fucked vagina, leaking down her leg and dripping into their expensive rug as she looked at him tiredly.

Her makeup was utterly ruined, long black streaks running down her cheeks, barely visible under the cum, and her hair was stained with semen as well.

"You knew this would happen?" Narcissa accused, her voice weak from a night of screaming and moaning as Lucius nodded.

"Your sister made it clear she intended to hurt your pride, was this all just Grayson?" Lucius asked, looking over the cum coating her body.

It looked like she'd been taken by a dozen men, not one.

"Yes, he and my sister took great pleasure in… teaching me my place." Narcissa drawled, glaring at him. "And they've made it clear that they will do so again, and again and again."

"I see, go get yourself cleaned up Narcissa, and remove the collar, we can't have you seen like this and I have business partners visiting soon." Lucius said idly, carefully ignoring his painfully hard cock.

Yennefer herself took part… would it be too much to try and get the pensieve memory?


Classes pass quickly, my spare wand feeling uncomfortable in my hand. It's a match, so it works, but it's not a perfect match like my old one was and it shows.

I'll have to go to Diagon Alley sometime soon and get my hands on a new wand to replace the one that the bastard bloodsucker broke.

But I'm talented enough to make do with a spare, it just makes my spells a little weaker, and slower to cast.

In truth, it helps lower some of the attention I am getting, but I'd rather have a proper wand anyway.

As Ancient Runes finishes, I'm technically supposed to have Etiquette lessons tonight but well, I left my teacher in a puddle of sweat and cum this morning and I got the message that this lesson has been cancelled while she recovers.

So I have a free night to do as I wish, Keira is up to her usual games as she continues her little smuggling ring, when she isn't working on rituals for me.

I know she doesn't need the money, she just finds it funny to smuggle alcohol and contraband into the school, and I'm fairly certain she has blackmail material on a few people due to it as well.

As I walk through the halls, I see someone gesturing for me to follow them into a classroom, and since I have an auror bodyguard I decide to see what they want.

"Wasn't that one of the Weasley kids? Eh, that should be fine, I'll wait here, just make a bang if you need me." Tonks says easily, clearly confused about what Fred Weasley wants with me as I enter the room, spotting both twins waiting for me.

"Is there something I can do for you two?" I ask bluntly, making George grin.

"Oddly enough, yes there is! You can give us the money you won from us back." George says as I pause, staring at him.

"First of all, I won that fair and square." I blatantly lied, I was cheating my ass off but so were they. "Second of all, I gave that pocket change away."

I thought Juliet could use some spending money, so I gave it to her.

"Thirdly, why would I do that?" I finish, making Fred smirk.

"Because you don't want people to know just how many people you're fucking? You know, you and Keira spend quite a bit of time in bed together for a brother and sister, in the bathroom as well for that matter. Then there's Tracey, Pansy, Healer Shani, among others." Fred says, making me narrow my eyes. "And what were you and Morrigan doing sneaking off into the forest together? You both had a nice lie-in the next day, didn't you, Busy night?"

"…Are you trying to blackmail me?" I ask with a blank stare.

"Succeeding actually, unless you want your sisters to have some awkward questions to answer. You said it yourself, it's pocket change to you, so why don't you just get some of your spending money and give us the money you cheated us out of back?" George asks, making me pause as I stare them down.

The moment we make eye contact, I enter his mind and start to search.

What the fuck is the Marauders Map? Hmm, interesting.

Ahh, they lent it back from Rose Potter who they gave it to last year? They've been using this artefact to spy on my actions.

"You really think trying to blackmail me with an auror right outside is a good idea?" I ask with a growing smirk, boiling rage pushed down as they hesitate before they smirk together.

"You don't want this to become public."

"I have two things to say to you, fools. One, prove it. Two, Accio Marauders Map." I say, watching it jump from Fred's robes and fly towards me.

It's a useful artefact, truly it is… but I'm pissed, and a small ball of purple flames strikes the parchment making both their eyes widen in utter horror as the enchanted map is turned to ashes, Fred shouting in disbelief.

"I want you both to know that you have doomed your family, the Raum-Black family will not be threatened by a pathetic group of paupers like the Weasley's. I hope your father isn't too attached to his job." I say coldly, a purple flame hovering over my hand as they both freeze, suddenly remembering that I have blood on my hands.

I'm going to see their family destroyed, utterly and completely for trying this shit.

"Gray, you alright?!" Nym shouts as she bursts in, wand in hand.

"I'm fine, just dealing with a frankly pathetic attempt at blackmail by a pair of fools. As for you two, when I destroy your family, remember that you started this. Say hi to Potter for me." I say, turning and walking out of the room with a sneer as Nym looks between us in confusion before she chases after me.

"Gray! What the hell was that about?" Nym shouts as she chases after me, making me stop.

"That was me dealing with an irritant. They thought they could use my sexual relationships to blackmail me for money, I destroyed the tool they'd been using to spy on me and I'll handle it. I'm not pressing charges, I dare them to try to do so, you don't need to worry yourself about it." I deadpan, making Nym pause with a confused expression.

"I need to report this, even if you don't want to press charges. You're a person of interest, the Minister wants you protected. Merlin, what were they thinking?" Nym mutters.

"Feel free, it'll only hurt Arthur Weasley if you tell the ministry, they might leak my relationships but honestly I don't give a shit." I deadpan, uncaring as I carefully suppress the growing urge to go back and incinerate them both with my occlumency.

I can see the indecision on her face before she nods to herself.

"You have the enchanted mirror to call for help if anything happens, right?" Nym asks, making me nod lazily. "I'll be back, maybe tonight, or tomorrow if not. Fucking hell this is gonna be a mess."

"Good luck, I'm heading back to my room anyway." I say, making her nod before she pauses and gives me a playful smirk

"Also… sexual relationships? I want details when I get back you little devil." Nym teases, though her heart obviously isn't in it.

"I'll give you a first hand demonstration, you need only ask 'cuz'." I deadpan back, making her laugh as her hair flashes through a dozen colours, turning and walking away with a sway to her hips.

Heading back about my day, I calmly plan how I'm going to destroy the Weasley family, before another person interrupts my scheming as she subtly gestures for me to follow her.

Watching the olive skinned girl slip into the currently empty charms classroom, I pause for a moment before I follow her.

I swear if this is another attempt at blackmail I'm killing her and incinerating the corpse.

Entering, I look over the shy girl with curious eyes. I recognise Blaise Zabini, even if she keeps very much to herself, but I also have Margarita's warning on the forefront of my mind.

"It's a pleasure to speak with you, Lord Raum, I have a message for you, on behalf of my mother." Blaise says with a curtsy, nervous as she stares up at me.

"And what would that be?" I ask, staring at her as she shakes slightly, she's a bundle of nerves.

"My mother, Lady Zabini, would like to invite you to our manor to discuss a private matter and an offer, she promises that it'll be worth your time whether you accept the offer or not." Blaise says nervously.

"Oh really? When does she want me to visit?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Any night, whenever you are free." Blaise says quickly.

This is probably a bad idea but damn am I curious.

I want to get a better idea of what the Lodge members are like anyway.

"Well then, shall we go to my floo now?" I ask with a smirk, her eyes widening.


Blaise went ahead to tell her mother to expect me, and then sent a message through that they were ready for me. Closing my book, I head to the floo and leave the school again.

They've given me free access to their manor, a permission that usually only family has and as I call out the manor name it lets me through immediately making me pause as I step through, getting my first glimpse of Natalina.

She's beautiful, and from the first glance I can see why she's managed to convinced so many men to marry her, even with the trail of corpses she's left in her wake. As the she smiles at me, olive skin showing her Spanish Heritage, a disadvantage in the Wizengamot, but looking over her as she lays on the couch facing me, utterly naked, it doesn't feel like a disadvantage as she gives me a sultry smile.

Blaise is standing next to her, also naked and clearly very nervous as she covers her breasts for a moment before she moves her arms aside.

"Lord Raum, welcome to the Zabini Manor, you have my utmost gratitude for accepting my offer." Natalina says as she rises, strutting towards me with swaying hips and bouncing breasts.

"Well, if I knew I'd get a welcome like this…" I drawl, looking over their naked bodies.

"I thought long and hard about how to welcome a demon lord of lust, don't worry Blaise knows not to say anything, she'll be joining the Lodge when she graduates." Natalina says as she stops inches away from me, her breasts almost touching my chest. "And what better way than to make sure he has plenty of nubile willing bodies to slate his lusts on. But I prepared more than just myself, My Lord Raum, please, follow me." Natalina says as she turns and walks away with swaying hips.

That explains Blaise's fear, and as I glance at her she flinches back, but I follow Natalina's curvy ass instead and follow her into her basement as she smiles at me.

"I've studied demons long and hard to work out what the proper sacrifice would be for summoning a demon lord like you, and while offering my body and the body of my daughter to you is a start, I realised it wouldn't be enough to make it worth your time." Natalina starts as she opens up a door and walks inside. "When dealing with a demon lord, you can't be cheap after all."

Entering behind her, I pause mid-step as I look into the obvious prison cell she has in her cellar… occupied by a fairly large family, all naked and in chains as they stare back.

The man who must be the father angrily shouts something in… Russian to us, but I don't speak Russian and I have no idea what he's saying.

"Your sacrifices, Lord Raum. I wasn't sure about your preferences so I made sure to get a selection. The daughters are virgins, the mother obviously isn't but she's rather attractive for a muggle." Natalina explains, making me turn to her in well hidden shock. "Is this a satisfactory sacrifice for you to listen to my requests, Lord Raum? I can acquire more easily enough, should you desire." Natalina says with a deep bow.

…what the fuck.

- Bonus Scene – Philippa

"Was that truly necessary, Yennefer?" Philippa asked, not even looking up towards Yen as she entered.

Why bother, she was blind after all.

"Was using my sister as a tool to manipulate my son necessary?" Yen asked in return, making her laugh as she carefully carved runes into a gemstone.

"Of course, or have you forgotten that our plans involved manipulating Grayson? Of course, that used to be the role of you and Triss, before you both lost your nerves." Philippa deadpanned. "I simply had to work around this new issue, because we have put decades of preparations into Grayson, plans going back years before Geralt knocked you up. Do you think we'd throw away years of effort and millions of galleons worth of preparations just because you grew a conscience?" Philippa said coldly, finally turning to Yen as she gave her a stare, the blindfold doing nothing to hide her disdain.

"You realise I'd kill you to protect Gray, right?" Yen asked, crackling with lightning, as Philippa scoffed.

Internally, a shiver of fear went through her as she realised that if Yennefer decided to attack her, she would almost certainly die, Yennefer was definitely the strongest member of the Lodge when it came to pure magical power.

"I'm sure you would, but you know all too well I can't risk anything happening to your little wonder child, Radovid's hold on my soul gets stronger with every passing month, I need Grayson, why would I hurt him?" Philippa said bluntly. "I simply want to guide him, as you were supposed to do."

"I am advising him, but Grayson is smart enough to not need someone guiding him, especially since I know your preferred method of guidance involves putting a leash on your lucky subject." Yennefer hissed, making Philippa stare back blankly.

She wasn't wrong, she was… firm with her apprentices, but was that so wrong?

"If you think I'm foolish enough to try and leash a demon lord, you are vastly underestimating my common sense. Even the least prideful demon lord would tear me limb from limb for the act, and Grayson is growing powerful quickly, soon enough he'll be stronger than me. He's not some disobedient apprentice I can scold and discipline, he's a demon lord and must be treated as such. I've learnt my lesson about trying to outsmart demon lords." Philippa said bluntly, gesturing at her missing eyes.

"If I catch any more of your minions trying to manipulate Gray, I'm killing them and then you." Yen warned, making her smile.

"I believe you, you should know that Zabini has a scheme of her own, I have nothing to do with it, I just decided not to do anything about it." Philippa said idly, making Yen pause before she sighed.

"To test Gray?" Yen asked, making her laugh.

"Of course, you've kept me away from Gray, so I need to gather information through second-hand sources. If Gray can be manipulated then he'll need more training before he starts to deal with other demons." Philippa reasoned. "Natalina's scheme won't seriously hurt him, even if it succeeds, so it's a good test."

"…I hate how often I agree with you." Yen deadpanned, making her laugh as she went back to creating her masterpiece, the purple gem glowing softly as she placed it on the end of the dark wooded staff.

"Many people do, it's a consequence of being right so often while not being willing to sugar coat things." Philippa said idly, she'd never particularly cared about being liked.

Author's Note: Kept you waiting, huh? Sorry, but Supervillain is too much fun to write.

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