
Birthday Dance

Om nom nom nom~

So many sweets~ It's endless~

Ahhhh~ This is bliss~

I don't even know why everyone just started queueing up to feed me sweets but I most definitely wasn't complaining at all~

To think I was even worrying about whether I had enough things planned to entertain my guests when they all unanimously decided that feeding me sweets was somehow the most interesting thing to do.

I would have thought it was a prank or something at first but I decided it didn't really matter since I was getting sweets anyway.

Plus, I don't think Odeta, Delmare and Lisa would have joined in if this was meant to make fun of me, would they?

That's why I just went ahead to enjoy all the sweets being offered to me without complaint until all the sweets had ran out.

They really fed me all the sweets that were prepared for the party it seems… Did they even try any of it themselves?

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