
Where's Your Brainrot Now?

Eins was obviously not impressed by what he had tried to do and kicked him in between his legs without mercy.

It seems like Eins had buffed herself because I heard a distinctly loud 'crack' from the blow and the poor dude doubled over in pain before collapsing on the ground and curling up into a ball.

She then proceeded to continue cutting down the other puppets like nothing happened, leaving the Off-Worlder groaning on the floor pathetically.

I went over to him and squatted down, "Hey… So you ready to give up yet or something? I don't think you stand a chance at all at this point."

The only response I got from him was a pained groan.

Hmm… Guess I shouldn't be expecting him to answer any questions for the time being.

Anyway… If that was his plan on trying to turn the tables on me… I guess I was worried for nothing.

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