
First Visit To a Church (*R)

I went out of the school and asked one of the passers-by for directions to the closest church.

For some reason, that guy gave me a weird look before directing me to a few streets down the road where a church was supposedly located.

Following the directions given to me, I eventually found myself at a relatively small white building with spires at its sides and a grand double door with gold trims along the edges.

Outside, there was a statue of a person I did not recognised but I assumed it was supposed to be the god this church was built for..

It was hard to tell the gender of the god since the statue depicted them wearing a long robe and a hood thrown over their head, but the statue definitely looked Mahun to me.

I chanced a look around the area and there weren't any people visiting the church it seems. Either today was a day that most people do not visit the church or this might be an unpopular god in this city.

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